Expansion theme is faction vs. faction wars

>expansion theme is faction vs. faction wars
>give Alliance a highly-desired race you once had to roll Horde to play (and the only reason Horde population rivals Alliance population #s at all)
>also give said equalizer race the best racial abilities in the game bar none, both for PvP and PvE
>and also give them unique animated colorful hair, combat forms, cool armor, cool voice actors, everything you possibly can to make the Horde version seem like an inferior choice

dude horde bias lmao

Other urls found in this thread:


>play ugly monster villain team
>be surprised when the dev makes you lose

Now alliance can get a taste of those horrible belf players.


>expansion theme is faction vs. faction wars

No the theme of this expansion is Deus Vult all Horde niggers for doing nothing but brutalizing the Azeroth natives all this time. By the end of this expansion Horde won't even exist and anyone who plays them will be forced to delete their characters and either roll Alliance or go play Hello Kitty Island Adventure. It's about fucking time too since that hack Metzen made the game a Horde circle jerk from vanilla until his retirement.

this, fuck horde

Yeah but Horde are getting Night elves so it balances out

You do realize that those BE players were Alliancefags back in Vanilla, right?

>the Azeroth natives

>posts ugly mutants
fuck off, humans and night elves were here first

Night Elves are literally mutated trolls, m8.

>noncanon faggotry

typical horde dindu

>Horde get the fourth most "popular" Alliance race

you retard trolls became nightelves, when they bath in the well of eternity

We are getting upright Orcs, some dark skinned Night Elf waifus, and steroid trolls.

How can Alliance fags even fathom that void elf twinks will save them.

Absolutely laughable.

this is current faction numbers, about 50-50

now cut the blood elves in half and put them on the alliance part


t. nigger

It doesn't even matter, they are removing PVP.


>We are getting upright Orcs

Seriously? that's about a decade too late. Which faction will they be?

Take a wild fucking guess nigger

anyone got the compilation of Fem Voidelf?

I meant which sub-set of orc, like Highmountain Tauren or Void elf, but they are just getting a new model.

Lok'tar Oga-

Is this fapbait for ants?


Oh it was gay donut steel for ants, you can shrink it back.

t. furry

>give Alliance a highly-desired race
literally who?

This is how the Zandalari model looks like. I'm switching to Horde.

Didn't think I'd be so down for void elves until I saw their over powered racials. God damn shit is gonna be fun AND I get to play on the good guy side.

so what do their racial do?
i only found the names

God bless /garbage/.
That artist should do more.


description is cancer but he looks kinda sexy

>horde niggers

WoW just needs to remove all elves.
Like 80% of characters are either elves or humans

>this is current faction numbers

It actually isn't, at all. realmpop is wildly inaccurate.

Finally I can roleplay as best dad from modern family

where da full pic at

They need to do a better job of making the other races look good. They're doing the right thing by making orcs stand up straight. Hopefully forsaken come next.

If 80% of the player base is elves or humans, then just remove them both.

>allience is made up of degenerates
no wonder they are shit

>join horde
>immediately devolve

they should remove humans

muh noble savages

they are, at this point you cannot argue other wise

in TBC and Wrath you could have made the argument they were just misunderstood and wanted to have their own homeland.

But ever since MoP the horde has straight up been villainous

Through Worgen knot - Unity

Horde get:
>Nightborne, a race that was heavily involved in lore this expansion and has an entire zone and city dedicated to them.
>Highmountain tauren, a race that also had an entire zone and big town dedicated to them.
>Mother fucking Zandalari trolls
Plus straight backed troll and orc options.

Meanwhile, Allaince gets:
>Void elves, something no one asked for, didn't even exist until BfA and is a slap in the face for people who have been asking for high elves for years.
>Draenei with bits of gold stuck to their bodies.
>Edgy dwarves that no one gives a damn about.

Also, the loss of Teldrassil is much bigger than the loss of Undercity. One is a beautiful and unique location, the other is decrepit ruin that's half sewer and is dripping with slime.

>Edgy dwarves that no one gives a damn about.

