Obsidiot storyfags still believe Bethesda is a bad dev

>Obsidiot storyfags still believe Bethesda is a bad dev
Fallout 4 will always BTFO New Vegas for the better gameplay alone because games are gameplay/content focused not goosebump storyfag choose your own adventure novel focused.

It doesn't matter how many times you say
>B..b...but ITS AN RPG
Doesn't matter, its a VIDEO GAME first and an RPG second. The GAME and GAMEPLAY will always matter more in any video game.

Fallout 4 has good gameplay?

Considering the gunplay was codesigned by Machine Game and Bungie its a hell of a lot better than New Vegas.

Naming the companies involved in the game's development doesn't say anything about how good Fallout 4's gameplay is.

Just get the fuck out of my thread already you NuVegas apologist

But role playing is the gameplay.

It has a solid base gameplay loop that is completely ruined because all the plot elements are too dogshit to carry it.

None of bethesda's games are good. Even New Vegas is bad since bethesda made them use their shitty engine. The problem is bethesda has no competition.

>This is what obsidiots actually believe
Roleplaying isn't gameplay kiddo

>can't make a better argument than that
>reeee reee get out get out GET OUT
Holy fuck user. When you can't even blow out a NVB, you are one sad sack of shit.

Yeah it is.

>can barely stay above Skyrim, a 6 year old game
>Skyrim is still relevant and getting remasters every year while nobody even remembers FO4 anymore
>beaten by Euro Truck Simulator 2 and Football Manager

What went wrong?

Where is the "it was always shit" option?

considering the only choices in answers that you'll hear will be
>Sarcastic Yes
>No (yes)
>More information (yes)
I'll choose to ignore your shity question

So what was your favorite weapon to use and why it was This Machine.

No its not. Its playing pretend. I can pretend to be a quantum leaper with down syndrome who leaps into every new video game character I play, that doesn't alter the core gameplay of anything I play.

It might alter the choices I make but that's still not gameplay.

Todd sells a new version of skyrim every week, and spends tons of money advertising them on TV.
I can't even remember the last time I saw a promo for FO4 that wasn't on a bundle site.

The loop is terrible what are you talking about? It does the same shitty kill-loot-grind repetitive cycle that Borderlands uses except here you loop over too fast and too many times during a normal playthrough. Doesn't even help that a lot of the incentives to do so is rendered moot because you can just take a box of scraps over to the bench and make a gun like 5 times better than the unique named weapons you have to crawl through a shitload of leveled deathclaws and super mutants to obtain.

But Fallout 4 has horrible content. Especially compared to NW.

That's because Skyrim is a better game overall. Content wise, and mod wise at least. Fallout 4 has better gameplay but the modding scene is shit in comparison to Skyrim and has over 100 locations less than Skyrim and about 50 less quests aswell.

I'm not a Sup Forumsipster so I don't deny Fallout 4 is a good game but the budget went to the wrong places.

Bethesda does have competition when it comes to open-world action rpgs though, it's just that they're Russian and thus can't make the game as fuckhuge as they can.

>Skyrim gets promoted more
>Fallout 4 still played more

Wouldnt really consider that competition then.

this is bait

>Saying FO4 getting beaten by the floods of subhuman European migrants of non games in different genres as if that's some sort of accomplishment
PC is better than Console but at least they would never play such shitty programs.

The plan was to compare it to PUBG, CS:GO and other first person shooters but I took pity on Falloutfags

That's not the gameplay loop of Fallout 4.
The gameplay loop is
Get Quest - Have a fun gunfight with a ton of enemies - Loot
The problem with it is that the quests suck, and the loot is boring. The actual meat of it is fine.

Spreadsheet simulators aren't videogames

no instead they play gems like fifa

>New Wegas

The subhuman masses who only buy 1 shitty recycled game year after year don't count.

>buy rpg series for "the cool setting"
>make new game for series
>don't use genre
>don't use setting

>i play fallout 4 for the gameplay even though there are 5000 games with better gunplay

>Misses the content part
There needs to be a balance of good gameplay and lots of content.

Name a single game that has gameplay better than Fallout 4, with the same amount of content or more, aswell the same amount of mod support. Good luck.

Playing pretend is the point of fallout

The worst game I ever bought for full price was Alpha Protocol for the PC. The disappointment I felt was something I can't even talk about without getting angry.

Fuck Obsidian.

