Boreal forest region

>boreal forest region
>barely survive first winter with enough food
>animals start to repopulate
>toxic fallout hits
What the fuck do I do now? How dangerous is it to let them hunt outdoors as normal?

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It's toxic fallout, you don't have to hunt. Animals will die all on their own. Just have your colonists dip outside real quick to grab a body and butcher it.

they're fine until their toxicity or whatever it's called hits about 40%, then it's best to try and keep them indoors under a roof

i usually have a specific area designated "indoors" for this event and other situations, composed of only the indoor spaces. they'll go outdoors to get from building to building still but that's easily managed in a variety of ways

Cool didn't realize that.


IIRC Toxic fallout does nothing to the colonists until they reach a certain toxicity. Have them run out to grab a corpse, then stay inside until it goes back down to zero.

>Sea ice
>end up making everything out of raiders

I'm not this guy, but make fucking sure you do this and grab as much animals as you can, even if it puts you at risk of getting a few of your colonists sick. The fucking fallout lasts for goddamn ever and every plant will still be gone for a month or two afterwards.

Also, take this time to learn the lesson that you gotta make indoor growzones with the sun lamps. They use a FUCKton of power, but they'll prevent your group from being wiped by stupid shit like this.

get the ABC suit mod and live comfy in the wastes while animals and raider die all around you

>Sea ice biome with Cthulhu mod
>Pray to the black goat god
>Get herds of black goats as a reward for prayer
>Subsist on nothing but goats
>Bring raiders and visitors into the fold to grow our hidden arctic base for the return of our glorious Elder Ones

I just bought this game.

Can someone give me a list of essential mods?

Also should i use workshop or a thirdparty site?

There are no essential mods, just pick whatever you like.
Use workshop for auto-updates.

pretty much the entire first few pages of most subscribed, a few of them might not be updated because a new version just landed, so look around, workshop is great for using mods because it just werks and mod creators can make updates and stuff to mods. the only 3rd party thing I like to use is rimjobworld

The only one you need imo is Prepare Carefully, but if you use it without point limits it pretty much trivializes the game.

Another interesting mod I used was the embrasures mod to defend myself from manhunter animal packs, but it made the game too easy so you might not like it.

In the end, no matter how many mods or how OP your colonists are they're gonna die horribly.

Embrasures are OP in real life, it makes sense they'd be OP in the game. I don't see why I shouldn't use them, if in real life I would use them in the same situation.

Is this game actually good and complex? I don't usually give early access games a shot but I don't really have time for dorfs anymore.

Vanilla RW is decently complex, nothing compared to Dorf Fort or Factorio though

It's babby mode Dorf Fort, but it's still pretty good on its own and complex enough to keep you interested. I'd suggest a pirate first to check it out and buy it if you like it, because it's not very cheap for an early access game.

Is it good for generating stories though? I've always liked that about dorf fort.

>nothing compared to two of the most complicated games out there

It fills a niche, that niche being small colony management where every gain and loss is fairly major. It's not anywhere near the scope of DF but it's fairly good

It's complex because you can't just stand around like a moron and have the people build their own houses.

You gotta order them to do it. It took me an hour or so to get the basics.

There should be a bigger buff for mood at the start of the game. I've had like 5 extreme breakouts because their house(s) aren't good enough. You just almost died and you're bitching about not having a bed or your own room? Fuck you.

Only gripe with the game is that it feels kinda lack luster in the end game, you're just playing sims at the end. Your map is usually mined to death and you're sitting around for trades and shit like that.

Are there more pre-gen events like the ancient evil?

It's either Scythers and Pods, or just pods, or just Scythers. I haven't found anything else like that on the tile you chose.

>Zombieland mod
>The colonists spend so much time fixing every little scratch on walls that they never build anything.

What's a good mod that'll add a damage threshold level for repairs?

Most of the stories I got from it were pretty amazing, so I'd say give it a shot.

Most interesting story I got was a time where I got a doctor who could not do anything else, except for handling guns poorly. The dude did his job pretty well and helped defend other colonist when in need.

Some time later I get an alert. Someone is escaping from raiders and is asking for shelter in my base. Turns out to be my doctor's mom. I take her in and the raiders attack me. I sent the mom to grab a gun (she was decent at it) and join the defense.

The firefight was rough, and my colonists were struggling at it, so I sent the doctor to lend some relief. He got incapacitated shortly after by a bunch of raiders who focused fire on him.

Mom saw this and ran to rescue him, but got shot in the head on her way back to the medbay. She lived, but was unable to do anything and needed assistance to even eat.

The doctor spent the rest of his days taking care of his now vegetable mother, and they both died under artillery fire some time later.

Pretty good run in my book.

Got another story if anyone's interested.

It's why I love Dwarf Fortress, it's just a never ending pile of shit to do. Rimworld hits a plateau a few hours in, that's why the AI tries to constantly kill you.

>have a gayser inside his walls
>still use like 7 heaters,

go on

Didn't meant to reply.

Essential mods? geez thats a hard one because many modders only release their mods for each alpha and forget about the game the next major update.

What, I didn't know they generated heat. I mean, I know they did but I didn't know they did in game.


>Rescue someone who crashed in a pod
>Didn't check their stats
>Remember to as soon as they join up
>7 in animal, 0 in everything else

Figured out another use for them.

You can always send them to a caravan run with nothing on them.

>literraly snow is melted aroung gayser
>wait, is there posibilty they create heat, NO WAY DUDS

Just quickly cover it with walls, make some vents, and use your damn electricity to create indoor garden

So long as they aren't incapable of dumb labour, use them as a jannie. They do it for free after all.

