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interesting theory, I do find the sudden influx of Bloodborne discoveries to be suspicious

I was thinking about BB the otherday without warning I do honestly think we're sleeper agents

I doubt they're making a Bloodborne II and I hope they don't. I'd much prefer a new IP that's more different than what we've gotten before.

I find the speculation about a Demon's Souls remake coming soon pretty believable, not sure how I feel about that.

Pseuds overthinking everything.

I think From is at its best creating new worlds and not sequels so I honestly hope its not a remake

Bloodborne was great but it shouldn't get a sequel

>I'd much prefer a new IP that's more different than what we've gotten before.

Everyone who says this is a fucking liar. You want more Souls and you want it done better than before too. The shit isn't vague.

Either that or you're an AC fag.

But you don't want shit that is 'nothing' like Souls.

Lovecraftian horror and mystery greatly benefits from not displaying too much.
Don't ruin the magic for money.

I want something that's actually different just because it sucks to see a company forced into the Call of Duty formula, but you're right in the assertion that people want a "new" IP that is just Space or Western Souls or some other derivative shit.

I wouldn't mind a more Souls type game, but within that framework I'd like it to be more iterative than derivative of what we've gotten, and I certainly don't want a direct sequel. But what would excite me most is something totally different that still looks interesting to me.

As much as I love Bloodborne, From seems to be at their best when they make something fresh, id rather they try something new, they can even keep the aesthetic but just approach it with fresh ideas

Why would I lie here of all places?

What is souls?
R1 light R2 heavy attacks?
The level design?

I wouldnt mind a different combat but please dont touch the quality of the level design.

Seriously though, what are the chances that after more than 2 and half years someone finds the flaming hook undead giant finally and then someone finds the unreleased costumes and enemies

>Miya openly states what three games FROM currently has in the making right now
You must accept your death. Be freed from the night.

what did he say

I hope Bloodborne 2 is never made.
Bloodborne must remain untainted as the greatest game of all time.

best girl

The only one we really know much about is the AC reboot, the Souls game they're making could very well be BB 2, even though I doubt it.

The reason as to why noone found fire sickle giant before is because noone ever bothered doing Defilement Root dungeons, since they are worthless in terms of gem progression and were considered to have same pthu layouts as Ihyll roots.
>and then someone finds the unreleased costumes and enemies
Some fag was researching save editor and recently published his autism studies on how to extract models, thats it.
It'd take you several seconds to google it yourself, but essentially:
>one game is going to be a dark fantasy ARPG that is also a spiritual successor to their previous series
>another is a mecha game which was later confirmed to be an AC sequel
>the third one is "something really weird" and "totally not what'd you expect from Miyazaki"
Granted they put a pretty blatant KF reference in the DaS3 DLC, the "dark fantasy" game is most likely gonna be Kings Field. Which is a shame, because Shadow Tower has a cooler setting.

>Bloodborne must remain untainted as the greatest game of all time

The first one is another Souls game dude, they already compared it to Dark Souls. Unless they're making a new KF in the style of Souls, but I don't think people would like that.

shilling your youtube channel isnt allowed here


>but I don't think people would like that.
Who? The KF fanbase? It doesn't exist. Besides, souls evolved directly from KF, its the progenitor of the series, and Bloodborne to Souls is pretty much what Shadow Tower is to KF.

Souls is literally 3rd person King's Field that plays better. They could take the formula, change the perspective to 1st person, and you'd have a modernized King's Field game.


Everyone who says this is a fucking liar. You want more Souls and you want it done better than before too.
Then why are all the Souls sequels trash?


this but including bloodborne

First of all don't ever shill your terrible videos at me you fucking mongoloid. I'm not watching it.

Second of all, only the most mindless, desperate, and greedy people would ever want Bloodborne to get a sequel. It had a completely self contained story that began, progressed, and ending all within itself. Shit, even the DLC just provided further context for the story, it didn't tack on another act for the palemoon hunt, because that would've been retarded. There's nowhere else to go, nothing else to say, nothing more to be done. Technically, if you reached, you could squeeze out another sequel, at the cost of any interest or intrique that the original had. Because then you have to close in the gaps, give answers to things that Bloodborne purposefully left unanswered and we've seen how that shit always turns out. More than likely it will invalidate the original's endings, it will recontextualize everything, scrub away the story's themes and ponderings. It will cheapen everything, all because you collosal fucking faggots can't be content with a well put together game, and like diseased little handicaps who will never amount to a single thing in their life beyond the crayon drawing books in the tard room, all you can do is scream "MORE MORE MORE".

Fuck you.

What i want is for the team to not be restricted in their creative vision because they’re forced to stick to the setting, general aesthetic or themes of the last game.


What the fuck I just started playing Bloodborne and love it too, this is the strangest shit

Bloodborne 2 will be a prequel

>Then why are all the Souls sequels trash?

Because you think they are?

You realize this shares zero relevance with what you're attempting to quote

The game would have to be easy as fuck if it was a prequel though, its likely that (sane/non-enlightened) Hunters would be abundant and the game establishes that previous hunts were nowhere near the severity of the one going down in Bloodborne

>Blooooorne 11
They seriously have 10 fucking games already?
How have I never heard of this series?

Actual Gameplay

Threaded cane is the most underrated BB weapon.

also, fuck thumbnails that are just
>white background with promo art of video game character and some dumb statement/question in big black letters

fucking bloodborne kart WHEN

Calm down sperg

>confirms that Dark Souls 3 was made with BB's cut content

I fucking knew it. I kept telling them DS3 was just a medieval-inspired Bloodborne mod, and nobody believed me. The really depressing this is that this series is so generic you could move enemies over from BB to DS3 and nobody tells the difference.