>game 2 is completely unrelated to game 1
Game 2 is completely unrelated to game 1
that's great!
>What is Perfect Dark
>game stars a character who has several generals on other boards
>they invade Sup Forums with their shit macros every day
first was better
>game 3 is completely unrelated to game 2 which is completely unrelated to game 1
based nier
that anime girl has no lips
red steel
Also only way to get a digital copy of the game because of the rating. The game has motion controls like the wii version so you have to physically stab with your mouse to do executions.
>Game 2 tricks you into playing as the antagonist of the previous game
what game does this happen in
The one with the character I just posted.
>Faggot looking for an excuse to post his :3-tier anime images
Fuck off, you and your shit thread
>game V is a completely different gameplay genre from game 1-4
>Game 2 is a mobile game
Tales of Berseria
>games in a series are completely unrelated to each other storywise
>which means you can pick up the series from any point
>game 2 is a fucking vita game
why acquire did this shit with Shinobido god damn
>game 2 is advertised to have no relationship to game 1
>developers say game 2 isn't connected to game 1
>for the most part game 2 really has no connections to game 1
>game 2 suddenly goes full sequel to game 1 in the last quarter out of no where
Postal 2 was nice.
Fire Emblem (most of the time)
xenoblade 2
>game 2 is worse than the original game despite having better technologies, budget, staff and basically everything
>all future games in the series are released on different consoles, making it difficult to keep up with the games until they release a collection
>dead rising, tho staff is arguable
>game 12 is game 3 thousands of years in the future
>Game 2 is an exclusive on System
Never ever!
No it wasn't. Silent Hill 1 is still good tho.
I haven't gotten that far yet but doesn't Xenoblade 2 connect Xenogears, Xenosaga, Xenoblade and X together?
>the technology level is still the exact same
>Game 3 features a /vg/ parasite looking to make another Idol baiting thread for SilvaGunner-tier cancer to spread even further
>game 2 changes the franchise genre completely and still manages to be amazing
>game 2 is advertised to be a direct sequel to game 1
>different (and shittier) main character
>game 1's MC is regulated to a NPC
>plot is a shitty retread of game 1's plot
>game becomes something completely different in the last hour
and yet people defend this shit
It's good because you can pick up the latest relase without worrying about missing plot. Imagine if final fantasy was a chain of sequels. GL playing trough them all to get to 15.
especially when 2 are fucking MMOs
>every game in the series is released as an exclusive on 1 console
Beyond Good & Evil 2
>game is god tier or just an enjoyable experience
>its a console exclusive with no PC port in sight
is this true
Is it really a sequel of both games are happening simultaneously? More like a midquel.
>Game has an overarching story
>But it doesn't show up in some sequels
I'd argue that xcom 2 is this
No one defended prototype 2
the only part I liked was pretending to be a soldier and going into the red zone but too bad that lasts all of 5 minutes.
>game 2 is a prequel but they only reveal it at the end of the game.
>Game 2 puts the final boss as a main love interest
I was referencing MGS2
>Game one is a pretty enjoyable game even though its flawed
>game 2 is also flawed but a pretty different game that manages to establish a lot of mechanics that are ripped off 20 years later
>There will never ever be a satisfying game that expands on the games because they just want to copy some parts of it and sell you the pieces
Both Xenoblades right?
Good taste, first is many times better than the second. None of the other games really measure up.
>Game 2 is just a repurposed Japanese game reskinned and released in America because the actual game 2 was considered too hard.
>game 2 ruins the entire franchise
so chrono cross?
Pirate it.
>so chrono cross?
>game 2 is advertised to have no relationship to game 1
is wrong because of this
Valkyrie Profile 2?
>Newest game gets a release on a console where none of the games have been on before and is not getting a collection
>Game 2 makes the entire board so much mad in just two days
>Game is released on almost every system in both current gen AND the previous gen
>Only got a US release on two systems due to legal loopholes
>Game 8 actually IS game 3 thousands of years in the future
>Apparently a continent fucking exploded in that time
I want to kiss that face.
>She's unquestionably Best Girl
Saying Nier and Nier Automata sre completely unrelated is false. You are still false if you said Nier is completely unrelated to Drakengard.
>game 1 is one of the last great games within its genre
>game 2 turns it into a GTA clone
It hurts.
what game?
Puyo Puyo Tetris?
Jak and Daxter
>Game 2 seems to be unrelated to game 1 until a massive twist halfway through where you find both worlds are connected by their afterlifes.
>Villain from the first game sought enlightenment after dying in the first game and meeting the spirit of a famous monk from the second game’s world.
>Not only has he found it, he has completely reformed and becomes the last main story character to become a party member.
>When he first saves your ass in a fight against a spirit creature that cannot be hurt by normal means the regular battle music is replaced with a remixed version that uses a guitar riff from the Villain’s theme from the first game.
>He’s also Orlandeau levels of OP as fuck because of his combination of raw power and spiritual understanding.
>game is advertised as having no relation to the previous ones
>this is suddenly proven false in the end
>but then it's proven true again because the game turns into metashittery
Quake 2
>game 2 is a prequel where you play as a random character who unknowlingly ends up becoming the big bad of game 1
Hi secondary brainlet-kun.