What's the most insulting video game feature Sup Forums?

What's the most insulting video game feature Sup Forums?

Honestly you're a weak person if you get easily insulted by markers.

lootboxes of any kind

skyward sword's tutorial

>awesome, we made it to the last boss
>yeah but since you turned the game off and on again i better tell you what a rupee is

Not telling me how many times I've died.

Titanfall 2 is a shitty game.

You're hopelessly naïve if you think that marker only signifies an arrow pointing towards your objective.

>die thrice
>"Would you like to switch to easy mode?"

The fucking slow captcha who doesn't allow me to make a new thread because it always check it as uncomplete it FUCK YOU BRING LEGACY BACK FOR MAKING NEW THREADS TOO. That's the worst Sup Forums feature.

Tutorial prompts for mechanics that you already know

The Skyrim marker was necessary. In TES games the environment is bland and devoid of landmarks, so you're likely to just not see these dungeon entrances.

The journal system in Morrowind was perfectly serviceable. The Oblivion quest markers were introduced so the game could be more accessible to illiterate gamers.

personally i think there were too many landmarks
Isnt it more fun to find a cave by actually finding it.

It's necessary but not for the reasons you stated. The marker tells you where you need to go in order to do your quest because THE FUCKING QUEST GIVER FUCKING DOESN'T.

>road leading directly to cave
>lit torches outside cave
>countless doodads littered in vicinity so you know what to expect inside
i agree with you so much

No it really wasn't. It was fucking hell finding objectives unless you genuinely like walking for 40 minutes in an ugly bland environment
God morrowind was fucking awful
Nostalgia fags OUT

Not exactly a feature, but more a lack of a feature: No vote kicking or map voting in overwatch. Like, one of the main reasons I dropped that game was because of how Blizzard treats their players like sensitive snowflakes, and as a result take any control away from you.

It’s fine in MMOs

i dont think its a good thing to have vote map in comp honestly.

But then again its more "fun" to play the maps that are good,who am i kidding who cares about having fun in a comp game am i right.

Holy fuck! Is Sup Forums actually talking about video games?


I think the Risen series did it great.
NPCs give detailed information about locations and you have a journal with the quest dialog but you still have the option to enable quest markers if you are an idiot.

the difference is that that's probably intentional.
most of these are made with the idea of "let's do this to help idiots play our game"
the easy mode thing is that, but also "let's piss off people for dying a bunch on this hard part so they get gud"

Mario Odyssey's persistent tutorials.

You been replaying NGB recently too, I see?

The game lowering the difficulty without asking you.

I fucking hate dynamic difficulty. Way to shit all over my challenge by making it easier the minute it starts to get hard.

You can turn off the Hud in Skyrim unless you suck asses at video games. It's your own fault if you even see objective markers. Or fucking toggle it off in the quest menu retard.

>I am illiterate and incapable of following directions
>I am also an autist incapable of talking to npcs to ask for directions
>wtf where du i go guiz? nostalgia reee

Yeah but it makes it 2ez and boring otherwise

Every Pokemon tutorial. Fucking Jesus let me just catch fucking dumb mice and birds stop telling me about tall grass.

imagine being this much of a pleb

I bet you defend the cape in smw too, huh?

MGSV does it too.

Most NPCs just say "I marked the location in your map" without further direction so it's impossible to find the location without the marker.

I loved that cape. Who even has a problem with Mario's cape?

see Turning off the quest markers doesn't get rid of the underlying problem of bad game design

Woah...to intelligent PRO GAMERS in this thread...
you guys watch rick n morty?

You can always spot newfags by how they phrase their shit like they're having a conversation

>just b urself

Or you know, you can listen to them or even just be lost for a few minutes. In. Skyrim.

>literally proven wrong before you even made your post

This is such a stupid brainlet tier argument, it boggles the mind.
The quests in Skyrim were written and designed in such a way that you follow the marker, the description doesn't tell you where to go, the NPC doesn't tell you "go east until you come to this crossing then go north and into the woods on the other side of the creek". No, it's fucking "here's your marker"
>Hehe just turn it off bro

These are the kind of retards we share this medium with

Invisible walls. I'd rather fall off the map to my death than being stopped by one of those fuckers.

As I said, they often give no direction whatsoever, also by definition you can't be lost if you don't know where you are going.

>Previous game has mod support
>Future games remove modding support
>"We removed it because modding would be too difficult!"
>Sells DLC skins, maps, gamemodes out the ass

Retarded hypocrite.

>Literally can't even comprehend what has just been said to him

>Skyrim's navigation was so pointless that the dev team opted to just make it the daedric alphabet
>only way to read them is to learn Daedric or download mods to make them your own language
Good thing you only need to follow markers.

It completely breaks the game. Gerri g to the end of a level is trivial if you can just fly over everything. The map system in skyrim is analogous to that since quests become trivial if you're shown exactly where to go at all times.

The fanbase they attract.

>Gerri g
Should say: getting

I want to call this a gay answer, and you a faggot, but I can't really argue.

but user weathered road signs are


It's ok. I wish I was a gay lying fag on this one.

Some may argue that it doesn't if the game is singleplayer.
A good counter-argument would be: Devs listen to them anyway. Fuck Redhook, seriously what kind of retard asks for nerfs in a sp game?

