>Bethesda's """""""""""""""""cities""""""""""""""""""
Bethesda's """""""""""""""""cities""""""""""""""""""
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Hey underage fag , if you played Morrowind you would know that is just nu bethesda bull shit. You could get lost in morrowind cities
being interior cells was supposed to make them bigger, but theyre all pretty much shit. i want to know how these cities get food if you cant step 5 feet into a road without monsters appearing
Some of the big mods make actual massive cities and it's pretty interesting. Bethesda should focus more on cities and less on empty land.
Was Witcher any better?
Is it always you making these threads?
Or is it popping into your head
probably all the farms directly outside the gates.
>user's ”"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""post”"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
Oh, it took years, but Nazeem earned his way to the top. He owns Chillfurrow Farm, you see. Very successful business. Obviously.
I still regularly got lost in Whiterun
Not to mention Windhelm, boy that one is a nightmare
You could get lost in the mansions in the morrowind cities
Kind of. It still suffered from the fact that in the games, everyone but Geralt was a shitter, that couldn't kill a fucking cockroach if it was half dead already, which in turn destroyed all atmosphere in the displayed world.
But yes, the cities and villages not only look realistically medieval, but also like they could function in reality. The richer parts of the cities are unrealistically large in comparison, but that is just a minor gripe when compared to other games' cities. You should also take Blood and Wine less seriously in this comparison, because it was meant to appear as a happy Disneyland on the surface...
It was designed for 7th gen consoles, which had only 512MB RAM.
Witcher games focus on one town or City. Witcher 1 had vezima.. Not the entire city but a piece of it (still large) and it ended up feeling just right. Witcher 2 had no City but a rather large town and a populated ruin which was neat. Witcher 3 City of novigrad was the best I've seen in games for a while. Very populated with many buildings (can't go in all of them) and believable infrastructure.
Is it time to point out how garbage modern Bethesda is?
This game came out in 2002 and the city has more buildings, content, quests, unique NPCs, secrets, more attention to details, better architecture, better design, more life in it etc.
And it has 0 loading screens, it's integrated into the main open world so you can move freely in and out of the city. Meanwhile Whiterun is an entire fucking separate cell with a loading screen which means that it uses very little resources so the devs could go crazy with it. And yet it's so lazy, copy+pasted, empty and sad. This is pure fucking laziness and it's sad and funny at the same time.
Furthermore, every single building in the city from a 2002 game is accessible without a single loading screen, while every single building in Whiterun - which already has a loading screen, also has a loading screen.
I don't remember loading screens in Skyrim when entering cities. When entering buildings yeah but not into cities. And Morrowind doesn't have loading screens when going into buildings? I have a hard time believing that.
I never got the complaints about city sizes in Skyrim. That was one of the things I felt they did well in.
Historically accurate depictions of vikings had them living in very small towns. The biggest settlements couldn't have been anymore than a couple dozen longhouses. The Nords are essentially vikings, so this seems quite genuine to me.
Gentle reminder
the reason why these are so tiny is because they always feel the need to cram an entire province into one game, of course they need to scale things down or we end up with even more of the game being procedurally generated garbage just to fill the stuff inbetween
I think if they kept the size of the playable area around the same, but reduced the scale so it doesn't span an entire country but just a smaller region in that country with two or three really big cities and the wilderness + several villages inbetween it would be really good. Think GTA San Andreas size.
Funny how fishing village in DD is bigger than one the biggest city in Skyrim
Theres about 13 too many circles in that pic.
looks like the place from lord of the rings
this. if they would have made le huge epic cities but empty or sparse content we would rightfully complain about 'where the hell is the game'. in skyrim pretty much every house and its inhabitants have a history or small quest
>My attention span is so low if there isn't something in every little shitty hut in the "city" I will get bored
>my attention span is so low if there isn't something in every shitty corner of the map I will get bored
Same argument can be used for Skyrim's large space between cities or towns.
>I don't remember loading screens in Skyrim when entering cities.
they are there.
you can mod them out.