Damn nigga thats a good way to start a thread. Skyrim>oblivion amirite bro

Not anymore. The point of Fallout now is making the shoot shoot and surviving in a post apocalyptic wasteland and installing mods make that experience even more realistic aswell as adding tons of titties and questionable content that would get you arrested in Europe.

>The worst game I ever bought for full price was Alpha Protocol for the PC.
Fuck, I bought during the steam sale, is it really that bad?

More like
>Install Morrowind
>Take 30 minutes to find a cave because the retard questgiver gave poor directions
>Finally get into combat with a bandit
>Hit sword directly on enemy
>Also actually defending diceroll combat in a first person realtime action game
How can Bethdrones ever recover from having better gameplay in the newer titles baka

If someone knows where a location is why can't they just mark it on your map or at least circle an area on your map where the location is? How is not doing that more immersive? How is being a retard with a map who purposely doesn't get people to mark things on their map unless you're roleplaying as a dude with no intelligence a good thing?

I absolutely hated its guts, even though the premise on the back of the box looked interesting. Buggy as fuck, terrible on PC, uninteresting charcters, generic gameplay, bad "choice" system etc.


>lots of content
>go to this place and kill some feral ghouls/raiders/super mutants
>help our settlement is under attack by four guys and we need your help


Outside of the shitty recycled settlement part when you boil gameplay down to the basics it always boils down to
>Go here, kill X
>Go here, steal X
>Go here, sneak into X
>Go here, interact with X
Its all about doing it in different ways and locations.

Fallout 4 is not a fallout game then

It has decent gunplay and nothing more.

> 2017.
> Not realising that the winning move is simply not to play.
> being so fucking stupid as to try and start a conversation on the internet as if it will change this.

Elegan/tg/entleman here.

No. It is not.

Says who? Old Fallout fans who are vastly in the minority? Most Fallout fans are fans of the new Fallouts. There's already an equal amount of Fallout main series titles with the new gameplay than the old one and once Fallout 5 comes out in 2025 and BTFOs everyone with the best game ever made in the century you'll see just how wrong you are.

Saying something is true when it isn't while pretending the other point of view isn't just as fucking right as you are doesn't prove anything you tremendous faggot.

perspective of the camera and gun play can change which is why fallout 3 and NV are still core fallout games as they still include role playing as game play. Fallout 4 however is not a core fallout game. it is a spin off at best and not a fallout game at worse

>Fallout 4 will always BTFO New Vegas
3 does that just fine too

>Franchises never change genre or core mechanics
Plenty do and plenty are better than the older titles.

Fuck off you tool!

I like how a betheshit had to edit this to make game reviews sound more reasonable than Sup Forums over the original.

Name 5

This user deserves a reward for being bright enough spot the cretin and respond appropriately.

The rest of you might as well be pissing in the wind and you fucking know it.

do you imply that fallout 3 is good?

If you can call "better than new vegas" good.

its not the same franchise then. it a franchise that's a derivative of another franchise.

>Amerimongrels only make low effort edits

I guess years of Wojak and Pepe edits have erased what little creativity they had in the first place.

The utter state of memes in the year of our lord 2017.

The entire concept of dank memes kind of took a nose dive once the bourgeoisie got ahold of them.

>and nothing more
>tons of linear dungeons
>tons of places to build your own settlements using the shitty build system
>10 NPC factions if you include those that you can only fight and those that you don't explicitly join in the base game
>power armor all over the fucking place
>power for the power armor is even more common
>interesting lore tidbits dot the game world just like any other TES/BethesdaFO game
>settlers designated as supply mules actually move between settlements and can be found moving between settlements,
>so much so you have to designate certain settlements to be supplied by ghouls and robots
>Minute Men and Brotherhood of steel NPCs can be spotted wandering/patrolling the world
>there are miscellaneous non-hostile NPCs that can be found wandering the world
>gunplay is objectively better than FO:NV

You FO:NV fags give New Vegas too much credit, and not enough credit to FO4, granted the story is shit and nonsensical, the world makes no sense when looking at it through any perspective other than basic game design, the settlement builder is basic as shit and breaks the lore. It is on par with New Vegas all things considered.

I can name more than that.

Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda, Fallout, Metroid, Warcraft, Swat, Wolfetenstein, Pac Man, Star Fox, Dynasty Warriors, Syndicate, Baldurs Gate, Resident Evil, Castlevania, The Sims, Mario

Get fucked kid.


How did Wolfenstien, Swat, Baulders Gate, and The Sims change genre?

