So this is how vidya ends
So this is how vidya ends
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how the fuck can people be so retarded that they cant play games properly. the whole point in vidya it to face challenge fuck this. i'm done. see you on the other side
nintendo did it first
Games had godmode cheats since forever, why is it a problem now exactly?
Lets hear it
made me giggle
What sort of special needs individual plays a horror game like this? That'd be like playing Forza without a clock or other racers
More like speed runner mode, since those retards love that mode.
Reminder that SOMA was better with the peaceful mod anyway
The monster evasion and shit was tacked on to be more like Amnesia, the game would have been better without it
Not sure if serious
Which is probably a strong sign. I think it's possible, but I'm not sure I really want to check that.
It's real. It does nothing but point an arrow where a moon is and lakitus you from death pits. Doesn't change anything else about the game. Bosses are still the same, platforming challenges are still the same.
gonna make a serious recommendation here.
if this additional option put into soma - hell, ANY game similar to soma - bothers you, do the world a favor and swallow buckshot because you are a brainless dipshit.
Getting chased by the monsters in the game added nothing to it and like it says there, there was already a mod that stopped it from happening. It wasn't even a frequent thing but when it happened it was just a needless source of frustration that wasn't what the game was about. Avoiding enemies in the game wasn't the same thing as it was in Amnesia.
We are like the living dead
Stealth horror "gameplay" is the actual worst piece of trash excuse for gameplay to have ever existed. Walking Sims are on a higher tier.
What the fuck is this autism.
The bigger question is why the fuck Vice City is on there but nothing else is from GTA
It fundamentally changes how the challenge is presented
There's a big difference between failure costing you a few minutes, and failure costing you a second or two.
There is a big difference between being lost and figuring out where you need to go, and literally being pointed to the next destination.
This will reflect in reviews, but it won't reflect in the commercial product that is supposedly being reviews.
That said, I appreciate Nintendo is rolling hard with the Games Journalist meme.
Wrong sweetie.
Rule number 1 of Speedrunning, is to ignore what the devs tell you to do. Pretty sure there's faster routes available.
Not a problem for Soma, the monsters in the game are just annoyances getting in your way while you try to explore. We all know that stealth horror gameplay is fun for about the first few times you get caught and then it's a fucking chore every time after that, especially when you got caught because you were trying to actually look at the goddamn game for a second.
silent hill 2 already had a difficulty option with no enemies where you were free to just explore and enjoy the story. it's also arguably one of the greatest horror games. how is this a problem?
Enjoy them all at 26 fps unless you pay an extra 400 bucks
Oh stop being such a whiny little bitch.
>silent hill 2 already had a difficulty option with no enemies
Really? I don't recall this. Was it a secret code?
it's called very easy mode. i don't really remember if you had to unlock it or not. don't feel like dragging out and hooking up my ps2 to confirm
What's the problem?
It's not like people play walking simulators for the riveting gameplay.
I didn't think you could die in the vanilla game. How bad can you be to die in SOMA? The AI is so fucking forgiving, it's unreal.
>don't feel like dragging out and hooking up my ps2 to confirm
well that's convenient because you're just wrong.
i did a quick search just to make sure my memory wasn't playing tricks on me.
>Play whichever you like. It depends on whether you care more about the game being challenging or experiencing the narrative without gameplay interfering. This game is extremely generous to those who prefer the latter, as with a single excepting instance, it's not even possible to die in Very Easy action mode.
pretty sure the very easy he's talking about is what the mode i remember with no monsters, which is why it's basically impossible to die. you still have to do puzzles because the action difficulty and puzzle difficulty settings are separate and there is no very easy option for puzzles.
Video games must fucking suck if all it takes to kill them is an optional mode in a game no one here gave a fuck about previously and dismissed as a walking sim in the first place.
Nah, this place has decent SOMA threads from time to time
It's a good game
I stand corrected, have a good one, user.
>morrowind good
>pokemon hasn’t become shit
This list is something else.
>Morrowind bad
>Pokemon is shit
This guy don't know Sup Forums too well
so give soma some godmode cheats. don't normalize faggotry for motherfucking pussies who can't play a game right. fuck that.
>Game Journalist Mode
I think I died once to the giant angry motherfucking fish because I tried to run too far and it grabbed my ass off the ocean floor and chomped me.
i feel like Soma could've actually done better with more puzzlan content rather than skirting around mutated hybrids.
so that's why these retards love Nintendo so much