I haven't played any of these games, where should I start?
I haven't played any of these games, where should I start?
At home
The first of course.
Can you count?
Don't, the series is overrated garbage that requires mods to be tolerable.
Unmodded Call of Pripyat to learn the game. Then play Call of Chernobyl.
SoC, the first one.
be careful wandering around.
don't fucking spam shots you will never hit shit that way.
realize that starter guns have terrible kickback and aiming at a distance will lead to strayed shots from where you aim.
also pay attention to your bullet types and what you're using in certain situations.
get a load of this fag
Release order.
Also, for your first time, it'd help a lot to install Zone Reclamation Project for Shadow of Chernobyl, and Sky Reclamation Project for Clear Sky. They include bugfixes that fix many small problems with the games, especially for Clear Sky since that game unmodded is a buggy mess.
let's get this out of the way already
SoC vanilla
CoP vanilla
CS is option because it's more or less a remake of most SoC areas on the CoP engine, but with a few poorly implemented faction systems.
I know /vg/ has a bunch of mod recommendations, but you really should play those 2 vanilla first.
shadow of chernobyl with the 'starter pack' (ZRP + FOV changer + eyecandy) on vg's mega, enjoy
t. Salty retard who played on Novice
Generally people begin with the 2nd entry in any trilogy
FELLOW STALKER! Welcome to the zone! Please to be looking at this chart and then to be avoiding complete 2009. Complete 2009 is being for leetle girls who want to be having easy mode in The Zone. The Zone is for men. It is unforgiving place. You face many hardships. One must always remember phrase: Such is life in The Zone. All will be making sense soon.
o but be sure to turn off that depth of field and blur shit in the shader mod
Seriously fuck that building though
OP, also play these games on hard or master difficulty. This is non-negotiable. Playing anything lower will fuck with your perception of the game. It will make your headshots count, for one thing.
uh, probably the first game you retard
wait, what?
>always read this as combination word of "summmonymous" at the first glance.
SoC is pretty unforgiving, and the anomalies can get irritating, but once you get further in it's probably the best game.
CoP is easier to get into, has a much tighter level design, and is just as atmospheric and fun to play.
I'd say play CoP first, then SoC afterwards when you're accustomed to the gameplay.
>game crashes
>last save was an hour ago
>load last quick save
>quick save corrupted
>last loadable save was 3 hours ago
>this happens at leas twice a playthrough
I will agree that SoC is pretty unforgiving, but I still think people should play it first. Other than crashing issues and horrible instability with mods, its still one of the most immersive games ive ever played. The difficulty makes you play safer and smarter. Though I will agree there are some pretty bullshit moments of crashes or stumbling into an anomaly or not realizing that trying if you do the first mission for the Freedom ASAP you cant shoot anyone or you cant go back to the bar to finish the story. But its still a lot of fun.
There are 3 (THREE) games. Take a fucking guess
kek this is what I was thinking about.
At the very least you should always make a proper save every time you enter a new area.
It took me a long time to realize you could throw bolts to check for anomalies. I could handle the ones that you could see by blowing leaves or pulsing air, but there's a ton of completely invisible ones that ruined my initial experience. Still a great game, planning on replaying soon.
whats with that building. mind expplaining
Is it that guy who wants became ghost girl?
Clear Sky.
If you can stomach the lesser of the 3 games, then you'll enjoy the shit out of Shadow of Chernobyl and Call of Pripyat.
im in the middle of playing through it again right now. Though I decided to get AMK+Autumn and im really not liking it that much. I fucking hate the chimeras they added in. They are 100% total fucking bullshit. Its been a really long time since ive played through it vanilla, but its nearly impossible to get through to the NPP with the duty group due to them all dying in 1 hit, plus all the time I spent moving shit to a cache in the bar was wasted because it all just disappeared. I dont remember if that was in vanilla or not though. Aynone have any other mod suggestions?.
whats the deal with survarium? Everyone relates it back to stalker but when I tried it, it was just a severely shitty f2p shooter like any korean/nexon f2p online shooter.
its just a creepy children's painting
that may or may not kill you
Dude who the fuck knows. They shit the bed with that game big time
source of the painting?
dyslexia is a problem common annon
Is there any penalty to just execute everyone you come across?
having everyone you meet try to execute you on sight. and with the somewhat realistic carry weight, you wont have enough gear to kill literally everyone.
who knows, its a drawing in some of the buildings of pripyat my guessing is that it was draw by students but could be some ukrainian tv show or book, only somebody from ukraine could tell you
fuck i don't know if your fucking with me or not. i played the game but never saw this painting nor saw it move. now im told it has a back story and kills kids.
someone tell me i'm going crazy
it's on CoP, i don't think you see it in Shoc
i don't think there is anything special about it
or perhaps im lying and it takes away childrens souls and turns them into poltergeists
""""""""""""""""""""meme aurora 2""""""""""""""""""""
theyre shit and dont run well
>dont run well
Works for me.
