Are video games the intellectually superior medium?
Are video games the intellectually superior medium?
Literature = Music > Film > Video Games
But...but...the iceberg
Kinda laughable that in those threads spec ops the line is given as a deep experience
inb4 manbabies can't accept this
They have the potential to be but so far they have not been
>le vidya gaymen is art xD
Stop this meme.
very accurate
Yep. Games = Books > Films >>>>> Music LUL
>DLC takes up space and waters it down
was this really what you meant
at last i truly see
>durr epic bait because I am just pretending to be retarded XD
>lit = music
you can't tell stories through music, dipshit
>you can't tell stories through music, dipshit
The question is not about the medium itself, it's how the medium is utilized.
>someone tried to recommend me VNs the other day
>'I don't really like visual novels'
>"But you read books?"
Yes, because books are better written and more entertaining to read than a goddamn visual novel. I want a game, not a voiced lite-novel. I can do adventure games. Cannot be fucking bothered with visual novels.
Yes you can
For example this is about how a bunch of people are having a party
t. listens to dubstep
that's not a story, just a bunch of people dancing to random lyrics
>it was so horrible it couldn't be described in words
Whoa......... so this is the power of literature...............
>books are good because they are books
How to spot an illiterate
How do you know they are dancing? I hope you are not actually watching the video, because the question was about music.
Yes it's a story. At first there is no party, but then they decide to have a party.
Books > Music > Movie > Modern "Music" = Video Games
I. this is the nyghte of nyghts - vve steale the starrs from heaven
/ adorne a crovvne of the bryde, - vvho
giveth a chylde to the dragon... / this is the nyghte of nyghts, -
vve open all yer hearts so vvyde / vvith
hooks & blaydes & sharpen'd steele, vvith nayles & thornes &
burning sealls / children shrieks cutte the
ayre, - ascende from crustie stones, / a dagger blayde flasheth
so neare, - pan=demonick trumpett bones, /
nayked bodies, curlling harde, - convulsions tvviste the
shelle / fleshe is bleeding, ghoulish guarde, - deepe
thunder roaring bell. / thou shalt not see - a singlestone
revealing that his truth is nyghe, / but be crushed
under the rock, - revealing his terrible lie! / chorus: eate his
bodie, drink his blood, / embrayse his spirit,
feaste on his hearte, / grab deepe the teethe in skinne so thinne,
/ tayke his great vvorde, fullfill our sinne! /
he turneth sense to madnesse / he nayleth the hearts /
reddemptio is nothing (nesse) / ... & nothing vvill be
re=deem'd. / enlyghten'd torches licke the vaulte, - challice
consecrated in blyghte / on moones zenith
releese for the lorde, - their bloode for his most inner lyghte
/ stench of foulenesse, dying pulse, -
diabolick choirs, lyfelesse voyce / agonick creeping, living
dolls, - no vvay bakk, there is no choyce... / our
throate becometh an open grayve; vve'll use our sperm to
deceive / the venom of asps is to be under our lipps;
vve'll be arm'd vvith lyonne teethe / our mouthe vvill spitte
out cursses, lethall spells vve'll vveave / our
feete vvill svvifte to shedd bloode; on our paths of ruin &
greede, / can't ye see - his majestie - openeth his
hearte so vvyde / vvhere vve vvill goe - vve neede no=more -
our ovvn heartebeates insyde / vve feaste on him
on liquidd sinne - for there appeareth golden soyle
etc etc
Yes you can.
what are you even talking about
Shall my only victory be available in conscience?
Why is absence the proof, when I demand palpable presence?
There is enough light to enlighten the elect and enough darkness to humble them
There is enough darkness to blind the reprobate and enough clarity to condemn them,
And make them without excuse
Our perception is subject to the fissure of concupiscence
Woestruck am I realizing that the light cast on this
Chiaroscuro world is partial and selective
Division, election and predestination
Enabled by grace or left to one's own device...
Anguish only is sovereign absolute.
The sovereign is a king no more: it dwells low-biding in big cities.
It knits itself up in silence, obscuring it's sorrow.
Crouching thick-wrapped, there it waits,
Lies waiting for the advent of Him who shall strike a general terror;
But meanwhile and even so sorrow scornfully mocks at all that comes to pass, at all there is.
From very high above a kind of stillness swept down upon me and froze me
It was as though I were borne aloft in a flight of headless and unbodied angels
Shaped from the broad swooping of wings, but it was simpler than that
I became unhappy and felt painfully forsaken, as one is when in the presence of God
She was seated, she held one leg stuck up in the air, to open her crack
Yet wider she used her fingers to draw the folds of skin apart
And so her "old rag and ruin" loured at me, hairy and pink,
Just as full of life as some loathsome squid
"Why", I stammered in a subdued tone, "Why are you doing that?"
"You can see for yourself", she said, "I'm God"
No use laying it all up to irony when I say of her that she is GOD.
