what went wrong?
What went wrong?
kurwa nie wiem
nothing every update was great so far
>weapons have no spread
People who complain about bugs are right but they bought game in early access.
People who complain about gameplay were expecting russian cod.
Its honestly a great game.
Seeing where game was a year ago and where it is now it has come along very nicely.
range is so short the guns should have no spread anyway
Bullets don't come out of barrels at 5 degree angles in real life, they shouldn't in realistic video games either.
Maybe if you didn't mail your fucking punch cards without par avignion sticker you would not get desync
Any anons actually enjoy the game?
I've played since earliest alpha and it started out great went to bad with the laser mechwarrior aimbot scavs and ak74 mags being as rare as rifle cases but now its pretty good. Servers keep getting better and better
this game is terrible and if you say otherwise it's because youre a NEET who plays nothing else
You got BTFO in the last thread trying to shit on this game so now you made a new thread like nothing happened.
>the 'ur a cod kid' argument
Nothing so far, game is pretty good. Better question is:
>Won't they fuck it up?
Is this game finished yet?
>tarkov ever being finished
It's fucking impossible to get immersed in the game
The inventory and environment items (keys, pieces, ETC) are too pedantic and complicated for an FPS, might as well turn it into an RPG
Also enemy character animations are scary as fuck when you spot each other
Well I guess that is a starting point for where it went wrong
Gimme the pros and cons.
Last I heard it was going to have P2W shit and I just stopped going into threads about it.
>tactical gameplay that ***should*** require and emphasize skill in gunplay and movement
>extremely good models for the weapons and gear
>tons of features to modify and fidget with your weapon
>desync so bad players teleport, fly, get god mode, appear dozens of feet away from where they are, shoot you behind walls
>movement and maps are so clunky that you get trapped in extremely intense firefights on garbage level geometry
>armor is extremely op in pvp to the point where you can dump dozens of rounds into a guy with the highest tier armor only to have him two shot you
>AI is so broken that it pre-aims around corners, can see through walls and automatically one taps unarmored players or shoots out the legs of players with body armor with no issue
>extremely empty loot system that only benefits NEETS that play literally nothing else
>game has various versions for different amounts of money (expensive) that give you a larger inventory size
>the devs recycled sound and graphical assets from their older projects
>devs give youtubers press accounts with all of the weapons to advertise the game so people will buy it without knowing about the extreme grind
the game has too high of a barrier for entry and costs way too much for what it is. It isn't a beta at all and has only 3 out of 10 maps. It's a delusional alpha.
Open Beta when?
>>movement and maps are so clunky that you get trapped in extremely intense firefights on garbage level geometry
Movement is fine, how do you think you move in real life? Sure, you don't get stuck in the brick on the ground, you stumble over it and fall face first, but the point remains.
>>armor is extremely op in pvp to the point where you can dump dozens of rounds into a guy with the highest tier armor only to have him two shot you
That's how big armours work, even if the guy dies later they give him enough time to gun you down. Some weapons however have broken damage models (e.g. buckshot).
>>extremely empty loot system that only benefits NEETS that play literally nothing else
If everyone could get shit easily there'd be no point or tension.
>>devs give youtubers press accounts with all of the weapons to advertise the game so people will buy it without knowing about the extreme grind
Good because when they die (and they do, they just don't air that footage), they're great loot pinatas. As for people buying it based on what they saw on a Youtuber's channel, that's their own fault.
You're right about the rest.
Fucking this. This is the only major issue with the game. Other than that it's fine. Looking forward to EU weapons and the M16A4 6-18 months from now.
Early next year most likely. Devs wanted it to be the end of this year, but I doubt that's gonna happen.
>"If everyone could get shit easily there'd be no point or tension."
>implying other tactical shooters with zero loot systems don't have tension
all that locking gear behind a strict grind is going to do is kill the game since you can't even play/loot in in pure PVE to avoid player desync. It'll live for 6 months, then it'll shrink to nothing but the sweaties, and when they get bored of how repetitive it is it'll run dry.
At least not one blind EFT fanboy arguing everything with muh realism
I bet you're one of those niggers who glitches pistols in his gamma crate. You don't need to have the best gear possible to enjoy the game. Honestly AK74/AKM is all you really need. The only place gear is a bit too important is body armor. Besides, there are plenty of ways of getting easy loot, since you still have people who go super-geared into factory and get rekt by shotguns.
