How the fuck do i kill this asshole?
>No damage the accursed phase
>Get brutally murdered when he grabs the moonlight sword
Threaded cane +10
50 skill, 30 end , 40 vit
How the fuck do i kill this asshole?
>No damage the accursed phase
Then use beastblood pellets and try force through his second phase. Stay alive until he unleashes the moonlight wave which allows you to get free damage off and approach him as if he always has a followup swing to whatever he's doing.
The high vitality meme never fucking fails to amuse me
The same way you beat any other autistic flailing boss in Bloodborne, dash past their side and hug their ass.
No for lidwig you should stay on his right side/your left.
>Threaded Cane
Threaded cane is viable you ninny.
>t. LWHB titty baby
>30 end
Why would you waste your points on that?
So is Kos Parasite at that rate.
Well aren't you hardcore ;)
>kos parasite is not viable
Are you perhaps retarded? There are very few things in the game actually resistant to arc.
Also threaded cane is fucking serrated, whacko. Pretty much most of the enemies in the game are beasts. The only reason "cane is bad" meme came into existance is because it has subpar performance in the earlygame due to low base damage and being dependant on SKL scaling and upgrading. It is functionally the opposite of axe, which has very solid base damage but falls off in viability quickly if you dont build for it.
>how did i die with all this vit and end
you're gay lol
Make sure you stay close to him. When he lifts his sword into the air, just take the initial blast (it doesn't do that much damage), and get close to him as fast as you can. If you get hit by the giant beam you will 100% die in NG+. Beat the shit out of him while he's doing the beam.
Other than that you just learn his attacks like any other boss. He adds a 4th attack to his three hit attack when he's low on health, so watch out for that.
>Threaded cane +10
>50 skill, 30 end , 40 vit
Fuck man why you making life hard in yourself?
I was first playthrough, trick Axe and 50STR, 43 Vit and 26 end and i did just fine. Id say he was overrated in fact
Ahh yes. The strongest of builds. Arcane. The most overpowered run in NG+7. With the Threaded cane? You got yourself a well rounded build. Can't think of a single thing wrong.
Unironically, threaded cane is my favorite weapon. Speed in cane form, range in whip form. Righteous in cane, serrated in whip. Extra visceral damage in whip.
I killed him my first try late at night when I was tired and about to go to sleep but thought I'd check the fight out. The key is to dodge his attacks. Hope that helps.
>Ahh yes. The strongest of builds. Arcane.
ARC has THE strongest stagger tool in the game that shits on so many bosses you wouldn't believe. Brew is a discount cannon for a much lesser bullet cost. BSE is cheese material. Augur removes humanoid enemies. ACB is pretty shit though that much I can give you.
>The most overpowered run in NG+7.
Who the hell said anything about NG+7? Besides its probably not even the hardest content that the game can provide. Even if CDs dont scale with new game cycles, encountering 2 roaming HMPHs at the same time in a FRC root alone would probably be much, much worse, and that is entirely possible.
>Can't think of a single thing wrong.
The amount of hours played you got, probably.
Literal hundreds of hours and playthroughs with every weapon multiple times. Arcane with each run has disappointed every time without fail. Not to say arcane hasn't fucked up some bosses (Like most humanoid bosses) and enemies in the past, especially with more well-made builds that utilize arcane well. But goddamn, a saw clever with beastblood pellets just feels like a far more easier experience instead of headache of trying to use most of the arcane arts and weapons. NG+7 is my personal baseline to see if a build works or not by how well it can go through all bosses. Arcane lacking horribly behind each time compared to more traditional builds.
Learn to grab some goddamn gems.
>saw with beastblood pellets just feels like a far more easier experience
>arguably best weapon type in the game under an overpowered buff feels likea far more easier experience
Come on.
>Arcane lacking horribly behind each time compared to more traditional builds.
You DID farm cold abyssals, right user?
>>Get brutally murdered when he grabs the moonlight sword
I guess you could say it was his... guiding moonlight.
Ludwig isn't that difficult once you know his moves. It helps to dodge in his direction rather than away from him. He is one of the most aggressive bosses in the game and it's important that you move a lot and pressure him as best as you can. Don't use Beast Blood Pellets. They also increase the damage you receive.
>You DID farm cold abyssals, right user?
>Literally hundreds of hours
>NG+7 is my personal baseline
Take a guess buddy ;)
>tfw beat him in 2 tries with his holy blade
Everyone knows that the saw spear is the true easymode weapon.
>found very early on
>does bonus damage to beasts
>fast as fuck
>literally R1 to win
only thing easier is Rakuyo but that's right at the end of the DLC and guarded by those shark fucks
Am I retarded for only realizing after 6 playthroughs that the untricked HMGS was on his back? I always though it was bizarre how the sword just came out of nowhere.
I never saw it but when he grabbed it I basically knew that must have been where it was. Or I saw him reach in that direction in the preceding cutscene if possible
I tried it for awhile and found it adequate but LHB was easier
I'm fresh to bloodborne. last souls game was demons souls, and obviously very rusty. Gascoigne is bending me over a pickle barrel once he activates his trick weapon. I have the kirkhammer+1 and I'm trying to parry him but he doesn't go into the visceral pose very often even when I'm nailing him right as he starts to attack. What do?
>Literally hundreds of hours
>NG+7 is my personal baseline
You never know, this is Sup Forums.
>Take a guess buddy ;)
Then I dont know what your problem is, abusing elemental weaknesses is pretty strong, even if its not a fully-gauged beasthood bar, but BLT builds cant utilize that either IIRC, so why not complain about them?
>not L1
You lack eyes.
R1 is the standard attack though. That's all you need. No tricking necessary.
Or even worst, high end on Bloodborne
Besides parrying, there's no real way to cheese Gascoigne, you just have to adapt to the speed and mechanics of the game. My advice is to not play the game like Souls if that's what you're doing, aggression is key.
You're getting the timing wrong then. If you have collected all the shards around Central Yharnam then you have enough for a +2 weapon, maybe that will help.
>What do?
Dash sideways/behind him, never back. Also dont ring the music box until phase two, or at least dont do that thrice.
>what are transformation attacks
How new? L1spam is the go to meme with saws.
Tricking has higher damage and higher beasthood build up on Saw Spear.
>I fought him overleveled
>I did just fine
OP here just defeated Ludwig after 50+ tries
Does the DLC get any harder?
I don't know
Could you repeat the question?
Lady Maria will anally rape you
Yeah I think Orphan of Kos and Laurence were harder. The latter is the only boss I had to use a summon to beat, he does a lot of fire aoe attacks.
Orphan of Kos is definitely harder than Ludwig. At least you could cheese Ludwig by summoning an NPC
Final boss the DLC is much harder than Ludwig but I suspect you may be using the wrong weapon or a nonfully upgraded weapon
>tfw you're not supposed to treat a literal cleric beast like a cleric beast just because he's on fire
Why is this bad
High vit isn't bad. High end is because stamina consumption in BB is very low.
Laurence is probably the hardest boss in the game unless you can spam ranged attacks for his final phase