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>not fallout washington/oregon

Fuck no I don't want bethesda touching new vegas

>not Fallout: The Alamo

>he doesn't know

>not fallout commiefornia

why not fallout: antarctica?


Fallout: Denver never ever

Never ever gonna happen

>he doesn't know

fallout 1 and 2 are in california tho

>wanting another Fallout game after the dogshit that was 4


>a camgirl whose profile pic is her in her underwear complaining about guys wanting to fuck her

I want a Fallout set in Alaska.

> When you've been here long enough to follow memes but not long enough to know anything else

>not Fallout: Utah
>not emerging from the Mormon vault that became a hive of sexual degeneracy


Why not Fallout Wyoming or Idaho? Two states those Great Khan niggers spread towards.

> wanthing another fallout.
No. I am not a masochist.

>not Fallout: 2087
Going around in ruins would be great, bethesda worldbuilding could also be appropriate this time

Would play

Chris Avellone was right, we don't need another new Vegas, Mojave's story was perfectly concluded in the first game, if they tried to make another one there they would fall into the same rehashing trap as Bethesda.

New Vegas has a mod for that.

Mormons are mostly dead. Play Honest Hearts to find out what happened in Utah.

What did I miss?


It was shit

Your pic is wrong, user. There, I fixed for you.

can somebody remind the name of that huge new vegas mod that's coming up? it's an expansion sized quest mod that takes place in northern parts of america

Wonder why these haven't been "remastered" and ported to consoles.



Fallout: Frontier
there's going to be pilot-able vertibirds and tanks

give us fallout in Texas

texas is for gayboys

>>a camgirl whose profile pic is her in her underwear complaining about guys wanting to fuck her
Stop being so disrespectful towards women, user.

thanks guys, i'm assembling all the mods they recommend but i lost the list

>play video games bro

uh, no.

i hate women

I ask for myself how would be a Fallout in China so we could see how they got they shit together after the Great War, but asking Bethesda to do this would simply fuck all the mysticism left in the game

Only if I can a capitalist

How come there was never Fallout: LA/NYC?
Literally the only cities non-american know and it sounds like it could be great locations.Why do they avoid them?

canonically NY is a fucking glowing crater

sure, once you stop donating hundreds on her stream hoping she'll notice you.

NYC is an impossible to inhabit radiated crater, and LA is probably in the same situation.


Fucking manbaby gamersw.

>Fallout: LA
son.. do you even fallout
>Fallout: NYC
Bombs and reactors meltdown. Not so lively

The most populated/important cities would be the hardest hit and least likely to exist. It doesn't even make much sense that DC is still on the map.

>tfw no one but PNWbros can appreciate fallout cascadia

because major cities would be smoking craters i assume?
Only reason nv survived was bc of house and DC presumably had some similar defenses to protect the government
Most people in America WANT to see LA and nyc nuked.

Replace the twitter user with todd

>How come there was never Fallout: LA


We already had Fallout Washingotn you dumb shit


there was a fucking Fallout:The literal capital of the USA, i dont think it would be so hard to make NYC/LA into a playable location.
Especially with Bethesda's retcons

They clearly mean Washington state user.

I'd rather have 3 remastered

LA was already in a Fallout game user.

You asked us and we told you you fucking idiot. What do you want us to say

LA is already a playable location, user. NYC wouldn't offer much, in my opinion. It would be DC ruins area over the whole map.

Sure, but during the 2d era and it was a 1x1 meters space

It could be a fun locaiton to revisit when all the work its put on bulding that city


Fallout Alaska with snow everywhere would be fucking great.
Also underwater level.

I wonder if this thot knows she's become the new flavor of the month meme.

I think part of why New Vegas was so successful because Las Vegas has a unique setting that no other city in the United States can really match. In a post apocalyptic world you have a ton of empty space and ruined cities and there's very little distinction between some place like Seattle or Miami except for how many hills it has. It'll be hard for Bethesda to ever match New Vegas' setting, nevermind the story and gameplay.

do you honestly believe that bethesda is capable of creating a good fallout game in LA?

you surely meant to post Call of Duty 2, not Modern Warfare 2, right?

Can't get past the intro, might try again tonight if anyone can convince me its good.

What would fallout: Kansas be like?

Literally who

DC setting was good, though, better than NV. 3 flaws made it worse.

imo, New Vegas succeeded DESPITE its location, not thanks to it.
I fucking love NV, its probably my top 3 favorite game of all times, but holy shit, Obsidian did a dogshit job of building the world

There's supposed to be giant monster tornadoes that make the states around there almost impossible to pass through/live in. mite b cool though

Miami would have more beaches and Cubans.


A flat landscape with a few giant craters scattered around.

>Can't get past the intro

>t. Commefornian


It's like you didn't read any of the replies you stupid mong

im not an amerimutt though??

It wasn't too bad in terms of setting, I enjoyed the highly dense metropolitan design, but New Vegas was simply plain more exciting.

If they had more time to flesh out areas like Paradise, north Vegas, Boulder City, etc, the game would go from 10/10 to GOAT

But a shitton of beaches don't really make for much of a difference compared to say, Los Angeles.


Then you know nothing about Texas and your opinion is irrelevant.

>Fallout: Frontier
never ever

I would let that woman fuck me

>Not Fallout 4: Puerto Rico

I found the Strip to be disappointing, it could've used some more worldbuilding, it always looked like it was rushed into production (and was confirmed recently)

Wasnt The Divide basically this?
Im not an american so I probably got the geography wrong, but I got the impression that The Divide is the route from Las Vegas to the middle of america, thorn from storms and radiation and shit?

The strip felt a little empty and sparse yes just imagine if Obsidian had the time and budget of Fallout 4.

bruh it's definitely coming out. They spent way too much time scripting to make a tank work that I think they'd finish the mod out of spite if they had to

>you have to live in a place to know about it
tell me more about europe gayboy

obsidian has more or less confirmed to be working on a new fallout game

The Divide is just that blank left side of your map silly goose. It's really close to new vegas, and anyway the rest of america is to the east, not west

All the fallout games aged like rotting milk, its so fucking bad

Lets not Rockstar and go back to the same location...


But PR is not american land.

It's 5, you retard.

prove it please