But GOD figured as a public whore and gone crazy -
That, viewed through the optic of "philosophy", makes no sense at all.
I don't mind having my sorrow derided if derided it has to be
Lots of songs tell stories, it's a fairly shit medium for it though.
Why does Sup Forums like pretending that their music makes them intellectuals? EVERY fucking time
No video game that I've played has ever approached the feeling I got the first time I saw 2001: A Space Odyssey or read Crime & Punishment (or loads of other works), but there are a few games that are better, in terms of narration and storytelling, than the shit that's consistently published and released today in the film/"literature" mediums
“What matter the victims, provided the gesture is beautiful?
What matters the death of vague human beings,
If thereby the individual affirms himself???
[Laurent Tailhade]
The black Idol emerges as a silver lining in a dust cloud of death,
Eerie parallel tongues and the piping of heaven
The culture of transgression is mine and my descent
Makes me ascend in a repugnant swirl?
Sic volo,
Sic jubeo,
Stat pro ratione voluntas
The black Idol fills the veil of flesh with noxious smoke,
Depicting primal human experiences indifferently,
Contemptuous of moral concerns, dehumanized
The howling of wolves and the destructive sword are portions of Eternity,
Too great for the eyes of merely a man?
Transcendence of thresholds occurs with violence
And will for Vice is like the mind’s dark radiance
Which blinds and of which I’m dying
Corruption is the spiritual cancer reigning in the depths of things
And it fills until the last cell of my vivid being
Dissolution and putrefaction, prevailing Aesthetic experience,
The splendor of the obscene and inhuman;
For what matters the death of a vague human beings
If thereby the individual affirms himself?
Violence exists I the moment when the eye turns upwards into the head,
When inversion is complete and total
The darkness of the upturned eye is not the absence of light
But the process of seeing being taken to its limit
That thorough derangement of the senses,
Way beyond the deceptive conflict between darkness and light
Opens perceptions to the tyranny of the Chekhinah?
Si non credideritis,
Non inteligetis
The dimension of ethereal totalitarianism discloses itself
And takes possession of the quintessential human soul
Like a nail hammered through most tender flesh
Aeons separate the one whose eyes have seen through the night of the spirit
The king, the Lord of hosts, draped in terrifying magnificence
From the gleaming clot of trembling vermin
If a faith and a belief aren’t nurtured by the moist of blood
if utilized efficiently, video games can offer a superior experience to any book, film, or music. sadly very few devs can pull it off.
you can't be serious
>you can't tell stories through music, dipshit
put me in the screencap Sup Forums
Jesus man stop that's embarrassing
Step aside brainlets
Literature > Philosophy > Kino > Classical Music > Paintings > Sculptures > Dad music > Films > Ludo > Musicals > Modern Art > Pop > Genre Movies > Genre books > Vidya > Erotica > Vaporwave > Anime > Manga > YA Novels > Beat Poetry > Slam Poetry > Performance art > Fan art > Fan fiction > Pornography
What is Stan by Eminem?
Depends on the game
Yeah, thats why you need a 300$ machine and extra 40$ bucks to experience one compared to a movie/book at 20$.
>he can't appreciate lyricism
Can anyone recommend books for an illiterate brainlet? I don't care if it's non-fiction.
Literature > Music > Film > Video Games
the bible
comparing mediums seems like retarded thing to do
Start with the Greeks.
Even though you're wrong that you can't tell stories through music, it is true that the stories you can tell can't get even close to what books or film can. They need to be extremely simplistic.
Never heard of a concept album?
What do you like? What interests you?
captain underpants
the witcher, doom and halo books
ready player one
the conspiracy against the human race
Before hip hop music relied on stories.
When was the last time you played a game that made you feel passionate about gaming? I-its been a while since it happened to me...
I wanna get that feeling again..
>you can't tell stories through music, dipshit
Literature + Music + Film = Video Games
>They need to be extremely simplistic.
That's not true, lol.
There are MANY songs that are built like poems, which is a form of literature.
And there are many musicians that make concept albums that are as long as a movie and have as much text and substance as a movie.
Sleep is superior.
>concept albums
literally nobody likes that shit
The Troop
Only book that managed to keep my attention that I actually finished within the last few years.
My nigga
name a more iconic song
While all those faggots pointing you how prog rock and shit have stories are almost as bad as you, how fucking dumb do you even have to be?
Western literature LITERALLY started as something to be sung. The very word "music" comes from "Muses", and both poetry and history (in Greece, not completely separated from literature as with us) were considered music arts.
Of course, in a game you have everything(book + music + modern fun). It only takes a creative director with talent, same way books and music need talented musicians and writers.
Game = Book > Music > eating shit > film
science fiction
and poetry a bit
You really should stop visiting Sup Forums, that place is not healthy for anyone.
