filename thread
Filename thread
literal autist
What kind of English is that?
It runs in the family.
>getting into a thread you're interested in
>it's just started and has no 300+ reply for you to enjoy
Man i miss druid threads
I get that refence and im crying now. Thanks user
all good things user
It's eyes
My mistake, that was a /tg/ filename
thats pretty gud
i hope this is real
>not game goes free to play
>not even burning hoops
Is that a dead fat guy inside a water slide tube?
but... you got the reference... so who cares
Please don't remind me, the death of that game still hurts
Didn't you read the filename?
How do you think they replace him after every massive heart failure?
The fuck is with that art?
Oh and source please.
What the Hell even was that episode
Looks like a cartel killing and they stuffed him inside a steel drum
What is the joke here?
what happened, was there a crash before that?
No im Australia tires spontaneously generate
I lel'd
Hey can somebody tell me what that bottle in the bottom right of the picture says?
bretty gud
This filename is godlike
Haha, you think you are funny, kid? Shall Candlejack come take your soul. No one should call another person a faggo