This game is fun
This game is fun
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I agree.
It is.
Enemy Within is even better.
Oh look, 4 chryssalids pods
"That's a nice rookie you have there all tucked away in high cover on the other side of the map."
I mean, a rookie isn't a huge loss in the grand scheme of things.
I am glad XCOM 2 let you avoid rookies past the first or second mission. Rookies arent fun because they lack any abilities.
And XCOM 2 is better still.
Nah, XCOM2 improved on a lot of things but I'd go back to EW if I was going to replay any.
So loss isn't a huge deal early on, I assume
I lost a squaddie on a rescue mission and I was bummed because he was a heavy weapons specialist
ew lw > xcom 2 > ew > xcom 2 lw 2 > eu
adding classes was a mistake. aside from that it's a step up in every way.
well, that and not being able to prime grenades.
What is fun about blue move overwatch the game. Even in Xcom 2 it's oh there's a pod that is now free to go into cover and my flank is meaningless
Xcom UFO, TFTD and Apoc are the only good Xcom's and Xenonauts is the extremely retarded brother that tried.
Xcom 2 has a lot of stuff that didnt rubbed well with me, one of those being basebuilding and snipers still being broken pieces of shit along with psis
/vr/ pls go
I found XCOM2 to become tedious very quickly.
The time limit also rubbed me the wrong way, both on the geoscape and in most missions.
nuCom 1 had much better atmosphere t b h
6 slots only 4 classes yeah no thanks
>wanting to spread your squad that thin
>not having backups for the sake of redundancy
>not having 2x of a given class for better synergy
whats wrong with wanting more classes redundancy is boring af
Redundancy is what saves your ass, user
so winning means i have to be bored?
great game
They also can't aim for shit, can't deal any damage and die to every lucky thinmint
XCOM 2 has a lot of great improvements, but the changes they made to discourage slowly creeping up to the enemies get pretty annoying. Who thought randomly teleporting enemies and bosses who act out of turn were a good idea?
It does makes the game less of a pure tactical shooter and more of a (J)RPG. I don't mind classes but I wish I could have more diversity in the loadouts - they're saying I can carry a sword and a grenade, but not TWO grenades?
Correct, especially with long war
The Project Avatar counter in the geoscape is bullshit due to how counter-intuitive it is - the winning strategy is to always keep it near-maxed instead of rushing into meter-reducing missions with underleveled dudes.
classes aren't the problem with nuxcom it's how limited you are to only firing on an enemy and the cover system basically ruins any real creative movement.
>enjoy playing Enemy Within on classic mode
>breeze through it most plays
>try out XCOM2
>get fucking jobbed constantly
I don't know why my skills in the first game aren't translating.
How about you move your fucking ass to do the objective before crying?
Because you have to move fast quickly and adapt to some serious bullshit at times. It's great.
I wish Firaxis would remake Apocalypse. The game had such a grand design with multiple factions and complex underlying systems, but ended up dorky, tedious and broken in a hundred hilarious ways.
Share a time you fucked up
Oh my god! What happened?
>There is no way there's another pod
>There's another pod
>There was 2 other pods
>There was 2 other pods AND an Alien Ruler
I swear to god I've never made a worse first turn in my entire life.
Went after Assassin with a mix of magnetic and normal weapons and got BTFO.
Gotta love a defense/"protect" mission
War of the Chosen sure, but vanilla XCOM 2 isn't any better than EW lw.
Bruv, OpenApoc is playable already.
Grenade all of their cover.
OpenApoc is literally the same game on a rewritten engine. I do have some hope for mods, but they can't fix Apocalypse's fundamental flaws like overly long tactical missions and ridiculous amount of micromanagement. Apocalypse's graphics and UI haven't aged too well either.
is xenonauts good
>ravely wounded
Yes, but note that it was made by X-Com fans for X-Com fans, so it has a certain degree of autism.
Sure is.
Better than bravely default
XCOM fans or nu-XCOM fans?
>people get angry at rookies missing point blank shots in xcom
>when rookies in x-com were MUCH worse
How about my Colonel sniper, then?
Surely he can't miss.
Original X-Com fans. So basically you can (and have to!) micromanage every ammo clip and every step taken by your dudes.
Is XCOM 2 supposed to be "nu-XCOM"?
>dodge stat is 100
It stings less in oldcom because you have 12-15 other rookies able to shoot, and you can generally shoot more than once depending on your weapon.