Does Elder Scrolls Online fair any better?
you will love star citizen, entire empty planets for all your attention spans
>this is the starting town in morrowind.
When did it all go wrong?
And you will probably enjoy no mans sky , every planet is unique and full of shit to do
What mod is this, Tamriel rebuilt? Only ever went to one city in that one because I spent the majority of my time getting burnt out on the main game, but it seemed to have very large cities.
voice acting and animations for every little shit convo, instead of pop up texts and stationary npcs makes a huge difference
>he needs a quest for it to be content
the real brainlet
>just make your own fun bro
How many thousands of hours have you put into Minecraft?
too bad 90% of those buildings are just inaccessible props so they might as well not be there
CDPR mislead people by saying "you can go anywhere there is over 200 openable doors." The city is so big and there is so many doors in a single building that if you were actually able to go into any building it would have to be several thousand openable doors
just play Star Citizen if you want to access every prop on screen, dummy
So much better.
b-b-b-ut every building doesn't have an associated quest so it's useless!!
>posting Balmora
>not Vivec
I forgot Sup Forums doesn't play games.
Nazeem lives inside my black star
>uses the game with the greatest cities in any game and wonders why others are not as good
Run as fast as Usain right now faggot.
Literally 90% of Vivec is empty.
Bethesda has no excuse for all those loading times, except maybe consoles, but then again it's their fault they casualized the series and developed it for consoles in the first place.
Also, the layout of Whiterun is absolutely terrible.
But they needed distinct "districts" for their 5 houses! Real city culture developing here!
It's also the only fucking city in the game and has considerably less environmental clutter. If it had fewer quests or content than Whiterun, it'd be a fucking travesty.
the flaw in skyrim isnt the scaling down which has always been an accepted fact in rpgs it's the ineptitude of the writing and the shallowness of the gameplay
>not circling the Morag Tong guildhall
>or all of the Thieves' Guild targets
>or the Council Club
But Nazeem's house and the Drunken Huntsman are really that important.
>It's also the only fucking city in the game
that's false, and even a shitty farm with 5 buildings in it still has more content in it than Whiterun
Damn nigga that's comfy
you can only go into 3 of those buildings
>i want a town to be literally designed to entertainment for eme instead of just housing people
Anyone else get the sense of feeling trapped when playing Bethesda games? It might sound weird, but I feel like I'm being stifled somewhat, that I already know all the limitations of the game, thus it's just not fun. For some reason I just cannot suspend my disbelief.
If you want to talk about big cities, you should play Daggerfall. Daggerfall has settlements that range from simple homesteads to full on cities with hundreds of buildings, shops, and guilds
The mercenaries' farm isn't a city unless you're calling any settled location a city. It's barely a quarter the size of Khorinis.
There's an equilibrium you have to achieve here and having too many inaccessible buildings can make the player feel more like the town is designed for their entertainment than being an actual town. So basically the opposite of what you're saying is true.
It also was less financially successful than Oblivion. Money > game quality when it comes to video game business. Why waste 100 hours making a detailed, realistic city when you could spend 50 making Whiterun which will make you more money because babbies grasp such simplicity better?
Haha yeah bro that's why daggerfall is the best game in the series, I mean it's actually pretty realistic how 99.9% of the world is empty banal wilderness and 99% of the houses in the cities cannot be entered because they aren't interesting
Novigrad is fucking huge
..are comfy.
Daggerfall's pretty great, it's better than Skyrim and Oblivion, you can fly while being on a horse in Daggerfall
Does a pic exist where that screenshot is compared to Whiterun but with mods? I think there is a mod like Better Cities for Oblivion
I'm talking about content in it, not size faggot
Old Camp or the Bandit City has more content than any of the smaller cities in Skyrim
Having the illusion of being in a bigger town is just as important. The feeling that the world exists on its own, and isn't just there for the Hero to solve quests in, going door to door not to miss anything.
A "major" city consisting of 15 wooden huts isn't very immersive or believable.
not vanilla. A lot of these buildings and clutter must have been added by mods. I played this game for long enough to know how this cities looks like in the unmodified game.
