Should I bite the bullet, Sup Forums...

Should I bite the bullet, Sup Forums? I've had enough of Microsoft's bullshit and vidya was the only thing keeping me in that abusive relationship. But now it looks like Linux has enough games to have reached that critical mass. What can I expect?

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2900 of those games are shitty indie title.

... Linux had games?

Can I check what % of my library is Linux compatible?
I have 500 games and can't be arsed to check each one individually

Gotta get Mac OS. Bitches love Mac OS.

How about you check if what you want to play are there and then make the decision?

What the fuck is the point of PC gaming if you are just going to install Linux and limit your library?

Sure, if you want to run an unstable, insecure OS with awful power management and no professional software.

The year of linux is always next year.

Is 2018... dare I say it... finally the year of the linux desktop??

>giving the Apple new $1000 for a paperweight to try and impress women who still will ditch you to have Chad
Kinda sound like a betacuck lad and uncheck show unowned games

Desktop Linux is not good, though.

This. There's a huge chunk of vidya from 2004-2011 that's still only on Windows and doesn't play nicely with WINE.

No, honestly. I really miss Linux, used to use it as my primary OS for years, but I came to realize that there's little point in dual-booting once I started playing PC games more often and spent most of my time in Windows anyway.

Yes, just use the filter from your library.

no, not yet.

Remember OP, Unity and other engines literally have a clickable button so their game is Linux compatible but they don't.

Just dual-boot. I'd much rather use Linux over the clusterfuck that is Windows for everyday tasks, but if I'm itching for a specific game I just reboot.

>I had enough of this botnet, let me jump to another botnet instead
Install FreeBSD like a true man.


Using Linux to then install Steam anyway seems self-defeating.

it's not magic. there will still be issues and now you have to fix twice as many bugs. it's not worth releasing on Linux for many developers.

You're still getting Microsoft's cock out of your ass

Those are indie games, they don't count.