I bought stalker a while ago, but started it yesterday, tried master difficulty like said, and when i got to the first mission to rescue a guy on a warehouse got decimated instantly, enemies took a ton of shots, i know that because i shot a bugged one, but when i changed to normal they died from 4 well placed shots, so i'd say this is a meme, in other thread they told me i was baiting but i'm not
Consult this Starting Guide,
then see the /vg/'s huge Stalker General for more tips and links:
Play in the release order. Start with no mods - only latest patch, OR get the full "Starter Pack" first; these contain bug-fixers and light visual mods that can help performance as well.
Leave big overhauls for later playthrougs. Avoid the "Complete" -mods. Always play on MASTER difficulty for best realism and atmosphere, and disable crosshair.
Don't give up in the beginning! The starting gear sucks ass and first area can be a bit boring.
No. Play order.
And CoC is boring as fuck.
>enemies took a ton of shots
This just means you did not hit them. Or that you did not shoot them to the head.
t: someone who played vanilla SoC for the first time ever late last year. Had zero problems clearing out the bandit place on my own.
>you are too trigger happy
>you are using terrible guns
>you are trying to snipe with terrible guns
>you are not using the ideal ammo type
pick any number of the above and work on it.
Do I miss much out of the immersion or atmosphere if the plot twist you are strelok was spoiled for me?
Absolutely fucking not lmao
Later on when you're in the Red Forest and feel like a one man army is when the plot and atmosphere mix well but otherwise dont worry
Absolutely not. The game doesn't rely on its story at all to be immersive.
just started replaying the game
on master difficulty headshots don't matter at all since you have to take 5 of them to kill an entry bandit
it says someting about cultural osmosis and the value of this spoiler that i can't even recognize this name
So if I want to play SoC with just more guns and shit I should go for AMK?
kek, this happened to me with one of the mods too
the only atmosphere in stalker that you don't want to ruin is getting spooped, SoC can be spoopy a first playthrough but after that the games unfortunately stop being spoopy
i did as i said he was standing still the whole time and every shot hitted him.
i'm not trigger happy because i heard i had to be very precise, maybe i'm using bad guns, i'm not trying to snipe, the hit me from really far and when i try to get close i die, i don't know about ammo types or guns i just want to pass the first task of the fucking game and the only answer i get is git gud if i say i don't want to do it on master.
>i did as i said he was standing still the whole time and every shot hitted him.
Lemme guess: shot him with the Mak, to the center mass torso?
if you're firing every half second with early game guns; you are too trigger happy.
you need to let the gun "reset"
>the hit me from really far and when i try to get close i die
you can sneak up on them you know.
>the only answer i get is git gud
because it is true
user, listen its nothing against you personally, but you are simply shit, its been discussed hundreds of times and every single time its been proven whoever was complaining was just shit
a single headshot from your starter pistol in master will drop the bandits as long as the game is unmodded
just sneak next to them and fucking shoot them in the head point blank, hell you can even knife them all to death in vanilla, seriously its not even a hard game how can you people be so bad
You sound pretty damn perfect example of the "Stage 1" rookie.
But yeah, STALKER progresses a bit like an RPG. Your gear dictates your performance a lot, with later stuff being almost always better than the early shit. You can, however, compensate A LOT with tactics and smart play in general. Headshots are insta-KO like 99% of the time, to both ways.
>I just want to pass the first task of the fucking game
I've been called an exaggerating troll when in many past threads when I've told of players like you.
Those people you're speaking of are not lying though: you kinda have to "get into" AND "get" STALKER for it to open up. I never had problems with it, most likely because it just reminds me of bunch of older PC games smashed together, so I was right at home with it.
I can only say this with a honest heart: things get better. You just need to work for it a bit.
This image is so fucking reddit it hurts.
>played it pre-patch
>shoved my biggest weapon on the hinges
>door opens
>free loot
O-oh my
STALKER meets Commandos?
Some fucktard in the woods
It's just extremely zoomed out shots of stalker, sorry anons
although a stalker isometric rpg would be awesome
Hi - you must be new here. Welcome.
image is older than reddit
cyka blyat
I'd love to play but I just can't stand the excessive head bopping. Do you guys actually play with it or mod it to turn it off?
please stop posting.
There's some simple console command that sets it to normal levels. Google it.
doesn't bother me much because I don't move while firing much.
people have said it makes them sick though, so I'm glad that doesn't happen to me.
Open the console (~) and type Cam_Inert 0
dem eyes
with the first one, like you would anything else
AMK is a hard mode. Just keep that in mind
such is life in the zone
>everything pre-2010 Sup Forums is now "le leddit" to nu-fags
I don't want to live on this planet any more.
AMK1.4 on its own has veeery little new pieces. And I think that is a big plus.
I fucking LOVE Stalker, god damn. How do they make a game so challenging and atmospheric? It's just this amazing blend of ambiance, gameplay and art direction that keeps me coming back.
Aiming is hard.