Shadowrun: Dragnfall

I gave up on the game in the tutorial level and I'm reading up on its plot online.

Why does this game have an 88%+ review rating, again?

Other urls found in this thread:

great writing great pacing great atmosphere great setting

Can't comment on the first two but graphically the game has a disgustingly plastic vibe and music had the worst combination of generic/annoying I've heard in a long time. I'd have probably given the game more of a chance if it had voice acting (to better get immersed - I read everything anyway as I'm not a native English speaker) and a better tutorial, Jesus Christ.

>great setting

Yeah, I'll take your word for it as I'm pending refund. Too bad as I was curious about the setting but I don't have the patience for amateur-level game design.

turbo pleb

Back to Dwarf Fortress with you.

Absolutely shit taste, OP.

Look into Satellite Reign. I really couldn't get past the aesthetics of the Shadowrun games and I loved SR despite its flaws.

Dude it's fucking Shadowrun, the setting is perfect for a RPG.

Tried it 3 times, couldn't make it paast the 5 hour mark. Too on rails, too simplistic, too slow, too much inane dialogue.
Also i like jap culture and that "jap" "namaste" brothel woman was abolute shit tier.

I think the game was mediocre at best. Decking and rigging sucked, only one or two characters were interesting, there wasn't enough variation to make the game non linear, and the hub area iteslf was kinda boring. More than anything I wish it was more like Shadowrun on the Sega.

If you like cyberpunk, then you just don't have many options so that is why it got the praise that it got.

Why don't you actually play it this time and decide for yourself instead of running to Sup Forums so we can tell you which opinion you should have for maxiumum hipster cred.

This game has the best 3rd act of any rpg

>More than anything I wish it was more like Shadowrun on the Sega.

I'm assuming you mean in terms of it's open-endedness, which I agree with. Obviously you don't wish it had the same gameplay, which was a fatal combination of grindy and completely braindead.

>rigging sucked
The fuck you talking about? I did a playthrough where we were all riggers (MC was rigger/decker) and it was awesome. If you do it right, you can also bring a milspec drone with you. HK unfortunately only has one non-companion rigger and she's Felicia Day.

the game is trash. it's rated highly because it's a mobile game

>If you like cyberpunk, then you just don't have many options so that is why it got the praise that it got.

Now that you mention it, I'll have to look out for other cyberpunk games and remember my reaction to them. I honestly think I might have an issue with the genre, even though System Shock 2 is in my top 3 games ever made.

But I already made up my mind.

If you don't like the cyberpunk aesthetic why the fuck would you think playing Shadowrun is a good idea

if you don't speak english well why do you think playing narrative heavy role playing games is a good idea

its not like the game lied to you about what i was going to be, dont call a game out because you're retarded

>Can't comment on the first two
>graphically the game has a disgustingly plastic vibe

So you can't comment on Shadowrun Returns or Dragon Fall, since they are the first two, then you proceed to comment on it anyway, despite just saying you wouldn't? This bullshit alone, tells me that you have no idea what you're saying or doing. Shit nigga, how can you confuse the order of 3 games that came out back to back, yearly? How can you confuse what you played? There is something very wrong with you, and it isn't the game's fault.

Your dismissive attitude towards the game is a clear sign of you being unable or unwilling to learn the game and adapt to its particular gameplay style. I've seen this stupid self righteous attitude in other people too, when I try to ween them off W.o.W for another MMO or League of Legends to another MOBA. You type of faggots get really mad at other games for daring to be different, then bitch why the game in question, is different then what you're used to.

You just might have autism faggot. Shadowrun games aren't perfect, but your arguments against them are literal nothing burgers.

>If you don't like the cyberpunk aesthetic why the fuck would you think playing Shadowrun is a good idea

Plastic, hollow aesthetic and music I could expect to hear in an elevator is not proprietary to Cyberpunk.

>if you don't speak english well why do you think playing narrative heavy role playing games is a good idea

You missed the point completely. I already mentioned I was going to read everything - if I was interested by the presentation.

I wasn't.

'Different' in its half-assed attempt at emphasizing the strong aspects of its settings, you mean? And by 'first two' I meant writing and pacing.

