Just got this on sale, what am i in for?

just got this on sale, what am i in for?

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a dead game with no replay value
wait for sequel

A game that runs like absolute garbage regardless of how powerful your PC is. Its like left 4 dead but you cant play as the special enemies.


install mods

You dumbo.

This is free on xbone.

As said before, realistic image of the current migration crisis to the Europe.

^this fag hasn't played since release, the game runs fine now.

It's a great game with friends, akin to left4dead except with a much more fleshed out melee system and much more difficult.

A massive grind wall if you plan on playing on anything higher than normal.

No? You can easily push to nightmare in blue gear which gets handed out pretty regularly.

>ever playing anything but hard
There are no weapons so bad in this game that you can't shit all over hard missions and immediately get an upgrade.

best melee system in an FPS game I've ever experienced by far. You can feel the weight of the weapons when swinging and especially on connection.

Top tier banter between characters. VA is very well done.

The satisfaction of "getting gud" and dealing with a horde on nightmare without taking hit when before 4 rats on normal would once push your shit in is very potent.

play normal a few times then switch to hard
go nightmare when you get a weapon you like with regrowth normal or bloodlust
don't worry about cata until you get bored of nightmare the gear drops are basically the same, the reward is knowing you got gud
most people are friendly until you die with the grim
get the quality of life mod pack so you can see others gear
chances are the game will still be active for a few months even after v2 releases so you're good
elf mains are garbage dwarf mains are goat

Fun, especially if you got friends with it too.

Melee is easy to learn but takes time to master, very satisfying, it also has a very high skill ceiling, and if you stick with it you'll really see yourself improve.

>they STILL haven't fixed rats teleporting up
certain ledges midswing

Death of the Reik DLC incoming soon-ish anyway. Hope it won't cost fucking 15€ or more.

"Tonight is a big night for Vermintide as it becomes available on Xbox One's Games With Gold programme!

This week, in preparation for a tide of new players, we have prepared as best we can our infrastructure and required systems for these players as they jump on board.

That said, we'd like to bring attention to the possibility that there could be some hiccups as players look to login to the game en mass, so whilst we hope everything will go smoothly, there's a chance - however small - that these hiccups might impact games played on all platforms, Steam included.

Should issues arise, do keep an eye on our forums for updates or news from us regarding those, and as ever - we thank you for your patience.

==== UPDATE 01 DEC 2018 @ 23:05 CET ====

We're aware of the current inability for some users to log in. As noted above, we have put in place measures to reduce the impact a whole host of new players would have on our login servers, and seemingly the tide of players is overwhelming things a little right now.

We're doing all we can to rectify this and return you to your next episode of rat-smashing.

==== UPDATE 02 DEC 2018 @ 00:15 CET ====

Work continues to return life to the backbone of Vermintide. Due to the sheer volume of new player accounts being created, we have had to enter a phase of emergency maintenance and bring the game offline whilst we perform surgery.

We will do all we can through the night, and will return early tomorrow with the latest updates. (work continues, but your messenger must sleep!)

Our sincerest apologies for the downtime."
- Fatshark news post

>Fucking CONSOLES won't let me play on STEAM on PC

For fucks sake Fatshark.


cataclysm is so intense

I can't do anything less than Cata because of it. If you disregard really unfortunate special spawns you can do Nightmare as two people most of the time.

I can't wait for the patch to fix Kruber having a minigun wiping anything with the Haste trait. Finally Saltzpyre semi-auto crossbow will be top ogre killer.

Shitty fpv melee gameplay.

>elf mains are garbage

What's good fpv melee gameplay?

I wouldn't be so mad if you didn't shoot me in the back 4 times per special you aim in the general direction of.

None. It being FPV automatically qualifies it as shit.

why are skaven the best rest in the WH fantasy cinematic universe?

>^this fag hasn't played since release, the game runs fine now.
Rat catcher here, market areas still run like shit, and I can't do the level intro chat-escape bug anymore. Shit updates.

every thot elf i find is stuck on the aimbot drug
hagbane is god

Sound like a personal thing.

>I can't do the level intro chat-escape bug anymore

You can but the trick is different. I've seen it a ton of times but never bothered looking it up. Probably related to the mod framework release.

A game you literally can't play right now because it's always online and xbone got it for free and their servers can't handle the load so they've been down for maintenance for days and if you try to start the game up it just kicks you back to desktop