I just get Fallout 3, What should I expect?

I just get Fallout 3, What should I expect?

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Boring environment, boring characters, boring main quest.


A game that didn't age very well. Much more clunky than Skyrim.


its the same fucking game as skyrim you faggot
its exactly as clunky

Fallout 4 but with shittier shooting and no shitty basebuilding. So swings and roundabouts.
> it wasn't even better than 3

The unexpected.

I played NV a lot this year, and mods help a lot with the playability and graphics, but now I want to see why people who love NV hate so much Fallout 3.

>Implying I decided to waste my money on another Fallout game after playing the dumpster fire that was 3.

because they're mad as fuck that bethesda got the IP and they want to lash out. realistically they're the same game but NV is orange.

it's worth playing, but has it's flaws

Here ya go
Not the entire reason, mind you, bits indicitive


Why don't you just fucking play it and find out?

No moral ambiguity. It's black and white good versus evil Brotherhood against Enclave.

Shit, it's fun for 15 hours but then becomes boring

To have your shitty 3rd world country purged by fire and capitalism

it's fine, nothing special. new vegas is better, but that's not even an opinion thing it's just an objective fact. frankly it's better than 4. But expect to have nothing you do have any impact whatsoever on the game world, and a lot of eye-roll moments.

honestly playing fallout one or two is better, they haven't aged as egregiously poorly as a lot of crpgs from that era.


You did play fallout 1 and 2 before playing this right?

It's alright, but forgettable. Unlike New Vegas, when I finished playing it, I didn't really feel like replaying it in a different way. You probably picked it up for very cheap though and you might find more enjoyment in it than I did.

Play the main quest up until you find your father.
Up from there just start wandering around the world and try to explore as much as you could.

>tfw I bought fallout 3 for full price on release

Fucking this

No, should I play them?

Yes, start with 1 then 3 then 2.

Dont want to start a shitwar here since all the NV fags already got triggered, but it feels like an actual open world instead of the linear experience you get from NV

The best parts lie in the sidequests and the places you discover, not the boring mainstory

But I like both last gen Fallouts for what theyre worth of course, what autismo can only enjoy one sequel ?

Dont forget to play Point Lookout, best DLC

just leave this thread right now m8
The fallout community is one of the most autistic and you're about to be bombarded by people reeeeing about how great 1 and 2 were despite never playing them and how new vegas is gods gift to man (actually true)
Fallout 3, like any fallout, is fun in its own way.

hell no
they aged like fucking milk. If you are going to play one of the older ones play 2, it improved on everything in 1 and makes the first completely skippable. But be warned that this was from a very time in videogames, and Sup Forums overhypes those games to an unbelievable extent

I hope you mean Van Buren with "3"

If you didnt grow up with 2.5 D style games from the 90s with their cluncky mechanics, dont even bother, go watch some youtube vid about the lore, then forget about it

confirmed for never having actually played the first two fallouts and falling for the "fallout 2 is even more memey and dumb than 3!" Sup Forums meme

im pretty sure 75% of people who talk about fo 1 and 2 never played them

The fuck are you talking about? I never said fallout 2 was more memey than fallout 3. i'm just suggesting that he play fallout 3 after 1 because 2 will kick his ass

well that also doesn't make any sense because 2 is not that much harder than 1, frankly I'm not sure what you're saying will be gained from playing the games out of order.

Best Fallout game

Thats new vegas

>playing a series out of order

can I pay bitcoins to unlock the convincing version of this bait?

>this was from a very time in videogames

does Van Buren even exist? not the tech demo.

i guarantee that you and everyone else has done this with at least one franchise. Probably tes, the witcher, persona/smt, and gta are near guarantees at this point

I guess its closer to a tech demo than an actual game, depending on what they recovered from it, but the wikis are full of VBs lore so I cant tell for sure what the fans actually pulled up

7 years ago I sunk my life into the game after getting an Xbox for Christmas. It was amazing at the time but didn't age well. If you've never played it you should have a good time. Although, new vegas is an improved version of 3, just a shit map imo.

Pretty much this. This covers everything ever made.

>Sup Forums still can't get over FO3

Thanks for the comments, I will start my first run in Fallout 3. Wish me luck guys