Would you a Quarian?
Would you a Quarian?
No, I find her fingers/toes and face disgusting
but not Tali
Hell no
>family-oriented conservatively dressed space gypsies without the attitude or disgusting bodies that gypsies have
They're made for loving.
is there any good quarian cosplay porn?
Without a doubt, yea.
I would cum inside of her so many times she would actually get pregnant.
What do they actually look like under the suit?
I would cum inside her so many times that the repeated exposure to foreign substances would kickstart her body's immune system
who cares, i´d fuck her right through the suit
>video game alien women
>this race looks like human women except they have more fingers and their skin is purple
>this race looks like human women except they are really small and their skin is green
>this race looks like human women except they have small horns on the back of their head and their skin is red
>this race looks like human women except they have a split tongue and snake-like skin
I still would.
convergent evolution senpai
>posting SJW games is now allowed on my Sup Forums
I want neofags out.
I'd pay to see a Geth rape a Quarian. When the Quarian begs for mercy, for it to stop, it would just coldly inform the whore that it's going to keep going until its power supply dries up, which wont be for hours yet
That stupid fucking picture never happened, and I would happily a Tali
Tali is not for lewd.
But someone else yes.
Jack is love.Jack is life.
So how long did it take for the Quarian's immune systems to recover, with the geth's help?
Good man. Wise man.
Never. Happened.
Because aliens on another planet would totally have the same evolutionary pressure and extinction events like we on earth
I'd just about anything female shaped that loved me back.
No, because I don't want to wake up with all of my credits gone. Never trust these disgusting space gypsies.
According to the Law of Averages technically that has to have happened somewhere in the universe. Our own galaxy is another story though.
This, unfortunately. There are very few good examples of Quarians, like Tali and Koris. Xen is a fucking psychopath, Gerrel is a warmonger, and Raan is literally a doormat who can't raise her voice to save her life (or race)
>a game where you play as a space Chad who is constantly crushing space pussy is now SJW
the absolute state of Sup Forums
I have a fetish over masked girls so hell yeah
Yeah they fucked up with the Talia reveal. Just do what I do and pretend the picture was more like one of the much better fan-ideas for what Quarians look like.
I'm kind of a fan of this one
I want to fuck the admiral with the hot old lady Indian voice.
I can't actually watch The Expanse because her voice gives me a boner but obviously she's old and gross.
Tali also literally a genocidal lunatic who secretly betrays shepard to secretly ship off geth back to the fleet so they can torture them. There's not a single example of a quarian who doesn't deserve to die in the entire game. I was happy when they all inexplicably decided to mass-suicide at the end, and when she jumped I let her fall. Her entire people are evil and stupid to the core. Fuck them.
I'm more of a titguy but Tali is the only ass I appreciate in vidya.
I'd anally ravage Tali so hard that she'd die of septic shock which would lead to her bowels relaxing and shitting on my dick.
>made vaguely in their image yet superior in every way
>Genocidal lunatic
>The girl who ends up befriending a geth, and is actually sad when Legion dies
>Has no idea of what her father is getting into until the Admiralty show her in the worst way possible
>Literally the most innocent member of the squad
Bait/10, made me reply
Talifaggotry is the worst thing ME fandom ever produced. Moreover, the fact that Bioware caved in to that is a proof they jumped the shark.
Where do I go for the best tali SFM webms
>She keeps showing up in shit I watch
Punisher, X-Men, Grimm. It's more fun when I can't see her face but can recognize that voice instantly
I would a female Turian but she's stuck in a shitty game.
Vetra deserves better.
quarians are literally space niggers
>Not Liara
>Literally the only waifu that can't die, unless you fuck up the endgame of 3
No matter how bad Talifags are, Liarafags and Liara herself are so much worse
>the same evolutionary pressure and extinction events
what's that got to do with anything
but yeah, it's very possible that producing a lifeform that develops a sophisticated civilization requires they be identical to us in all but the most shallow terms
>Not Krogan
>Literally the space dindus
Quarians are the gypsies, not the niggers
>I've literally never seen a Batarian
>I want to KILL ALL NIGGERS, except one I personally know
>this makes me not a genocidal lunatic
>Best girl in the game, aside from maybe your autistic sister
>No sex scene
Vetra got fucked hard. No fun allowed by SJWare
>t. blight
Humans are the niggers of the ME universe.
The entire ME shipper "community" of vaguely human failures is a neverending stream of cancer.
shut up and post more alien ass
I want to restrain her, force of her mask, and cum on her face
>not cumming on her mask
Meh... I've never had sympathy for the toasters. I only let them live because it was a choice that wouldn't hurt the Quarians.That and use them as cannon fodder against the Reapers.
The only toaster that i liked was EDI.
>not taking off her mask, cumming on the inside, and making her wear it
How else will I spread my human taint and give her some form of space aids?
The fact that they actively help the quarians if they both live is the only reason not to wipe them out. Hopefully, they can help the majority of quarians not be shit while they're at it
>MFW, no matter what, the game will end with at least two characters surviving, and they have to be Kaiden/Ashley, Lioara, or James.
I just want to save the galaxy, with no survivors!
Reminder that this is canon and so is Andromeda
Forgot pic.
Would you a brute? Would a brute you?
Does it really matter if Andromeda is canon though?
Sangheili are way better.
Mass Effect is dead anyway
Elites are superior.
Without the asteroid slamming into Mexico Dinosaurs would still be alive and mammals would have never been given a chance. So yes extinction events were a big part in shaping our planets lifeforms.
Elites are dumb, DUMB!
>you will never be sat on by a female sangheili as she establishes her dominance over you
has nothing to do with convergent evolution however
It's not fair.
>literally just a human with face paint
You're part of the problem
oh my fuck yes
why don't human females look more like these, bros?
Only if she looks like this.
>>kills herself in front of you
>ass implants
Degeneracy is off the scales
>human with forehead flaps
How original
should've scaled down those ears jesus christ
also not a fan of dreadlock/human kerrigan thing going on
>implying jack wouldn't be down with a threeway
I would a Quarian out the airlock. Humans only.
so are we just pretending no one has porn of her?