What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Nothing, it was fine

Alienating your target audience.

Several Things:
>The first game was unrefined with lackluster stealth mechanics where enemies are immediately alerted to you and mediocre shooting mechanics that left you running for cover half the time
>Second game did nothing to fix this
>The maturity and realism of the first game's story goes completely out the window in the second game (we've all seen the webm of a certain character)
>Injecting modern politics to promote the game
>6 hour campaign

where my fellow fag/fash bashers at?

New Order sold about 2-3 million counting all consoles
how much do we actually know 2 sold?

TNO did terrible sales, if it gets a sequel it's because corporate wants to continue the brand or whatever and muh "sunk cost fallacy".

I mean TNC, not TNO.

-Too short
-Weird, deliberatly political story

There is absolutely no indication that this game sold poorly.

The amount of hate that this game gets from the Sup Forums circle jerk is not am accurate representation on the games success

Bioshock Infinite sold well and that's still a piece of shit that no one talks about anymore.

Letting Sweden develop it.

>he hasn't seen the NPD numbers
>he hasn't looked at the Steam charts
I also heard game stores in the UK didn't even put any of the marketing shit up in their stores.

>tripple a games


>don't pay attention to steam numbers, who cares about how well a FPS sells on PC?
>NPD numbers show it's a bomb on consoles as well
haha, mobile is the real target market, Sup Forums loses again!

Too much muh story too little gameplay

>tournament for a single player game
>that disclaimer at the bottom

Is this bait? Call of duty sells terribly on PC, what's your point here?

>There is absolutely no indication that this game sold poorly.
That both console and PC sales for TNC have been objectively shown to be bad, below expectations and a failure for it's budget. To say otherwise is intentional ignorance.

You haven't shown any numbers, just rankings.

>The Evil Within 2 sells better than TNC on launch week
Man, Pete Hines is getting his shit chewed out in boardroom meetings over his anti-marketing campaign.


Todd has nothing to do with Wolfenstein 2. Bethesda game studios and Bethesda softworks are completely different.

>SP game
What a bunch of sad faggots. Also, protesting that Milo guy, way to be homophobic baka

Remember when Pete Hines got angry at people on twitter for the (unintentional) retconning in Fallout 3/4?

Too many cutscenes
Boring levels, not enough crazy shit with locations like in TNO
Too difficult, with hitscan enemies nuking you and 50 hp for half the game. You can just play on easy if you want, but doesn't feel good when TNO was balanced
Toilet humor in the middle of the most emotional scenes

Any other soykino like this?

>Wears an indestructible bullet proof suit
>Dies in 2 hits

Fallout: New Vegas, Planescape: Torment, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Deus Ex.

>Fallout: New Vegas

yeah, what the fuck was with this bullshit. not to mention all the super agility Caroline had in TNO and we don't

Please tell me that's just a mockup.

probably real

Dead serious I honestly don't believe anybody involved in the first game was part of the making of the second game. It comes off as that far away from the experience.

The first game was well-written and had some legitimately serious character moments. Blazkowicz in particular was a really fucked up and fascinating character to play as. So for them to do the game a giant disservice by making everything into a farcical over the top nonsense cartoon is an insult to the work they did on the first game.
Even the characters who return from the first game have been turned into farcical pastiches of their much more compelling former selves. I will never understand this push to take serious games and make them silly and retarded in the sequels.

Beyond that the game is overall much shorter with much worse level design. It still has a bunch of half-baked mechanics that never quite worked out in the first game and nothing is done to improve or remove them.

As for the politics, I don't really mind the more diverse cast or 60's civil rights thing, it's at least somewhat interesting, but the characters are all poorly written. It's just really juvenile.
Besides, it's a goddamn Wolfenstein game. These are games about a half-Polish, half-Jewish American who looks like an Ubermensch murdering the shit out of Nazis and being a patriot. It is not about fucking communists attempting to install a communist regime as if that's a good thing.

>black panthers
>modern politics
I did cringe during the nigger introduction but it got alot better.
It fits the theme for the time period even if she was a forgettable character.
>running for cover
Literally git gud.


Totally agree with this.
I also don't get why they put in the choice between 3 different upgrades when the game was pretty much over soon after.
>get told I can choose 1 upgrade now and unlock the other 2 later in side missions
>Think:Cool, the game is just really starting now
>Side missions are actually jsut the same levels with a different starting point and without the story
Also, I felt like TNC had WAYYYYY too many cutscenes (which were for the most part totally unfunny, especially the out of place birthday party)

it has the same vibe i got from Deus EX MD, it feels the cut half of the game so they could sell it as a sequel.
that or DLC but that doesn't spell something positive to the game

Yeah but to be fair, while in Deus Ex the STORY felt like the game was cut in half, at least the game lasted a pretty long time if you explored the levels which was fun.
In TNC most of the levels just felt totally linear and boring.

No arguments from me, completely agree.

hour campaign
That's about average for a Single player FPS campaing. Serious Sam is shorter than this.