Nothing P2W. I'm on the cheapest edition shitting on everything I see. People who pay more get bigger stashes and slightly bigger secure containers (basically retains whatever is inside of it when you die), but neither of those will make players any better.
>Best gunporn of any game
>Weapon handling/recoil/firing is great
>Point shooting instead of hipfire RNG
>Rewards skill and smart play
>Really intense PVP at times
>If you like looting, it's pretty rewarding and fun in this. If you don't like looting, you don't really have to do that much of it.
>Optimization and server performance have steadily improved since I started playing (but it's been a pretty slow process)
>AI constantly getting changed, so sometimes it's fucking ridiculous aimbot tier bullshit, and other times it's actually pretty good
>Missing a lot of content still (3.5 maps out of 10 are currently released, no ETA on the open world/free roam or on the Arena mode, lots of weapons/equipment/items to be added, barebones quest and skill system, gameplay mechanics still being deveolped)
>Servers can be really bad sometimes
>Shitters running around with hatchets to stuff shit in their secure containers to make money with zero risk will get paired with people going in with full gear looking for PVP, so it can be hard to find actually good PVP
>Besides doing the trader quests, there's not much to do besides get loot and PVP, so if you don't like PVP there's no real point to keep playing
>Slow development
I think those are the main things, but I'm sure there's shit I'm forgetting.
you do need the best gear to enjoy the game in solo play. Anyone with fort and a kiver is unkillable unless you have equivalent gear. Even with AP rounds you'll still get bamboozled unless you put in the slavework to get the top tier gear. This doesn't even take the desync and extremely poor/late spawns into account where you die instantly or go into an empty map.
>Can one tap somebody in kiver with any rifle in the game, two or three tap with a fucking 9x19 handgun
Git good. And most AP rounds shred Fort armor in 2-4 shots. You're right about the spawns being shit and desync being a bitch though.
Like i said, the way armor works is a bit OP, but i never felt like I got screwed because I had a meh AK and the other guy had a blinged out M4.
And to address most of the PvP issues, they should really have a dedicated gamemode exclusively for high-value PvP so Gregor doesn't keep getting paired with Hatchlings.
Spread isn’t there for that though, it’s to simulate controlled recoil.
So you can play the game without ever playing online?
Servers bad how?
the game is online only. You can play in offline mode but you get no loot or xp. The servers have terrible latency and desync. It's worse than cawadoody's purposeful lag. People will see each other in positions seconds from where they are clientside.
Why are they taking so long with this while that piece of shit pubg can be released with a 2005 game engine buggy as fuck and full of hackers ?
Losing everything never stopped other games, in fact games like DayZ in which you lose everything enjoyed massive success. This game isn't for you user, if you can't take losing your precious toys, go play something else.
>pick the right bullets for VEPR/AKM
>don't engage fortnigger head on from the front
>absolutely shred his fort armour before he can fire back
>enjoy the free loot
>find fort armour fucker
>throw grenade
>enjoy the free loot
Git fucking good.
No, it's online only. Offline mode is temporary, doesn't save progress, and won't be around by full release.
The servers are inconsistent. Sometimes your game will be fine, other times people will desync sprint around the map so badly they'll look like they're teleporting every couple meters of movement. Since I started playing, I've been having more consistently good server performance, but there are still times where people desync all over the place. There's also fairly substantial peeker's advantage
Because they want to make a game that's actually good. Whether they're going in the right direction for that is a matter of contention, but that's why they take so long with updates and shit.
>good game
>witht this engine
I enjoy it atm but cmon, those devs will never deliever
Dayz doesn't have a loot stash/collection metagame and you find guns in literally every location you go to on the ground retard
>implying you can even engage a fort player without wearing fort yourself with the desync
>defending the horrible armor balance
how's that press account, shill
>russian developers
>only other game they made was some shitty f2p fps
I bought the game and there's no fucking way these morons can make the final product they promise. The best thing they can do is sell what they have to a competent company.
Yeah that shit is garbage. Also the grass render distance is terrible. And they're planning on adding a ghillie suit at some point.
they should have just made this game online co-op with a lot of content instead of this half baked PvP shit.