Well, I mean, how else are you supposed to find shit?

These were pretty damn insulting.
It's like those match shapes/colors toys for 1-2 year olds.

>tfw running around for an hour trying to figure out one of those "puzzles"
>mfw the answer was literally right behind the columns

>walking for 40 minutes in an ugly bland environment
Are you retarded?

I think location markers should be disabled by default on difficulties higher than Normal and re-enabling them bumps you down to Normal difficulty.

Tinur's Hoptoad best spell

I still haven't figured out this puzzle yet. Can Sup Forums help me? Looking at Rick and Morty references isn't giving me anything.

Here ya go sir

No, you need to watch more full episodes of Rick and Morty.

Zelda hints and tutorials are some of the worst and obnoxious things in existence.

Wanna know what zelda would be like without them? Go play the original nes game and tell us what you think (no one likes it for a reason, user)

Witcher senses


Quest markers, no contest.
After playing a vanilla WoW private server for a few weeks, I wanted to try out retail though a trial account.
Holy shit, the game treats you like a child. "Push the WASD keys to move" "Click on NPCs to talk" "Here, let me tell you exactly where to go for literally every quest in the game"

>turn off quest markers
Then you are worse off than Morrowind. At least quest givers in morrowind would say "turn north at the funny looking rock a few dozen yards outside of town". It wasn't helpful, but you had SOMETHING to work with. Skyrim is just "Go to Draugr-fuck Tomb. The macguffin is in there" with no explanation of where Draugr-fuck Tomb even is or how to get there.

>Tutorial popups
>Shit that pauses the game
>enemies that knockback

They babymoded the rest of the game too. I remember when there at least SOME risk of dying during the first few quests if you were an idiot. Starter area enemies in WoW these days are basically hitting you with pillows and nerf guns.

Fucking casuals man.
I remember playing everquest when I was like 10 and you had to select NPCs and /hail them to speak.

There's a difference between "just bomb every wall and burn every bush because our translation team was drunk that day" and "HEY, LET ME TELL YOU WHAT THAT ITEM YOU JUST PICKED UP FOR THE 1452TH TIME DOES!".

faceapp is just in20years after someone used in20years on in20years

wait a minute that claw

>Wanna know what zelda would be like without them?

That one is so simple. Skyrim is where the true intellectuals go for a challenging puzzle.

50-80% of the game being a tutorial

ITT people who pretend to like being stuck in video games because they have no idea where the fuck to go.

>He thinks people are pretending to enjoy using their brains to figure things out
Incidentally, TES games are about exploration. Part of the fun of doing quests in TES is getting sidetracked by various discoveries.

The quest marker eliminates half of the fun of the game by clearly laying out the route you have to take, and in the case of doing the quest itself more often than not tell you to find something and just pointing you straight to it.

just a reminder that these weren't there to keep grave robbers out

What kind of sick bastard lays out spike traps for their ancestors?

>Oh look, a cave
>Oh look, a cave
>Oh look, a cave
>Oh look, a cave

Exciting discoveries.

Why would you play a game you clearly don't enjoy?

If my ancestors came back as zombies that killed everything they saw, I'd totally put spike traps in the tomb to keep them in.

Enemies that can perform cinematic finishers on you. I get that I messed up, game, don't make me sit here for seven seconds watching my character get the shit beat out of him.

Morrowind was probably the only game in the last decade to actually do it right. You had names for every location, and NPCs that gave you directions accordingly. And now I feel dirty for complimenting the same developer that allowed it to go all to shit.

long, unskippable tutorials that don't let you rush trough them, the kind that forces you to read some dialogue in between mechanics.

What's worse is tutorials that pop up whenever something specific happens mechanics-wise. For example if there is something that always results in a restart and that something has a tutorial, it will keep popping up every single time, because when you reload a save, that something has never happened, and the tutorial has therefore never been shown.

>13 bullets left
>press X to reload

Dying completely in Classic 9.0 on Smash 4.
>Pay x amount of coins to continue with a lowered difficulty or GAME OVER

I’m just saying, have you never played a Zelda game or something of the like when you were younger and just couldn’t figure out where the fuck to go? Prime example would be some of the fetch quests in the gameboy Zeldas. It can get a little frustrating when you have literally no idea on where to look for your objective.

>*reload early*
>bullets still in your inventory

Link's Awakening is the only game where that has even been remotely an issue and even then I didn't hate it and would have felt more insulted if they did make it clearer.

Strategy games where you have to wait and watch the enemy take forever on their turn.

>Playing Worms
>Enemy's turn
>They spend the full minute thinking of a move and then time out

It's absolute bullshit when you have to talk to a random NPC in order to trigger an event.

>Playing single player mario party to unlock all the characters.

My fist TES was oblivion then skyrim. I didnt get around to playing through morrowind until 2017. Its not nostalgia, the journal system is way more immersive and forces you to explore thoroughly. When I play the games with markers i just go on autopilot.

Wouldn't want them getting out now would we?

Any answer that isn't Witcher Senses AKA omniscient vision is unequivocally wrong.

Fuck whoever had this ABSOLUTE FUCKING DISGRACE in their game first. I wish I could punch them in the face.