I don't get it

Did this game not do it for anyone else? I don't think it's awful or the worst game ever or anything, but I fail to see how this is a masterpiece or anything short of hyperbole. The main game is really short, PvP sucks, chalice dungeons are boring. The only thing I find myself really liking were the boss fights in the DLC and some of the optional areas like Upper Cathedral Ward or Castle Cainhurst. Am I a brainlet or is this game overhyped?


Thanks that helped a lot

You're alone

It's kino

Define overhyped.
It's the only 8/10 game to be released in the past 5 years or so

Maybe with the DLC.

on ps4

>game is really short
>in the era of 4-6 hour games

I found it to be the gameplay and atmosphere to get me. If you're not to much of a fan of either you'll probably not like it.

It's just a bunch of oversized monsters flailing around erratically for the most part

I found bosses to be a bit unsatisfying but it was honestly pure kino.

I thought pvp was fun from what i played, the problem is half the game was cut and only 1 dlc

yeah, yeah, pcbro, stop hijacking the thread

I just started. Are Chalice dungeons necessary or can I get away with sticking to the main game?

Pc hasnt had a god tier game in a long time, though stellaris came close, and other consoles arent even worth mentioning

Necessary for the platinum and some blood gems, otherwise, you can stick with the main game

They're not necessary

Not necessary at all, though if youre a shitter and get completely stuck and run out of vials hitting the chalice dungeons isnt the worst idea

Chalice dungeons are purely optional. That said, the best gems are in later dungeons, as well as many runes (BB's rings) and different versions of weapons with different gem slots.
You can totally get through the game without doing them, and most people will probably say you should never touch them.

they have unique bosses in them, but they are not at all necessary.

It's the only game on the PS4 so of course people will say it's the best game ever

Why is it so hard for you to accept that there is a great game out there that happens to be PS4 exclusive? Jesus christ

Well it is hard to explain OP, i started with Demon’s Souls to see what the fromsoft hype was, and i fucking hared it, dropped it after the first boss. I gave the genre a second chance with Bloodborne and after i finally got to Gascoine and beat him i became OBSESSED. Just finished Oprhan of Kos a few days ago and am moving on to DSIII.

Anyway, the atmosphere is what got me. Love it. Infact i can already tell i don’t like DSIII’s aesthetic as much but hey.

>skipping DS1

why do all shitters new to the series skip the best one and go straight to the bastardization?

Character on the left's eyes are too big

Because no PS3 currently and i wanted something as close to Bloodborne as possible, remeber I said i DID have Demon’s Souls and i hated it.

Eh. I was satisfied at the time. Made her loom younger as intended. Went anime i guess. She served me well.

It's on PC for like 5 bucks though?

Bloodborne is more like Demons Souls than any other game in the series

So? Demon's Souls and Dark Souls are different.

And what do you mean "As close to Bloodbrone as possible"? Is that a roundabout way of saying that you don't want to play something that is older than a few years? Because Dark Souls 3 is as much like Bloodborne as Dark Souls 1

I don’t have a PC

>what is divinity
>what are all the amazing strategy titles

Nigger, you are a scrub.

Consolefags are just brainlets and cannot into grand strategy or just rts and rtt for that matter.

Well it’s the only Souls other than II i can play right now, and you all say that one is bad so...

>doesn't have a PC
>feels the need to attach an image to EVERY post he makes

Just how much of a newfag are you? Spit it out.

Such beastly idiocy


Dark Souls 1 is probably one of my favorite games but BB was just meh

Since 2007 at least

Weapon movesets were fucking fantastic. That's pretty much it.

I like it, but I agree, I don't think it's a masterpiece. There's too many glaring obvious problems, most of which you mentioned. I'd add to that the vast majority of boss fights throughout the game really suck.

It sucks because BB is the closest we've gotten to getting Dark Souls' world design again, but it stops short.

Are THIS much of a sperglord? im not a "consolefag" And grand strategy are my favorite games along side bloodborne, hence why i cited paradoxs latest strategy game as a close contender, i just dont think it was good enough to jerk off like bloodborne or other gs games

Now go be a brainlet sperglord somewhere else

>pvp sucks

Good. PvP in these game suck anyway

You spam your ugly character in every BB thread as of late

It actually has the best PvP in the series.

The world feels half the size it should be, and despite being pretty interconnected it goes well out of it's way to teleport you around everywhere making shit seem disconnected.

Chalice dungeons are a fucking cancerous growth and I don't know how anyone defends them.