Small brain: niggas who play fallout
Universal brain: fellows whomst've play undertale

Wolfenstein originally wasn't an FPS, Swat was originally a shitty FMV game, Baulders gate was originally a traditional RPG and then on the PS2 when the better versions came out it was hack and slash, The Sims 2 allowed direct control of characters and allowed you play the game directly as a single character vs an overview from the sky who controlled multiple characters actions. The Sims 3 went back to the terrible style but many Sims fans consider The Sims 2 to be the pinnacle of sims games and hope that if they return to that format.

> get fucked kid.
> talking down to people on the internet.
> whilst trying to persuade.

You really are a faggot aren't you.

Not an argument honestly senpai.

>not abandoning IPs you loved that turned to shit in favor of new IPs that you can learn to love that will turn to shit
brainlets, the lot of you

most of these games kept the general theme however, 2d metroids and prime are still about exploration in a semi-linear environment. fallout's theme has changed therefore fallout 4 isn't the same fallout as fallout 1,2,3,NV

that gif doesnt even make any sense

>Baulders gate was originally a traditional RPG and then on the PS2 when the better versions came out it was hack and slash
>when the better versions came out it was hack and slash
Now I know you're just baiting. Also The Sims games never changed genre

I'm not even that guy m8.

inb4 someone comes up with a brilliant idea and it gets marketed as Fallout 4 with magic.

I don't think so. I think the autistic teenagers who browse Sup Forums genuinely seek validation in other's agreeing with their shitty opinions. It's a bad meme.

Anyone can boil games down. It's easy to say Fallout is about exploring/surviving a post apocalyptic wasteland and making choices. Not how many choices you can make and both classic fallout and new fallout fit this.

No, Fallout 4 has better gunplay and thats it, RPG GAMEPLAY involves quests, interactions, story, dialogue, exploration,character customization and skills etc etc etc. All of which New Vegas did better than 4.

Implying it isn't all just inexperienced trolls and shills now.

>He thinks gameplay is more than just gunplay and movement

>he thinks it isn't

Shills maybe, trolls I sure hope so. Only thing worse than these trolls would be if they weren't trolling.

Is DnD an RPG?

fair point, however fallout 1 initial goal was providing the player a post-apocalyptic environment to role play in. Tim Cain is even quoted saying "My idea is to explore more of the world and more of the ethics of a post-nuclear world, not to make a better plasma gun." Any future fallout game that does not adhere to this philosophy is generally considered a spin off. Fallout 4 does not explore the role playing theme of fallout. Fallout 4's goal is to explore making a better plasma gun. as such like i said Fallout 4 is not a core fallout game. it is a spin off at best and not a fallout game at worse

Nv got a better score 4fag
3 is the best

DnD without any of the things he menitoned isn't. You're basically just playing a turn based tactics game at that point.

Show me the user that posts on Sup Forums seriously and i'll show you someone who isn't a troll.

Bring back hate threads i say.

Damn shame about everyone thinking it's an RPG then despite being primarily focused on tactics.

Damn shame about nobody thinking DnD is just about combat and tactics without quests, interactions, story, dialogue, exploration,character customization and skills etc etc etc.

Gameplay as most people define it is the interactive elements of a game and its what sets it apart from movies and shut. Role-playing in interactive so therefore Roleplay is Gameplay.

This has to be more retarded argument in Sup Forums in a week. And that's saying a lot.

I really hope they refine Settlements a bit more in fallout 5, Especially more variety in who can attack you,

Like say in your quests you piss off several factions, They'll actually raid your shit, If you pick the Alien blaster Ayy Lmaos might attack you very rarely to reclaim it.

It's a Bethesdrone thread, what did you expect?

>legendary raider has mutated!
>legendary pipe gun who heals enemies
>let's free robots even if we live amidst rubble and barely have resources to sustain ourselves
>sarcastic (yes)
>let's live in shacks even when there is plenty of refurbishable buildings all over
>legendary radioactive pipe pistol
>ghoul kid trapped inside a fridge for 200 years while his dumb ghoul parents lived across the street
Really a master piece.

The fucking '''''''gameplay''''''' keeps you entertained for 20 hours and then you realize what a shitheap of a game this is, especially the fucking story

The only redeeming quality F4 has is the shooting mechanics went from shit to decent and that was because Bethesda brought in some programmers from Id games who actually knew something.

Soooooooo what the actual devs do lol?

>He thinks it is