Game series gets worse with each new installment

>Game series gets worse with each new installment

>Game critics get more critical of something the longer it goes on without changing its formula significantly


Call of Duty
and last but not least, Dark Souls?

>posting gamespot reviews

So is the new one worth getting? How bad is the story?

but bloodborne was the best

And Bloodborne isn't dark souls

The voice acting alone makes XC2 a 5 at best

>I agree with reviews when they fit my shitposting needs

>How bad is the story?

very mediocre

Dead Rising is one of the best examples I can think of, first game is still the best, DR2 is pretty good too, but not as good as 1, DR3 is decent, doesn't hold a candle the previous games, DR4 is absolute dog shit.



mass effect

>posts a gamespot review as proof.
>implying asylum was better then city.

Of course people like the first xenoblade the most. It was that mystical game that took a lot of begging to get localized and that made it seem more important that it really was.
Don't get me wrong, I love that first game, but XC2 is clearly better in every single way.

Yes, of course it is.

>need to play tiger tiger

Whats this mean

>Using a Gamespot review
>A website known for SJW reviewers and reviewers who are bad at video games
>Implying you didn't make this thread to shitpost

what does any of those 3 reviews have to do with SJW?

I'm talking about Gamespot in general. Remember when that thing was a reviewer?

you know different people review different games right?

>xenoblade chronicle combat is fantastic


>loads of interesting thing to do

literally MMO quest

>modernises the genre

and this is the reason why these idiot liked the game in the first place, they fucking hate jrpg and latch into anything that is not western designed

so imagine their shock when the latest entry is *gasp* a weeb game

Is that supposed to be an argument against it?

Retard detected

>so imagine their shock when the latest entry is *gasp* a weeb game
they gave persona 4 and 5 a 9/10

>high skill ceiling

Doubt it.

Well fuck those people. As a matter of fact, fuck all of you. All of you post your addresses so I can kick all your asses.

Gamespot is one of the few groups of reviewers that couldn't understand the complexities of the combat, hence the 7.

It's much more engaging than the previous to Xenoblade games.

t. Xenoblade 2 owner.


>Scrawny white guy who can't fight detected

Xenoblade 1 was a satire of anime and all its cliches, 2 is just generic shounen trash.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Xenoblade Chronicles 2. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Japanese animated film culture most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Mythra's tsundere outlook, which is deftly woven into her character- her personality draws heavily from Tetsuya Nomura literature, for instance. The fans get this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny, they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Xenoblade Chronicles 2 truly ARE idiots. Of course they wouldn’t appreciate the humour in Mythra's tsundere catchphrase “Pervert!” which itself is a cryptic reference to Sei Shoujo's Bible Black. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Koji's genius wit unfolds itself on their TV screens. What fools. How I pity them.

>using carla

May as well buy a headstone with how long battles are going to take.

>Xenoblade series will die in your lifetime

>being this dumb
Its a good thing, we had plenty of blade now that 2 is here. I hope we get something completely different soon from the xeno series. Soon meaning in the next decade
Monolith has some good ideas but I wish they would make a new system rather than keep working on the current one.

Never Again Sup Forums.

I never want to hear you people praise the xeno series ever again. Literally the Mass Effect of Japan.

DUDE... like.... RIDDLER.... uhh.... TROPHIES.... duuuuuudeee

>Series 10
>Series 2
japs cant count for shit

Get mad reddit ;^)


>he favors 2 over 3

shit taste my man

>cartridges weren't a mistake

>the "I bought a ps4 and am trying to justify my purchase" response