How will we remember this?

>Personally i will remember it for Denuvo halving its framerate

Deus 1 was savagely better in all aspects. Lore/Boss battles were memorable

I remember the side quests but the only part of main quest I cared about was assault at the Machine cult.

Like your usual old good game sequel ruined by the staff becoming sjw

Sadly this.

Which is even funnier if you consider the game doesn't have any SJWs undertones at all, it's a meme we invented to shit up Mankind Divided threads. Mostly because that's what we usually do with "not-ultra popular" Denuvo games.

But people still believe it because that chink developer put a BLM reference to game art used for marketing. And the funniest thing is, Black Lives Matter and Feminists were both furious at this game, because it was another "white product disrespecting black culture" or whatever.

>Deus 1
you do realize there were two games before that right?
I bet you think Fallout started with 3 and Final Fantasy started with 7

If Denuvo halves framerates why is everyone calling MGSV and DOOM well optimized?

did they cut the machine apartheid angle the designer was aiming for? I remember hearing about them backing down on that

He probably thinks Star Wars started with IV

Probably run better without denuvo.

If they do how come no one has ever made a benchmark proving this? Should be easy enough right?

I will remember it as my 2016 GOTY.

Just started playing it and so far I'm having some fun exploring around Prague, but what the fuck is it with these character designs? What is this shit? What is that other shit with Alex Vega or whatever her name is with the cornrows, why is Adam's boss at Task Force 29 an Australian pedophile anal buccaneer, what the hell is that technician faggot? Why are all these characters such utter shit? Why does Sarif have a different voice actor?
Gameplay's fine I guess, but I fucking hate every single character I've met so far exploring in Prague. Do these characters eventually become sort of likeable like Prichard if I get over their disgusting designs?

Nah, they just had to explain why Human Revolution is full of augs, while DX has only military augs at best.
After the end of Human Revolution, augs are discriminated against, with good reasons; they snapped and killed 1/3 of human population, and after that, they started becoming terrorists and killing random people

You aren't supposed to side with them at all, they're showed as criminals as much as they're discriminated against

Also the game's a fucking mess when it comes to stability. From time to time the game crashes whenever I try to customize weapons, other times opening menus just shits up the game and causes it to freeze for a few moments then after changing zones the game just stutters a great deal.

>Do these characters eventually become sort of likeable like Prichard if I get over their disgusting designs?

No. It feels like Adam is alone in a world of useless assholes


>Deus 1 was savagely better in all aspects

True. Deus Ex 1 was better than MD, while MD was better than HR in all aspects.
Except, you know, the fact HR was a compete story while MD is part 1 of 3.

the framerate is fine once you turn off msaa

The augs are generally neither good people nor very stable.

Bonus points for that poet who things her augs are her roommate or something and she keeps talking to them.

as my 2016 GOTY.

Loved the side quests, environments, and the fact that there was a kill switch to the final boss was a very nice touch.

Overall improvement over HR in every way. Also shrink fat butt.

This is what happens when you have robot arms in a world where robot arms people are merciless killers

People are dicks to you because they can't do shit about the fact you'll work around them, also the fact you could kill everything in the room at any given moment

The only exception are literally characters that are spying on you, they'll be friendly to you

No idea if this is from Denuvo, but does anyone else have this issue? When I close the game Windows just slows down or something. Stuff like opening the sound manager, refreshing, opening task manager takes about 5 to 10 seconds to work. Haven't had this issue happening with any other game so far.

Are you able to disable denuvo? if so be my guest and run the benchmarks.

>the fact you could kill everything in the room at any given moment
Concealed carriers exist

Just seems like you and others being politics obsessed morons. Kys

It always happens to me when I play a game my pc is having a hard time with

It wasn't bad, story aside it was actually an improvement over HR.
Comparing them to the original is useless.
MD has better gameplay, that's it.
But you don't remember Deus Ex solely for its gameplay.

it's called cyberpunk you massive retard

Your post seems to suggest I should sympathize and side with them

I mean, people on this website literally sympathize with Hitler, so...

Pretty good but ultimately unfinished so it felt all cop story no conspiracy.
Pushing aug segregation to bankrupt the arcology project and prevent self-sustaining cities makes sense as far as NWO conspiracy goes but its phantom menace tier.
You literally do all this so some legislators vote on a bill.
Thats shit.

Hitler didn't kill people because lobbyists pushed Dangerous augments without knowing the side effects and those augments made him crazy

>lobbyists made me get my arms replaced and get chips in muh brain and have to take meds erry day

>Denuvo halving its framerate
Denuvo had nothing to do with the framerate pleb
there is SKIDROW "crack" that is stolen .exe from some F2P deus ex game, don't remember the name and they used this exe on Mankind Divided after some modifications
Denuvo is fully removed in it and the FPS are exactly the same
go try yourself

>It's your fault the product was dangerous
Ancaps, everyone.