There was a brief glimmering moment between Mundane Santier's Spear and straight sword domination where DaS2 had really good PvP.

Bloodborne managed to have stupid braindead PvP but also terrible invasion mechanics which realy pissed me off.

>it has the best pvp in a series that has utter shit pvp that is all about predicting someones lag and phantom range

first of all, that doesn't mean much, and second of all that's not true, becuase it's literally 5 minutes of players just dashing back and forth trying to catch each other, none of them actually getting any hits in. It's dumb as fuck and you should feel bad



just buy a fucking ps4 and play the game, you nintentoddler

Some of the best bosses but also most bullshit bosses are in the chalice dungeons.


It’s the only relevant image to bb i have. I wish everyone would post theirs, i like to see them.

>have stupid braindead PvP
With the moveset variety that the game has and how fast you can transition between them it is by far least braindead PvP, unless you count abusing game bugs in DaS1 as using your brain.
>becuase it's literally 5 minutes of players just dashing back and forth trying to catch each other, none of them actually getting any hits in
Wow, they both gotta be really bad.

You're the one that asked, dumb little brainlet.

What was his fucking problem?


It's a consensus on Sup Forums that if you don't like Bloodborne or think it's not the best Soulsborne game, formula perfected, you're just a dumb-dumb.

Bloodborne is the magnum opus of From Software and Miyaaki in particular, I doubt even a BB 2 done by the same team could surpass it.

>it's a bunch of oversized monsters flailing erratically

You mean less than half the bosses and a minority of the enemies?

You fucking idiot.

BB's PvP is a trainwreck and nobody uses anything in their moveset beyond the most spammable attack because there's no point. Arcane and BMA completely wreck people and there's nothing you can do about it. The last time I played you could spam broccoli's arcane attack and kill everyone 100% of the time because lag made it impossible to dodge to the point where it got banned in fight clubs.

That is shit PvP. Moveset variety never mattered because PvP moves so fast and lag compensation is so bad that you'll never get a chance to use any of that shit unless you have a gimmick build like a Boomhammer. The good PvP in every other Souls game stems from build variety and asymmetrical characters playing off one another. Since BB has no build variety, you don't get any of that and it's not fun.


The only game with good pvp in the franchise was the non-canon entry (Souls 2). The franchise isn't about PvP (or co-op, which is just a tool to make fights easy for shitters), it's just a quirky feature meant to interfere with players' games sporadically, make them feel uneasy while exploring.

>because there's no point
That is incorrect, the point is dashcatching as a result of additional range/arc of attack, or baiting and then punishing people. Besides transform attacks have fuckhuge damage multipliers and most are only slightly slower than a regular R1.
Spamming attacks and as a result being a predictable fuck is never a fucking good idea, even if you use weapons with good dash attacks like wheel/letter.
Its great in PvE but much like all magic in souls is a retard filter in PvP. Gloves are pretty good but are so fucking easy to walk away from. Brew is sorta solid if you freeaim it. That is it.
Yowzers, sure is hard to anticipate someone shooting when their weapon is all fucking glowey. Thats like saying Lead Elixir is overpowered. Dont just walk right into it.
>lag made it impossible to dodge
Lag makes everything impossible to dodge, try again.
>where it got banned in fight clubs.
It never got banned. Also its easy as fuck to punish and you are basically asking to get a cannonball to the face while you are doing your little pose.
>because PvP moves so fast
Try again, BB is not significantly faster than Souls. As a matter of fact, Saw Cleaver R1s are actually slower than Longsword R1s from DaS3.
DaS2 PvP is probably second best, but its still far from being as good as BB. Animation-cancelling was cancer and being a passive-reactive faggot was largely encouraged. The weapon roster was pretty good in terms of overall viability, but the gameplay itself revolved around mashing R1/rollR1 with perhaps an occasional R2. And I am saying this as a person that got the 3rd rank BoB aura in less than a week using nothing but shieldbashing and proceeded to spend 800+ hours exlusively on the ormareeves character because its just that fun.

Don't worry OP, I also didn't "get" it. I went in blind and platinumed the game in 10 days. It's over hyped by casuals who have never played a truly hard game before

>Console exclusive
All you need to know

Id sooner see a man not get all the trophies and struggle and not be so “gud” as long as he enjoyed what he played user. Sounds like you played yourself here.

Its a meme, also pretty sure its not even the right filename.

>Don't enjoy game
>Somehow force yourself 10 days for a plat
yeah sure lmao