>Two Games of the Year on its launch year
I can't think of a videogame platform with a stronger first year.
>Two Games of the Year on its launch year
I can't think of a videogame platform with a stronger first year.
anyone here have a fart kink?
Do YOU even have a fart kink?
>GOTY means anything
didnt the SNES have a bunch of good games come out in its first year?
>rogue squadron 2
>super monkey ball
>luigi's mansion
>all within the first 2 months
>all exclusive
nothin personnel... kid
it is a fucking mystery why the gamecube wasn't more of a success, the games on it were fucking fantastic
Botw is multiplat
no mystery, minidiscs a shit
He's too young to know that
Minidiscs. The quality of games are great but people will definitely push for how good a game looks and the PS2 had better hardware at the time.
Not only is BotW on Wii U, it's also shit.
PS2 just grabbed everyone first. Xbox sold like shit too, 24m to GC's 22m.
Xbox did everything the PS2 did but better, played DVDs, had better graphics, had good exclusives, and it sold just as poorly as the GC. The GC wouldn't have magically sold better if it used regular DVDs.
>It's shit
Gamers and critics worldwide disagree, you filthy sonycunt
The vulgar DVD gimmick. A mediocre product will sell as long as it has something to caught the masses of ignorant, stupid consumers.
Ps4 sucks and I have BotW, and I hate it.
>PS2 had better hardware at the time.
>The PS2 had better hardware than the Gamecube
>Xbox did everything the PS2 did but better
and 18 months later
with marketing which meant it would never be a seller in japan
gamecube launches with dvd capability and no memediscs and nintendo wins that gen
It was exactly a disaster. Sold 24 million.
That gen was won by Playstation because they were savvy enough to put a DVD player in the system just as the medium was beginning to take off. Many teenagers first DVD player was a PS2
Nope, PS2 would have still dominated. The GC using regular DVDs wouldn't have magically doubled or tripled its lifetime sales. End-users didn't give a shit about the mini-discs, and again XB got the same multiplat support PS2 got and still barely outsold the GC.
Sony won that gen. PS2 versions continued to be viable well into the successive generation.
The only problem here is that you need to be 12 or younger, or developmentally impaired, to consider these games worth your time, let alone your GOTY. Everyone else would trade not only these two games but the Nintendo Switch's entire library just to play something like Dark Souls 3 or Witcher 3 or XCOM 2 or Warhammer Total War or Bloodborne or Red Dead Redemption 2 or Divinity OS 2 or one of many other games instead.
>WASN'T exactly a disaster.
Phone posting sucks.
>A PCretin having the gall to criticize other games, let alone Nintendo games
Now I've seen everything
>PS2 had better hardware at the time
That's wrong.
PS2 and Wii have two things in common: they are the best selling platform of the respective gen and they both are the weakest platform by far of their gen.
>Everyone else would trade not only these two games but the Nintendo Switch's entire library just to play something like Dark Souls 3 or Witcher 3 or XCOM 2 or Warhammer Total War or Bloodborne or Red Dead Redemption 2 or Divinity OS 2 or one of many other games instead.
Fuck off you silly little shit stain. I've been playing video gmes before you were even cum. I own every major console from the past 25 years. I'd pick those two games over ANYTHING released in the last 5 years. There isn't a developer on this planet who can compare to Nintendo when they're on form. Cry some more.
t. developmentally impaired person
>game critics' opinion doesn't matter until it's this one particular game
>pushed Wii U game port.
>another generic BING BING WAHOO with literally nothing original
Seriously, at least BotW added some fun physics to Open World (which Just Cause did before but whatever) when i literally never heard anything groundbreaking or great about Odyssey other than it has "good music" when Persona 5 and Automata just completely destroy it.
Guess that makes me and 97% of the rest of public. You're such a special snowflake. Enjoy your "mature" games.
>you filthy sonycunt
>The vulgar DVD gimmick. A mediocre product will sell as long as it has something to caught the masses of ignorant, stupid consumers.
A Nintendo edgelord manchild. What a fun combo.
nothing personell kidd
I'm pretty sure 97% of the public don't spend their free time playing video games made especially for little children, and arguing online with teens and young adults, many of whom could be their own children. And several of those are not mature games, but I'll just chalk that one up to your impaired cognitive abilities.
Sonycunts keep posting this image even when:
>They were released one year after the pisstation too's launch
>Range from bad to just very barely okay; none of them are even close to GOTY material.
Do you even like video games? With a comment like this I just don't know.
>many of whom could be their own children
Let's be real here. Most of the NEETs here don't have children.
>nu-Sup Forums the post
Getting too old for this place.
Only good ones. Something no developer working with Sony is able to create.
*drops a big poopies*
Kek get a load of the desperate sonybro.
>I only play MATURE games for MATURE gamers like me! I don't care that everyone thinks they're two of the best games ever made! I want MATURE games with violence, swearing and nudity! That's MATURE!
Fucking hilarious.
So you don't like video games, gotcha. Thanks for clearing that up.
>zelda is also on wii u(also pc)
>8 months for 1(ONE) game
Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out
Sonycunts are literal 13 years old kids believing they're hot shit because TITS and BLOOD.
Thankfully the public at large is starting to see Sony as the fraud it is.
I can't wait for next year to see how Nintendo tops itse...
>>Range from bad to just very barely okay; none of them are even close to GOTY material.
that's quite a good description of zelda
See, your kind can't even read properly. Embarrassing.
>Double Dash
>Animal Crossing
>Mario Tennis
>the best Mario Party
Brainlets went for the DVD player and missed out on a GOAT library.