What's the appeal of this shit?

what's the appeal of this shit?

it's boring to play and boring to watch people play

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There's this weird twitch multiplayer culture going on in gaming right now.

These mediocre multiplayer games become popular just because people like watching each other on Twitch.

>boring to play
for you
>boring to watch people play
that's every single videogame you fucking twitch child

It's the newest xXx360n0sc0p3xXx[WEED] YouTube fodder.

>watching people play games
Fuck off back to plebbit

>s-s-stop liking what i don't like

like pottery

Fortnite it's literally PUBG with CUTE babby graphics, free. And runs really great. On top of that you can build FORTS and shit. On top of this it's free and no Pay2win bullshit either only cosmetics and that's not even going to get released yet. They wil start slowly with the cosmetics with the gliders first and then they'll go on to the characters.So it's literally free right now. None of that normie PUBG shit either.

I unironically don't like to play these games very often because the jump scare of being attacked by someone you didn't see spooks the fuck out of me. I need a tall glass of water after like every game.

>rng as fuck aiming
>no first person


>whatever fag.png

not an argument. i'll take my W

pretty much this

>able to kill others with a revolver when the guy is fuckton yards away.


CoD but for 2000 kids

what a dumb picture
PUBG is not exclusive and its not expensive

WOOO our guy lirik just dominated a round

Generally I agree with the idea behind this comic, but there's irony in the idea that someone sat down and drew it.

PUBG is shit though

CoD is still a thing you know

and so is modern battlefield

I enjoy playing Fortnite

it's not bad. massive pvp survival games are cool just like agar io

It's nice, just somehow less fun than when it was an arma 3 mod

Ive never even played it haha

Daily reminder that asians are killing gaming by supporting horrible games. First it started out with meme MMOs, then it moved onto MOBAS and now Battle Royale.

I like them both because they've got a low barrier of entry but are difficult to master. You can be completely shit at these games and still have fun unlike games like LoL.

it appeals for casuals/normies/nongamers in general and they exist in far greater numbers than actual gamers

I didnt know koreans made wow, dota2 and lol

How much of a pussy are you that 100 man 1 life free for all doesn't give you an instant hard on?

t.Never watched high level Vampire Savior play

H1Z1 is fun to watch. I don't like anybody who plays for "fun". Tryhards only.

the concept behind battle royale games is hardcore as fuck. you're clawing your way to the top against dozens of people in groups with voice comms, bullet physics, and unforgiving health mechanics.

Granted it's extremely surprising that the general public is so excited about a sharper style of game, but you're gonna be the asshole if you decide it's bad just because of who plays it.

Even for fortnite, the stylized art style was a) to get it to run on older hardware and b) to rush it to market quicker, so I wouldn't say it's Epic cashing in on codbabbys or whatever the fuck term you use to emasculate people who have more fun than you


I don't get it either, I kept having friends telling me I should buy PUBG so I checked out Fortnite, thought it was dull as fuck and I'm glad I didn't spend money on PUBG

Come back to me when it’s ancient weapons instead of “not just another shoot em up!”

The intimacy of 1v1 combat is more exciting

I dont watch weebshit

Not more exciting than the 1v1 combat at the end of a 100 man battle royale

That sounds like a lot of tedium just to get to the good shit.

It's called refined taste.

what's exciting about 1v1 gg win game if it happens all the time

FUCK you you FUCK

Sounds more like patience for bullshit

Not really. Team games and recently battle royales are fare more popular than 1v1 engagements outside of card games.

nice choice of words

>Sounds more like patience for bullshit
So why bother paying for an expensive meal at a high end restaurant when you can just buy off the dollar menu at your local drive thru?

inb4 "food analogy," not an argument etc.

Also it's not like the build up to that final fight isn't part of the thrill, ya dumb dingleberry sniffer.

The food analogy is really bad and doesn't work. Ever.

there's literally nothing wrong with criticizing a game I've never played

>heh i got it all figured out

Doesn't work only because everyone on here is a fat greasy NEET.

>boring to play
Wat. I'm not really into shooters but Fortnite is a blast to play with friends, and once you get the buolding mechanics it gets even better.

>boring to watch.
Dunno man, you can do some crazy plays with the buolding and phyisics of fortnite. And "pro streamers" do really pkay good. When you se a guy do solo vs squads amd come out with 20kills and the win, it's pretty amusing to watch

>Food analogy
I don't want "buildup", I want the fight. It's why I don't like mobas.

dont play passive then and look for the fucking fights

if you win with less than 7 kills it was a boring match

>I don't want a "final boss", I want the fight. It's why I don't like videogames.

Or I could just fight people

This analogy makes zero sense whatsoever, especially in the context of video games.

it takes like 45 seconds to drive a vehicle to a populated place that surely has people to fight

if you're too ADD for that shit I don't know what to say, stick to fighting games with

It's like you people have never played arcade games in your lives. Or hell, Doom.

I did, back then I was 10

nowadays I don't get a seizure in slower paced games

wut game


More like boredom-induced hibernation

Why would you want to play PUBG? Koreans can't code for shit.

Meanwhile at Fortnite
>runs better
>faster gameplay
>building mode to eliminate choke points
>destroyable surroundings
>not filled with a billion angry chinese hackers with a 500 ping

I wonder what happens when you attempt to play a turn-based game

it's almost like different people enjoy different things, or even the same people can enjoy various different things at different times

Casuals need something to play

just luck

I fucking love Advance Wars and want it to come back I just am shitposting in here because I'm bored. Also because PUBG is fucking dumb.

