What did Nintendo mean by this?

What did Nintendo mean by this?

Me on the left

>two black strong woman
it's okay when nintendo does it

there are no black women in that pic

"Please buy our games because we are covering up their mediocrity with fan service"

>comparing them to the cookie cutter big afro hoop earring strong black woman

boobs > ass

>it's not ok when nintendo does it

Holy... Nintendo

It's not, their games are for kids.

healthy women have curves

yes but

t. man child

t. ooga booga

Mah nigga, also legs.

Who cares if anyone does it? Not all of Sup Forums is retards

>How may I be of service, master?
What did Nintendo mean by this?

Nintendo has always had and always will have, the best girls in vidya.

>says that while Microsoft exist

black women ≠ niggers


new boss

>kids are too busy playing with ipads! what do we do to boost sales?
>appeal to the older nintendo fans
>but sir, they either moved on or are so deep in their obsession that they only go for the existing marketing aimed at the 10-year old demographic anyway!
>shit we need new blood! just throw ass and tits into everything!

>Zelda's ass so fat each cheek has its own shadow

Who knows but I like it.

which game is the titty monster from?

>it's ok when nintendo does it

Those tits are stupidly huge.

She would be busty if they were halved.

Except for the Xenoblade chick, they are all fine, fucking hot even
Because her figure is just too ridiculous

They're just tanned.


Attempting to take back vidya from virtue signalling SJW.

Doing God's work and why I will support them. They allow developers to design characters how THEY want, not according to the irrelevant "current political climate"

Good games will sell. Other Devs have forgotten this and think that because they pander to the politics crowd, they deserve sales. They dont.


but black women do have afros and wear hoop earrings... why everything blacks do gotta be bad?

Isnt that 99% of all Japanese games to come out since the 16-bit era?

Nintendo used to be the family friendly company what happened?

heterosexuals > homos & fat chicks

Me in the top left
You want me to give you boons a butt job?

I buy games just for tits. Nintendo is giving me a lot of games to buy.

Xenoblade has better girls than that

And face pls
I love faces

nice fucking meme.

Hes not wrong though. With the exception of xc2; ARMS and BotW is rated 10+


who's on the bottom left?

Modern men DO desire large breasts

What do you think Samus'es abs smell like after she works out

>What did Nintendo mean by this?
lil kiddos still long for the life giving breasts of their mothers. But since kiddos old enought to nintendy vidya tend to be to old for mommies milkies.

So nintendo be such a company that makes kiddie shit panders at them kiddos with nice ole big tittays to bring them comfort and help them reminisce of that not so long ago when they were still breast feeding and what not.

Nintendo must be stopped


Spats are truly a gift to mankind.

Who knows but I want to smell it, touch it, and lick it.

>mom says that i actually stopped breast feeding pretty early

Where is Treehouse to stop all of this?

Is Nintendo going on twitter talking about how theres need to be mo women and that the white man be keeping da gamerz of color down?
Thats the difference between Nintendo and western companies

>Unironically wanting Treehouse to step in

I want nu-Sup Forums to leave

How do they do it

I just want to know who stopped Treehouse from fucking everything up. Did Japan step in to stop NoA and NoE?

Is ARMS fun to be played alone?


getting shitcanned, hopefully

They look brown to me
Black pwople dont have straight hair

Nope, NoE is typically mild about censoring and XCX had a very poor response to Treehouse's localization, so daddy NoJ stepped in and gave it to NoE

Now if they port XCX like the monolith prez wants, they'll give that to NoE too

Not 100% of them, as western games would have you believe. They just want to make them as black as possible

based japan
realizing the hypocrisy of shunning sexuality yet celebrating violence and gore

It means they know my fetishes, aside from the overblown tits.
Because there's no politically charged motive behind these characters, they're literally just there for sex appeal.
No ghetto/"sassy" mannerisms.
Also, dark skin doesn't mean they're black.

Delete this

Damn SJWs were right, maybe soyboys really don't desire big breast anymore.



Well, Nintendo DO know its audience.

They're brown.

>Tfw dark blue

>not liking both

oh my

I am the 46% + 90% + 10%

>What did Nintendo mean by this?
How may I be of service, master?

Can you not read?

Confirmed /ourconsole/