What are your thoughts on the Persona 4 girls?
What are your thoughts on the Persona 4 girls?
all terrible except for Yumi
Rise is best. That is all.
Under the table blowjob in public from Rise!
Bitches and whores.
They are perfect selling points for sexually and socially repressed people like you all.
My nigga
Naoto is the lewdest thing, and Yosuke is a fucking asshole.
They all look pretty unimpressive.
it's doesn't matter who you choose, in the end the best girl will win.
Bunch of stuck up bitches.
Completely unappealing
i want to commit crime on older Nanako.
They all best girl in series.
Naoto is fucking stupid, "Detective Prince" more like "Everyone including Chie figured it out before Naoto"
>haha moe kawaii look at us hehe pervert
>nippon culture xDD
I want waifufags to literally kill themselves. I genuinely want you to suffer.
There are people who think Rise is best girl....
Don't you get sick of posting the same shit every thread?
I love Chie.
4 has the worst cast, worst girls
Only good character is Kanji
So do I, she is the best girl
post her feet
Rise is cute
I enjoyed that image of her getting buttraped.
Persona games are so fucking depressing for me now tbqh, SMT all the way.
t. soon be wizard
Can't post it on a blue board. But the artist is named Harmonist11
She is smarter than the rest of them.
When I was a child I went for Naoto because "muh secret big tits".
As an adult I understand Yukiko is truly best girl.
Kanji is best girl
Imagine her getting fucked by that dog.
No need to imagine.
Theres a picture of it
Rise is the worst girl. She's even worse than fivehead and pikachu. Hanako would be a better fucking waifu than Rise, since Hanako could one day stop being fat; Rise will always be a whore.
Rise is the worst of the lovers,and she wins easily
Think about that
You just know.
Chie unquestionably had the best Summer Festival date.
Sauce or didn't happen
Chie is my favorite P4 girl, but good fucking christ she has one of the most boring social links in the series.
This but with Yukiko.
this but a footjob from chie
She also had a cute valentine's day event.
Quite frankly every single character in this game is terrible. They're all painfully shallow and devoid of anything resembling an actual personality or character growth. They experience no real hardship and form no real relationships beyond tired anime hijinks.
>Yukiko gets mudoon and Chie gets Hamaon in Golden
What did they meme by this?
>Ice cube
Were the EBA animators the same as in Ghost Trick?
So they all have the same breast size? that's lame
So bad I skipped P4 and went straight to 5
I don't remember that. Were those moped skills?
Which one has the biggest penis?
Where are the dicks?
I think Yukiko got them from leveling up her S-link and Chie from the moped.
Lovers is best arcana, debate me
you will lose