Wow it's like a melting pot of everything wrong with the series and gaming in general

Wow it's like a melting pot of everything wrong with the series and gaming in general.

wow it's like you have shit taste

Yeah the game is shit

>Muh shitty convoluted story that literally retcons KH2
>Muh literally shoehorned in exposition and tutorials
>Muh shitty characters
>Muh retarded random gameplay gimmicks that have no root in the story

>Muh shitty convoluted story that literally retcons KH2
How so?

>literally making shit up

I don't think DDD was well received, and as a HUGE fan of the series I didn't really care for that much. BBS had a super fun combat system, and I enjoyed the story more. I do like that you can play as both Riku and Sora and they both have their own skills and stories.

I'll start with the most egregious thing

>Nobodies can regrow hearts which negates Xemnas' plan in KH2

So the Mementos werent a thing? Whats the story basis for Dropping?

>enjoy game for the most part aside from the annoying pet management
>get to the last world and every enemy is suddenly the gayest thing alive, knocks you out of everything you do, and have either meme teleports or super armor for their attacks

Keyword here is REGROW. They all start off without Hearts except for the case of Roxas.

If you listen the Xemnas' and Xigbar's whole spiel this doesn't negate the plan at all and Xemnas was intentionally lying to the rest of the Organization to keep them empty.

This isn't a retcon.
>Whats the story basis for Dropping?
So they can progress through the Realm of Sleep and Riku's primary reason that he acts as a Dream Eater for Sora.

>he's still going
kek, Xemnas on purpose kept the nobodies in the organization detached away from people so they wouldn't grow hearts, it's obvious that the only reason Axel even started to gain one was from interaction with Roxas, that's implied in Re:COM which came out long before DDD so that plot point wasn't anything new, if you actually knew what you were talking about you would know that.
If you actually payed attention you would know that dropping is due to Sora and Riku's split in the realm of sleep because of what's really going in on Riku's side. There are literally cutscenes in the first world about it. It's like you didn't actually play the game.

i liked it. it was good.
haha. i laughed cause its true. blocking helps though.

Yeah, it's good in the PS4 version the enemies are stunned like all hell now.

the plot is shit but because it was already fucked up since a long time
the gameplay is good and that´s all you need to know

>The delusional state of KHfags

oh, you were just shitposting. Should have known, this is why I don't get into KH threads anymore.

Honestly the only thing that ruined this game for me was the dream eaters
annoying to fight, annoying to level up

KH2's retcons of KH1 were far worse.

Pretty much.

And they've been using that exact phrase in every thread like people give a fuck.
KH1 not fitting with the rest of the series is something that most KH fans or people who play the games can get behind

Imagine wasting valuable time in your life creating threads about video games you don't like.

This, it's like DMC1 with everything else.
and DMC2 but that barely counts as a DMC game more than the shit reboot

What did 2 retcon? Ansem?

I don't think 1 flows that poorly with the rest of the series

I don't think it's that poor either but you can tell it's disjointed.

Yeah but that's at least manageable.

I thought it was just a dumb spin-off until playing that 2.8 compilation
Suddenly the story progresses even more, dead people come back, time travel shenanigans.
I have to say I was gladly surprise by the events in the last world. Yes, the story can be stupid but I enjoy it