>I'm mentally unstable therefore what I dislike is bad
Sure thing buddy

I dont watch twitch and I enjoy pubg, fight me

I don't get what you're on about, really. If you drop in a populated zone in PUBG you'll be fighting immediately, with no cutscenes in between. Pure combat. In that sense, it's more "arcadey" than the majority of modern games.

advance wars is fucking dumb desu

play something that isnt boring, like red alert

No. I actually don't really care for strategy games that much.

I will not deny being mentally unstable.

There's plenty of modern games that are fast paced and fun that aren't PUBG, I'll be fine.

>is a blast to play with friends
This is a terrible litmus test for anything. I enjoy do literally everything with my friends because I enjoy their company.

Never tried pubg but fortnite is actually pretty fun, once you get the hang of the game and manage to survive up to 15 players alive every game or so.
There is also the big multiplayer factor that when you play with people you know you can communicate strategies etc

So tell us how what you enjoy playing is objectively more fun than PUBG?

hey, so is Quake. doesn't mean it's still cool with the kids.

>I enjoy getting in a car crash and watching my friends die painfully as metal and glass pierce their vital organs and blood spills all over them because I enjoy their company.

>not having a suicide pact with your closest friends
Do you even true friends.


>No cutscenes
>No regenerating health
>No aim assist
>No quick time events
>No batman vision
>Dying has real consequences
>Attention span required
>Tactical thinking required
>No pay to win

>Sup Forums will hate this and go back to playing tumbIr games like doki doki club or undertale

PUBG is the game Sup Forums has always wanted, and now they can't play it because they are nagging hipsters.

Is there any good Battle Royale game with melee that's somewhat deep?

considering Sup Forums is 2casul to enjoy arma too it's no surprise

bitch are you fucking trolling right now

you better be

people dont like arma because the engine is shit and jews made it

He's right though, many games wouldn't have had half the visibility they get thanks to twitch and they get bought not for their quality but because your favorite streamer makes faces while playing them. In other words, memes.

Bullet hells are autistic as fuck.

This. I figured Sup Forums would be easier going on Fortnight because it wasn't mainstream for it's fedora tipping hipster ass but you can't talk about Fortnight because it doesn't have Sup Forums's favorite e-celebs.

I think you mean less than 1% of games. Twitch and streaming could die right now, and it would have virtually ZERO effect on the gaming industry.

he said asians you fuck, not koreans. i live in Taiwan and this is 100% true. every web cafe is non stop PUBG

Biggest problem:

I've played games actively driving around and trying to find people and the entire length of the game can't find anyone.
They've desperately needed to add a 'green zone' to force people out of camping in bulidings and gas them from camp locations.
Circle needs to move faster especially in squads so it's not a farmfest like it is currently.

Imo the down system needs changed to being 'knocked out', you lay on the ground and your screen is black ala DayZ. You can die to the circle but not to enemies OR make it to where if you die from enemies that friends can revive which takes 20-30s with an item that takes up a fuckton of inventory space.
This should only be allowed in squads because I'm fucking tired of people bailing after their friend gets shotgunned 2 seconds into a game.
>inb4 not fair for tourney play

Well fucking make a tournament mode then that has more balance such as dedicated spawns, and a pistol from the start

I'm european, how the fuck do azns playing on azn/murrika servers affect my gameplay experience

how the fuck do asians playing asian MMOs affect the western game market

he means they flock shitty games like aids u fucking retard

was big rigs GOTY in china?


I think it's the pseudo-hardcore tone and "EPIC LAST MOMENT" that get normies and casual so fascinated, prolly through streamers

>half of the frags are from peopl that don't even know where I am
>half of my death are from people that I didn't see in time
>big ass boring downtime of having to press f to pay res- I mean to loot
>80% of the players are actual pussies proning like retards or camping houses

Being a man is being the best on an FFA deathmatch game mode in a fast paced fps. You can literally win by only have a couple of kills in that trash game. That's the very definition of a shooter for pussies.

The irony of someone calling something autistic and then going on to make an autistic post is one of my favorite things about Sup Forums. Keep up the good work, soldier.

How can someone possibly be so clueless?

Its actually a lot of fun (((with friends)))

Also if youre not shit getting to the last 5 people can be heart racing. Havnt had that feeling since MGO2.

was big rigs even a MP game??

no right? it is from a time when they were still living under a feudal system, huge amounts of chinese having access to modernities is very recent, it is very clear he meant, specially taking into account pubg, ure just deliberately being an imbecil

I'm just curious how you determine a game to be bad if chinks like it

is it in a chink's genes?
does it only apply to multiplayer games?
does homm3 turn into a shit game if a surge of chinese players hit it?

Except deaths are rarely your fault

More than 50% of fights are someone sees and shoots you before you can react. The fact the game isnt FP only is a rewlly massive negative for these games.

And the best way to play is objectively to jump into the most loot heavy zone and luck out so you can hide until its less than 20 people.

Iv only played like 50 matches, but iv won three times and gotten in the top 10 for half of those by doing the same thing over and over.

I like PUBG because it's a game where every player is equal and is mostly based on skill.
I don't pay attention to Fortnite but it seems like bots and cheaters are ruining both games but I guess that's to be expected when games get as popular as they've gotten.

>the stylized art style was b) to rush it to market quicker
Fortnite was a PvE game before PUBG even existed you moron.

>is it in a chink's genes?
yes i am a race realist

there is even a chink in this discussion who knows what the game, with you i wont even bother because now i see that the problem isnt semantics youre just stupid, go fuck yourself retard

what the game is*