I'll take 3 enterable houses with no loading screens versus every single building having a loading screen and 98% of them having the same copy+pasted layouts.
Neither is a massive city where almost none of the buildings are accessible. Even if they don't have a quest in them, being able to go inside in a city is a big part of immersion.
But Skyrim also has more large cities than Gothic 2 has settled locations. Guilds alone offer more in terms of straight questing. It's one thing to extol G2 for quality, but Skyrim kills it in terms of quantity.
>quantity is better than quality
Only in Vivec. And Tel Vos. The other cities were all small and straightforward as fuck.
Wanting INFINITE HOUSES is no different from wanting INFINITE QUESTS. Every one you add takes away from the specialness of all the ones you had before. They make hyperreal cities, the ones seen with your mind's eye. All the irrelevant houses you'd see in Daggerfall fade away.
Skyrim goes too far with both cities and guild quests, it's too condensed to convince your mind of the scale of it all.
>Modders Cities
>implying skyrim has either
>This game came out in 2002 and the city has more buildings, more buildings, content, quests, unique NPCs
Holy shit.
Fuck off. I grew up with Arena and Daggerfall, and the cities in all of the post-2000 TES games have been way too small. Completely breaks immersion.
>This game came out in 2002 and the city has more buildings, more buildings, content, quests, unique NPCs
and all of that is quality stuff, not lazy copy+paste quantity stuff
I am not disputing that G2 had higher quality content, dipshit. You're the one who keeps prattling on about how G2 has more "content" when Skyrim has 197 dungeons, 5 cities, and a dozen towns.
That entire argument is one from quantity.
didnt move.jpg
Morrowind's "cities" are a bit more expansive than Skyrim's "cities", but even Morrowind's "cities" are just little towns. Skyrim's "cities" aren't even little towns. The average population of the Skyrim "cities" is like, what, 20 people?
In all seriousness, Bethesda's next TES game really does need to be something extraordinary. I'm talking about something game-changing. With the disappointment that was Oblivion, Skyrim needed to be something special. Skyrim turned out to be very ordinary with absolutely zero replay value. And let's not forget the complete disaster that was Fallout 4. I think there are millions of people who are very turned off by Bethesda now. Skyrim generated well over $2 Billlion dollars in revenue for Bethesda. The gaming world is ready to give Bethesda one last chance to recapture its magic, but Bethesda's future viability will suffer a mortal blow if the next TES game is another mundane and further dumbed-down offering.
>Skyrim has 197 dungeons
My favorite is the one where you go through the ruin, kill a draugr, get a shout and a chest, and go out the conveniently placed exit at the end.
Oh yes because it is so "realistic" when you get to a new city to go door to door entering everyones home uninvited and looting everything while looking for quests to kill rats in the cellar
>"What do I call this, CTD town or 2 fps town?"
It does look cool though.
do you mean towns and fucking fishing villages?
Will skywind ever come out?
>Skyrim needed to be something special.
Only the modding scene. Even today, SkyUI and Unofficial patches are mandatory even if you want to play vanilla Skyrim. After they've butchered down their modding scene, I think they wont bring out any new Elder Scrolls game with "game-changing" features.
>big castle with a small collection of houses
this is still an unrealistically tiny village. Just because it's bigger than Bethesda's townlets doesn't mean its better.
I'd love to see how much this screws up the NPC pathfinding
The problem is that most people don't consider Skyrim to be bad. It got good reviews and it's liked by tons of people who barely play video games. Maybe Fallout 4's reception shows that this won't be the case forever but I don't think Bethesda will do anything special with their next game.
Lots of people's houses in Skyrim are locked if they're not home. Lockpicking is a skill in these games so yeah it isn't realistic for a person skilled at lockpicking to not be able to enter everyone's houses.
Final Fantasy XIV has amazing cities. Seems like they could store a sizable population
Looks like a pre-rendered PS1 era Final Fantasy backdrop.
>b-b-b-ut every building doesn't have an associated quest so it's useless!!
But that is the selling point of any Elder Scrolls game.