What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

Is he the original soyboy?

woah is that max payne

How about "cuckold soyboy" aesthethic?

He realized there's literally nowhere to go but up, but gave up on that too.

What's the aesthetic when you go gay because your wife tells you to?

He meant that he has always felt a special connection to the media portrayal of men who have lost everything and coped with staying true to their job, because it was bigger than them. He's finally gotten to that point and most likely realized that the romanticism of the aesthetic isn't worth the price of the aesthetic.

Thats not a "hungover detective" look Burch, thats the "pitiful cuck"-look.

Whoa..... So this.... is the power... of soy.....

Actually, that was his idea.

I think he means the "i'm homeless" aesthetic

>post yfw your wife didn't take your Wii U

Sup Forums - ecelebs and twitter screencaps


"Aesthetic" is the most cancerous word.

More like "average soyboy"

>What did he mean by this?

>Not allowed to eat something because of Sup Forums
Fuck off, Soy isn't even that bad.

I know this is just a meme but I seriously will never eat any soy products ever again. Just in case.

As a newfag can I get some background info on this guy and why he's mentioned here?

You mean: Sup Forums politics and e-celebs

He TOLD her to open the relationship up and go gay.

Then she got all the action and he got nothing. Then she divorced him.

What does this new word you people keep forcing recently mean now?

It means being emotionally abusive to your wife then spreading rumours on Sup Forums that it was her fault and not his.

Lurk more.


All white men are soyboys.

nazi terrorists’ new buzzword against gentlemen

Soy is only acceptable in miso soup

Fuck off with your anti soy memes
God i can't wait to be a janitor and get this place rid of you assholes

Millhouse isn't a meme.

I don't know about that, but he nailed "Desperately lacking testosterone" look.

>he works for league of legends now

I always knew lol was the most soyboy game

>"hungover detective" aesthetic
>clearly "starving artist" aesthetic
somehow I doubt what he's produced will go up in value once he finally dies though

Your wife's son laughs at you with her boyfriend.

It's Sup Forums counterattack against Sup Forums's 56% offensive. Personally I think 56% is a better meme

new Sup Forums word for "white guy"

>anthony burch

It's almost like people who believe that shit are way more likely to be the kind of person that consumes soy, not that soy is what somehow contorts their brain to believe that stuff.

Is he still working for Gearbox? I think he left/was fired a while ago. What's he doing these days?


So Y

Soyboy is a derogative term word for a male who lacks any masculine qualities whatsoever, so named for the effect that a soy-based diet has on testosterone levels. Soyboys and hipsters are usually, but not always, interchangable.

This is Anthony Burch, "writer" if you can call him that, of Borderlands 2 and absolute shitlord. He hates anime and hates anyone who has an avatar of any anime character and is extremely jealous of his highly and much more successful sister Ash Burch who, guess what, voices some popular anime characters and characters with anime art styles like Rise from Persona, at least in dancing all night.

also somethingsomething wii u was taken by his girlfriend

Would you prefer to be paid in Soylent rather than hot pockets?


it's even worse than that, HE was the one who was convinced he might be gay/bi because SJW's tried to brainwash him
he FORCED his wife into an open relationship, then went on a single date with a guy but realized he wasn't gay midway through

he then failed to get another date -with anyone male or female- whilst his wife now took advantage of the open relationship he bullied her into and fucked a few guys on the side
she then got sick of his shit and divorced him

there's a reason "yfw you realize you aren't Anthony Burch" is a meme
at least he has a framed tweet from Sarkeesian on his wall to eternally remind him of how pandering to SJW's fucks up your life completely

>a shaman

Hope you don't listen to infowars. All of their products contain soy.

Actually I hope you don't eat. Almost all packaged and grown food these days contains soy in it. It's cheap and used in most food products.

>tfw I knew he was a cuck since 2009

I know, but would you risk the chance of becoming a soyboy? No thanks


Sup Forums believes there's a global conspiracy to force soy on you to kill you because soy is a demon product made by Hillary and George Soros. But soy sauce is fine

>dat nigger tier nose
why is it that subhumans always have these wide niggerish noses?

When will people learn that open relationships cannot work unless both parties can realistically get approximately the same amount of action or else one of the parties will become completely submissive to the other.

fun fact, his sister lacks any form of talent or skill just like he does, but does better because she is female

so why does Sup Forums care about him?

He wants to look like a guy from the 30s.

t. Leftist / non-white

56% is a shitty CIA meme, while soyboy is a spontaneous and funny meme

>hungover detective is what the bum look is called


>What did he mean by this?
He thinks he's badass for not shaving, having unkept hair and a brown jacket.

he said thing I did not like during gamergate

>Let me tell you who is high-test and masculine
Yeah, all right

Soyboy is the dumbest most forced shit Sup Forums has shit out in a while. Oh wait, it's a reddit meme.

If you see anyone use my original creation goyboy please email me at [email protected]


A redpill for the soy meme, please?

>tfw soyboy was my favorite new meme but it only took Sup Forums 2 weeks to ruin it

What race is Anthony anyway?

he is a reminder of what happens when you pander to feminists and SJW's
his life is a fucking mess

Where's the poorly tied tie? Fucking amateur.

>56% is a shitty CIA meme, while soyboy is a spontaneous and funny meme

I don't know, what did the literal meme account mean by that meme

My aesthetic is still better. "College professor with a fraudulent degree."

>confirmed soy boy

hows those bitch tits growin on you, lad?


"Cuck" finally became part of the normie lexicon, so anons have abandoned it in favor of "soyboy." We gotta stay one step ahead.


>eating packaged food
>eating animals that are fed soy and corn

>he doesn't know

>Sup Forums
It has been around for a long while, it just recently exploded

Just checked his Twatter. Still a full blown SJW. How is that even possible after everything that has happened to him?

REMINDER: the only reason to get mad at soyboy is if
>you think soy is OK (it isn't)
>you think masculinity is bad (it isn't)
>you think it's ok to be trans (lol)

What is soylent like?

>ctrl+f soy
>27 results

soyboy sounds reddit as fuck
just say cuck
why say coon when you can say nigger


soyboy is from /fit/

The Donald is an anti-reddit subreddit, dumbass

Sound more like 8/pol/. They're the idiots to who think goldwater and Alex Jones are legitimate news sources.

4/pol/ just likes to parrot the waste that oozes out of the internet that makes other people mad. Once it takes off and everyone uses it, they go looking for a new way to upset people. Notice how they stopped calling everyone cucks once nobody was offended by it anymore?

soyboy = estrogen degenerate fem fags libtard cucks, however what the morons on here dont know is soy actually has no estrogen because it is destroyed but that shit is in everything thanks to jews.

Youre all goyboys anyway.

fuming CIA niggers detected

Can't see shit Captain.

A few of those guys aren't even saying anything too agressively leftist but they happened to like soy so I guess they fucked up.



based mods leaving up an eceleb thread

>consuming the semen directly

Exactly. So many people here, including myself were first introduced to Sup Forums through TD.

SEETHING mutt spotted

>"s-stop calling us soyboys!"
>"i-it's r-r-reddit right guys?"

Soyboy is actually from reddit.