Also I meant to post Homer, not Roberta Williams, my bad.
let's stop arguing book friends, we can all agree books are the best
Thanks for the replies though i'm aware some of them are just bait, I will check these.
>you can't hear music through stories?
games are for simulation. want a story? read a novel and fuck off. you people are the reason games you can only get 20 hours out of normally cost $60
>Best states of mind
Being isolated with your thoughts while awake in a relaxed state > Meditating = Light sleep> REM stage of sleep> being around other people> consuming media> Being under the influence of mind altering substances
Fuck no.
You can do different things in every available medium. The skill and vision of the individual or team putting it together and what the thing being made ultimately ends up being matters more.
I mean the iceberg shit hardly makes any sense. What is the "Beneath the surface" shit even specifically supposed to be in this instance? It's absolutely meaningless.
I could think of dozens of interpretations that could have all three media structured like an iceberg.
Cinematography isn't all just surface level for instance.
A game has access to but also needs to work around or into player input. Something like a film does not and that can be better or it can be worse depending on what is being made and how well those drawbacks are respected and those advantages utilized.
>all these faggot thinking that lyrics = music
Honestly dude, just get the /lit/ intro pack, stuff like The Stranger, As I Lay Dying, Catcher in the Rye, some PKD if you like lasers and shiet, Portrait of the Dubliners, A Clockwork Orange, you know, stuff a high schooler interested in literature would read. These books all have their share of difficulty but are entry level enough that someone not acquainted with the tradition can easily follow them through.
Also, don't be scared to skip stuff you're not "feeling" or authors you deem too hard for now, check some secondary readings (even sparknotes can help, though I wouldn't recommend it) and get back to them once you feel you can tackle the book right now.
Very few experiences will leave you in the kind of euphoria literature can cause, the sudden explosion of empathy, the feeling of finding a soulmate in some fuck in a dress from 3000 years ago writing about fugging ur mom or something.
You want to sound pretty smart but please refer to this , the western narrative tradition is intrinsically linked with our musical tradition.
>what are concept albums
You can but nobody seem to be trying.
It's all.
Yeah, motherfucker Sup, nigga Gangsta Rap, nigga Nigga Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga I'm 100% nigga Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga I'm 200% nigga Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga Why do police hate niggas? Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga They hate us 'cause our dicks is bigga Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga Why you call yourself a nigga? Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga 'Cause I'm a motherfucking nigga! Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga Why you drink so much beer? Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga I don't drink beer, I drink malt liquor 'Cause I'm a nigga! I'm a motherfuckin' nigga man, I ain't all that African-American shit Fuck that I'm a nigga, I ain't mixed I'm a nigga N-I-G-G-A, nigga, you already know Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga Why you eat so much chicken? Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga Why won't you make it in my kitchen? Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga Why you call them hoes bitches? Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga 'Cause them hoes is bitches! Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga Why you stay in the hood? Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga 'Cause I don't like livin' by Peckerwoods Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga Why you ain't got no job? Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga Seven dollars all won't feed me, dog Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga Why yo' pants gotta sag? Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga 'Cause hand-me-downs is all a nigga has! Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga
Maxres Default is my cyberpunk alias.
listen to Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven and tell me that isn't a cinematic story experience. It doesn't have any lyrics.
Folk has the greatest story songs.
Well now I need to make a list, i've been casually lurking /lit/ a few months ago but I always get distracted by the shitposting and memes and never actually start reading. Again thanks for the recs.
>you can't tell stories through music, dipshit
Music is trash tier. There is literally nothing artistic about it and all the reverence for it is because people are too stupid to play instruments.
t. guy who can play several instruments.
What is DreamTheater?
You're welcome. I don't know how old or where you're from but it's always worth to take a look at the stuff you ignored during high school with older, wiser eyes. Also, this list is a bit too anglophone for my tastes but it's still a great starting point.
URL posting gave me a thumbnail, don't ask why
If you know how to play several instruments I assume you're somewhat acquainted with music theory. If you are, you're probably also somewhat acquainted with the history of western music and you can't possibly hold these opinions once you get behind a lot of composer's methodologies and projects of composition.
So you're either lying, really dumb or you can play a bunch of variations of the guitar + some 4/4 beats on the drums and you think you know shit.
Nice, I can almost make out details
I'm a strong cello, violin, and nyckelharpa player, a decent piano and percussionist, and I can play guitar, bass, and contrebass well enough. I'm starting to learn Chinese-style dulcimer right now, it's fun.
As for historic knowledge, I would say I have some knowledge going as far back to geisslerlieder, ars-subtilor, and ars-nova which predates western Romantic.
The thing is that vidya is/can be a combination of books (leaving things to your imagination), music (+audio/sound design), and film (visuals, cutscenes, voice acting) so anything that either of those could be, vidya could be the same or more. So vidya has the potential to be greater, and some are. Unfortunately there's a lot of shit games but there's plenty of shit lit, films, and music as well.