Should I mute the music and put on something more fitting?

>judging a heavy narrative story based game by its shallow presentation based off your own personal shitty taste about artstyle and music

>why do people like this game

i think you are autistic, you useless BR subhuman. you dont like the game that's fine, but don't call out other people for liking the game because you have an autistic fixation on parts of the game that are secondary at best

>And by 'first two' I meant writing and pacing.

What didn't you like about the writing and the pacing? You get enough writing and pacing to give context to what you're doing in the games. IF you are the same person and I don't know if you are, you were complaining about the lack of voice acting and polished presentation. To me that's code for it didn't have fancy cinematics and explosions. You didn't play the game(s) to completion so how could you bitch about story when you merely tasted the first few hours of what the game had to offer?

Again, you are just used to AAA cinematic grand stories, something which Shadowrun series never aspired to or pretend to be. It's a simple game series about tactics, level or class based restrictions and choices.

>Should I mute the music and put on something more fitting?

You're the first person I have seen in my 8 years browsing this website that is so annoyed by video game music, that they'd rather change it. Again, you might have autism if video game music flusters you so.


>What didn't you like about the writing and the pacing?

I said that I can't comment about these two. You got so defensive you failed at comprehending a handful of sentences, shouldn't that clue you in to something?

>To me that's code for it didn't have fancy cinematics and explosions

And to me that's a desperate exaggeration. There's no reason to go to the extremes - voice acting doesn't have to be present in every game or even some genres but you're doing yourself a disservice if you're not utilizing it for games where you're supposed to consider yourself part of a social structure.

Overall, now that I know this game was adopted from mobile phones explains why it felt so bare bones.

the first game in the series came out on PC first and each game thereafter came out on PC and mobile simultaneously

>where is my voice acting
>the game is barebones

you're projecting a lot of your shit tier expectations onto what was ultimately a series of $20 indie RPGs, and you're further complaining that other people like a game you don't like, for reasons that you can't comment on because you literally haven't seen the writing or experienced the pacing

fuck off, you malcontent fuck.

>utilizing it for games where you're supposed to consider yourself part of a social structure.

>Social structure
>In a video game

I just can't anymore. I want to discuss what you didn't like and you come up with imaginary terms like social structure in video games.

I really don't understand why you keep bringing up other games. They're completely inconsequential to my (underwhelming) experience with Dragonfall.

How about a UI that makes use of keyboard/mice? Anything that would make it feel more than a $2 tablet game, really, including not making the characters look mice-sized on 1080p.

Yes, I think it's best if we part ways here. I don't think it's worth getting into a discussion about RPGs with someone who doesn't consider socialisation on a diegetic level or basic attachment to NPCs relevant.

You're a real dumb nigga, both of you.

Because it's quite good.

since he's ESL he thinks throwing together fancy English words makes him smart.

sorry for your shit taste OP.

>Again, you are just used to AAA cinematic grand stories, something which Shadowrun series never aspired to or pretend to be. It's a simple game series about tactics, level or class based restrictions and choices.
And tragic cyborg waifus.

>voice acting doesn't have to be present in every game or even some genres but you're doing yourself a disservice if you're not utilizing it for games where you're supposed to consider yourself part of a social structure
Voice acting can actually be a major detriment to RPGs, because it puts much stronger limits on how much dialogue and how many choices the game can have. It's much easier to put in extensive dialogue trees that give the player lots of options when you don't have to spend time and resources on getting all of it voice acted. Of course, that freedom can also backfire and lead to the writers putting in *too much* text, like they did in Shadowrun Hong Kong. I love having lots of dialogue and story, but even I don't like it when an RPG is 90 percent reading and 10 percent gameplay.

>Plastic, hollow aesthetic and music I could expect to hear in an elevator is not proprietary to Cyberpunk.
I've never heard anything like this in an elevator.

>Not liking qt tsundere troll
lol what a gay

Stop replying to the obvious troll and post builds.

Is there anyway to make shaman interesting without making Dietrich redundant? One of my main complaints with the game is that the companions round out your roster so well that the only niche left to you is a rigger or a mage