Wrathbaby please depart

Honestly, dark iron dwarves and zandalari are the only races i care about, poofter elves can suck a dick

What is your end game? False flagging?

I hope Sylvannas doesn't forget to blight Undercity when is lost.

noble savage meme needs to die along with everyone who likes it. it makes literally anything it shows up in worse by its mere presence.

this is on point.

t. right here

>alliance get fav horde race
>horde don't even get felforged draenei or something to slut it up as
I'm genuinely offended.

>False flagging?
False flagging of what?

Fuck you.

>straight backed troll
not true, only orcs, zandalari is the only straight back trolls horde gets
>didn't even exist until BfA
also not true, they were put in during legion

Horde also just got dominance over the Broken Isles with the Highmountain and Nightborne. As far as territory goes the Horde won out.

Horde get:
>Not one but TWO night elf reskins
>Tauren except with antlers on their heads

Meanwhile alliance get
>Edgy elves with glowing hair
>A skin option for dwarves that should have been available since launch
>New horn options for draenei

Subraces are just shit all around. Give me shit like naga or some other race you can't already play if you want me to give a fuck.


>Edgy dwarves that no one gives a damn about.
>The entire first half of vanilla dedicated to them

Begone faggot


People have been asking for dark iron dwarves for 13 years soyboy

I need my dark ironfu warrior.

where da full pic at

tbqh they should just give the opportunity to play all races. Everyone on azeroth wants to get rid of sargeras so the excuse is there

>they should add more humans

Fixed it for you

Go back from whence you came.

>more human from the kingdoms of Generica
no thanks

art imitates life

>no wildhammer dwarves

You mean /fit/, soyboy?

>mfw OP racials to encourage people to pay for race change
>mfw blizzard ignores all threads pointing to the obvious for about half a year before replying and admitting that they are working on improving racials for vanilla races
>mfw 6 months of hundreds of thousands of players paying $30 so they can switch their faction to the new pretty race
even EA is envious of blizzard tactis.

>unique animated colorful hair
>this makes blood elves inferior choice

Looks like I'll be sticking with belves since sucking dicks isn't really my thing.

Just level a new character in a few days, literally nothing forcing you to pay for race change.

>but m-muh cheevos

>Dark Iron Dwarves

How can Horde fuccbois even compete?

It's hilarious when elves think they're not all inherently fags.

I'm pretty sure they stated you can change to your subrace for free if its available, also visible in the recent string updates seen on mmo-champions.

>People have been asking for dark iron dwarves for 13 years
Literally never heard or seen anyone mention this ever but alright.

but you can't switch factions for free. horde babies about to abandon monster side in droves. the only thing that kept them around was blood elves, and now that's no longer an exclusive deal.

They'll probably be added in a post expansion patch since they've said they'll continue to release more allied races and the simple reskin ones like other dorfs and orcs seem like obvious choices to work on for regular content patches.

holy fuck am i glad i can be a bald nightborne

>focusing on eye candy instead of fixing the shitty as fuck gameplay

They haven't learned a thing from Legion's flop. Sub numbers are gonna go up for the release and then plummet to the ground again when initial hype wears off and people realize they're still stuck with retarded gameplay that made them quit in the first place.

This image is shit
>walk 10 meters to the left of that troll
>big dick Tauren also named Chad

good god this kind of pic would get you laughed off the site like 8 years ago

void elf body muscles looks pretty fucked up

>horde might lose a large percentage of its piece of shit blood elf population to alliance edgy fuck boy replacements
Good fucking riddance.

>no one plays horde anymore
>every activity in the game becomes AV, stomping hordecucks and reigning supreme

Fuck me It's been a while since I've seen Team America. Fucking strange looking back remembering Kim Jong Ill.

full pic, now.


alliance kiddos on suicide watch

thats not even the updated model bud

>all the trannyfags will reroll Alliance
>can play Horde again without degenerates shitting it up


>Horde get Suramar + High mountain

Fug yes

>Expansion theme is faction vs faction
>let players turn off pvp.

Bravo blizzard.

>join Horde