In nucom you have a max of 5 other's and if they are rookies they can only shoot once.
"nu-XCOM" refers to modern games made by Firaxis, ie XCOM and XCOM 2 plus expansions.
Original X-COM (note the dash) refers to the stuff from the 90s.
I don't see the issue
I hate Xcom2.
>mfw always played the old games with 8 or less soldiers
Too bad the skills from the old games don't translate to new ones.
How is that even possible without your graphics card melting
>make him throw a grenade
>accidentally blow up the fucking objective when I just wanted to blow a hole in the wall
>dies from a crit
Fucking RIP man....
How the fuck did you let this happen?
This has to be fake
You open the door to your apartment at night and suddenly [HIDDEN MOVEMENT] happens
what do?
I'm retarded and can't figure out Overwatch for the life of me. Do you set everyone up but one guy and then draw out enemies by moving or attacking with the last unit?
there were like 2 or 3 pods who activated the moment i turned the corner, then 2 dropships came in right after the pods got triggered and sent in more ayys
You mean while you're still hidden? Yes, that's basically how you do it - put everyone in overwatch in advantageous positions, then rustle the enemies so they trigger overwatch fire while they're running for cover.
i want to copulate with snek
me to
You put a guy in position to be spotted next turn and overwatch everyone.
put a gun to my temple, since the Snakemen are nothing like my [alien activity] Viperfus
enemies have a chance to open fire if their pod activates off an exposed soldier
risk worth taking
5. Psi ops are fucking amazing in 2.
>risk losing a soldier for a chance at taking out a single pod
it literally isn't
>warlock was killed
welp, didn't even have to respond to that
>Retake earth from hostile alien occupation
>Considered a shit campaign if 10-15 soldiers were lost.
Where are the xcom memes?
xcom is a meme. No further memeing is necessary.
The 2nd game drives me to the edge with frame problems, those shadows to me are what separates the sequel from the original, but GODAMN are they a resource hog.
I have to wait till my computer is fresh and ready if I want to play xcom 2.
First game is pure butter.
Considering that XCOM 2 is like half JRPG, there's nothing wrong with that.
>Retake earth from hostile Shinra occupation
>Considered a shit campaign if 1 Aeris was lost
I got lucky and killed 2 of the megabeasts due to my soldiers having the "4 percent to instakill an enemy" attachment. I didn't feel bad because fuck them, especially the muton queen.
Because Xcom2 is unintuitive. You need to play for several hours to get a hang of the mechanics and abilities.
>killing Rulers with Reaper+Repeater
too good
Imagine if that dude was a sniper with Faceoff.
Good lord
what is the best armor option in vanilla xcom 2 and why is it the exosuit?
wtf is this ? payday mod for XCOM 2 ?
hell be fine
which one is the best classic X-COM? UFO Defense? Terror from the Deep? Apocalypse?
>game over
such fun
This bullshit works in your favor too, though.
>overwatch shot across half the map
>instakills a full health avatar due to repeater magic
apocalypse was weird but it had the best soundtrack
I ended up enjoying this game more than nuXCOM
UFO Defense, provided that you fix the most egregious bugs with XcomUtil.
TFTD is pretty much a palette swap of UFO Defense with cranked up difficulty. Apocalypse is too ambitious for its own good, tons of stuff were obviously rushed or just left unfinished.
It's actually the Long War 2 mod. That's the "average" amount of "light resistance" enemy forces they throw at you.
Just use OpenXcom,
>I'm dying but i gotta watch this clutch.
TFTD is worth playing though. "palette swap" is an overstatement with stuff like multi-level terror missions, flying chrysallids, and needing to melee lobstermemes. It also nails the deep sea aesthetic near perfectly.
I really enjoyed XCOM:EW. I enjoyed XCOM 2 but less so, especially since the story sucked absolute ass this time around.
Will I enjoy X-COM Ufo Defense?
You might like Phoenix Point. It's in development by Julian Gollop and involves diplomacy between three different factions, but it's in a setting where a Lovecraftian kind of supervirus has mutated most of the population into half-human, half-crab/fish creatures, like the Deep Ones. So it's kind of like Apocalypse in the setting of Terror from the Deep.
I fucking love the resistance in those missions. They make it too easy but it's fun having allies who can actually do something.
And where does Xenonauts lie?
In a dumpster.
T. casualfag