I want to get this game. Is it worth the additional $20 for the PS4 version or am I just as well getting it for 360?

I want to get this game. Is it worth the additional $20 for the PS4 version or am I just as well getting it for 360?

Talk about Dragon's Dogma if you want, I guess.

Played it on PC. I have beaten everyone except Death and online Ur-Dragon. It was worth the 7 bucks I spent and not much more desu.

>Dragon's Dogma released in 2013
>kotaku says it's bad don't play it
>ignore kotaku and buy it
> becomes favorite game ever
>released on ps4 in 2017
>buy it
>enjoy it even more second time around

yea. play normal first and dont worry about hard. you can transfer all your gold and skills from normal over to hard, but you start over from the start when you go hard mode. so play normal and just go with it.

The online is probably dead on 360, so if you want your pawn to be rented then go for ps4.

the PS4 remaster is 60 FPS isnt it? If so then there's no question about it.

get it on PC for like 10$ ?

>becomes favorite game ever

This is some supreme shit taste.
How can this mess of a game be your all time favorite game? It has some nice concepts and ideas but overall it's just such a flawed turd desu

>go through Bitterblack Isle for the first time
>It's actually pretty fun
>Round two
>Every room has annoying enemies up the ass
>Kill two dragons at once only to have cursed dragon show up afterwards
>That city with animated armors and a fucking asshole dragon spamming spells
>Barely deal any damage to phase 2 Daimon and can't stay on his face for longer than a few seconds because he spams fire and lightning

I just stopped playing at that part. I don't have time to grind cursed items and hope they're maginally better than the shit I have.

I got key for 6$, but atillthat fucking port doesn support 21:9 and I have to play windowed

just dodge the bullet and thank me later

I'm probably missing something here but

git gud nerd

Both Skyrim and Dragon's Dogma are pretty mediocre, I don't see why people argue that one turd smells better than another.

native 4k and locked 60fps, only on the Pro

and what's your favorite video game, shitposting on Sup Forums?

Absolutely get it on PS4 if you want to play on your couch. Otherwise play on PC.
PS360 version looks and runs like shit and ass and doesn't do the game justice.

I can see you put as much effort into that reply as Dragon's Dogma did across the board

Sorry I meant Last of Us

>git gud
>still first form

the game has terrible performance on PS3 and 360.

nice shitpost, retard

>if you don't like my flawed as fuck action game that means you only play mobies!

epic bantz bro xD

everything besides combat and pawns is cheaply made
the bad outweighs the good

This is one of the easiest games to exploit. Conquerors x4 and blast arrows can kill anything in base game and bitter black.

It goes on sale a lot my dude.

>Absolutely get it on PS4 if you want to play on your couch. Otherwise play on PC.
why can;t he just huck up his PC to a tv and use a wireless controller?
I don't understand this; controller of choice with bluetooth receiver or really long micro usb cable

not really, 360 was 720p and mostly 30fps. PS3 was 560, blurry and sub 25fps all the time

most PCbros don't have any consoles and stick to PC only, so the idea of using a gamepad on PC wouldn't even come across their minds

>mini games

>pawns are completely useless

some of the most fun classes are unplayable on the 360/ps3 because they cause the fps to drop to nothingness
ideally you should get it on pc, but ps4 probably still has them working

Are you dumb? do you know that gamepads are sold too?

I have 3 xbox 360 pads and a 1 DS3, and i've never had a console

Yes, but you're not most PCfags
They insist on playing everything with KB+M, not matter how shitty it is for the type of game

They are in BBI unless you build them in very specific ways.

OP did you buy it?