>modern game
>somehow has a worse fucking control schema than dwarf fortress

>recruit a no skilled labor pawn from visitors
>gain 3 rep with them because the chief hated her
Cool, now I have a decent shooter and designated janitor so my more skilled guys can worry about more important shit

Yeah but you have to be sure it vents into a place big and cold enough that it doesn't roast people.

>Not placing rotting corpses of dead raiders inside your prison with the heat almost to death levels

My psychopath warden loves this shit.

Just put a giant farm and be done with it, so much corn that your pawns never finish harvesting it.

>storyteller blights your farm once every season because that's your only food source

>having so much corn that your pawns never ever finish harvesting it
planting it takes no time, it takes it sweet ass time so you can harvest the first ones while the last one grows and they have a good amount of life.

The other one:

I started with very good colonists, and it showed; they got shit done quickly, defended their base effectively and got along impressively well.

Then I got an alert. Some guy was asking for refuge because he was being chased by a tribe so I took him in. Looked at his stats (can't do that before choose whether to take him in or not) and he was fucking useless. Nonviolent, unable to do dumb labor (cleaning, hauling, mining, planting/harvesting, cutting wood), envious and artistic. Only useful thing he could do was research, so I sent him to get new blueprints for my colony, but the asshole didn't like it.

He did his job poorly and was always in a bad mood, because someone else had a prettier room than his. Caused fights often which he lost because he couldn't fight to save his life and ended up in the medbay often.

Then I got another alert. There's this broadcast saying there's a colony wishing to build a spaceship if I send colonists over to help with the task. They were far as all fuck up in the north, so I decided to send this useless piece of shit to his probable death.

Time passes and this guy somehow didn't die in the first day of traveling, while my colony started thriving once again. Everything was good and gay until a manhunter elephant pack appeared.

Got the colonists into position, defended the best way I could but fucking elephants, man. They were already pissed and shooting at them made them ever angrier, so they eventually wiped my colony..

..Except for the useless piece of shit who somehow outlived a thriving community and got to his destination, only to be killed by another tribe when he was close to reaching safe haven.

unironically? lack of enough shortcuts.

>he didn't put a solar lamp next to the steam vent and can't his crops indoors all year long with free heating
I shiggy at ur lmao

So, I know the devs abandoned it and I don't plan on paying for it, but is Gnomoria worth playing at all?

not really, no.

no, it's literally a shittier dorf fort with grafix and way less stuff to do

Someone is remaking Gnomoria. Its called Ingnomia. Someone that actually knows how to program.

Just a shame heat traps can't work unless one open door instantly brings the whole structure to outdoor temperature.

this was legit the only game I've ever refunded through steam. Everyone says how fucking great it is but conveniently ignores how awful the menuing is. Nowhere near enough hotkeys/shortcuts and it just takes too many fucking buttons to do shit. You're required to use the mouse for half the fucking shit. Honestly don't know how they shit the bed so hard.

Guess you suck at these games?

nah I used auto hotkey to macro most of the important functions. The problem is the game just isn't comfy when you're forced into using the mouse. I can play dwarf fort on a laptop with no cursor commands but this game failed to realize the importance of proper menuing and interface design.

>Want to begin working on a mega base so I can focus on going out to do quests and attack others
>Can't decide on a biome to put it in

The swamps seemed cool but the ground is so poor to build on, snowy biomes seem fun for defense purposes but rather boring without plants or animals.

>DF's UI is good
>RW's UI is shit

what kind of crazy bizarro world am I living in

What game?

Its fine to shit talk df ui. But the hotkey system is actually ingenious. toady really made the best out of the nightmare that should have been user input.

RW on the other hand takes 3-6 button presses then a shit load of mouse clicks to do anything.

What kind of world do you live in where using a mouse is considered bad? Faster and more precise inputs while being far more comfortable without having to keep both hands on your keyboard at all times just to play.

t. absolute retard
>more accurate
depends on environment.
> having to keep both hands on your keyboard at all times just to play
what the fuck are you doing jacking off? you realize you can keyboard with a single hand too right.

you can press 5 keys in less than a second on a keyboard and you already have one hand on it for controlling the camera, with a mouse and large menus, you have to drag it around all over the screen to get multiple things done, constantly having to click going back and forth between work and colony management would be much faster with keys

mice are used because they provided an easier(see:simpler) interface for the user experience(see:normies who can't command line). The only exception is art and drafting programs.

Nobody uses mice because their "faster". If you are faster with a mouse you are a legit mouth breather.

why are swamps so shitty with so little solid ground to build on, makes defense annoying as shit until you get the water pumps which are a good ways into the research tree

Toxic fallout is not that bad. Just make sure to start expanding your freezer. Then at some point most animals will have died and you can just collect the corpses and have food for months.

If at all possible try not to get toxicity over (I think) 25% because that's the point where your colonist can develop side effects.


So this cave with three hives is in the dead center of my embark. Will these things attack me without provocation?

>go mountianous swamp
>build into mountain and your snipers easily pick off all the raiders wading through the muck

Also, how does this exist?
Ship chunk under a mountain?

ship was going very fast horizontally

>Start new game as tribals
>First raid is literally a naked pirate with a shiv
>Manages to cause brain damage to two of my guys, making them useless.

>what the fuck are you doing jacking off? you realize you can keyboard with a single hand too right.

Wow it's almost like you do the same thing in Rimworld except you combine it with the freedom of using a mouse with your other hand, that's kinda the entire point of the control scheme. With a mouse you can freely move the camera, place things directly with no fuss, and enjoy the precision and speed of a mouse pointer to the slow cumbersome scrolling of arrow keys. When you start getting into situations where your menus have a large amount of options (flooring for example with mods, 20+ selections) it's actually easier to do your selections via clicking rather than using one hand to hit a hotkey, it's not like your playing a pro match of Starcraft 2 and need your 800 APM for placing flooring.

But whatever, I've already gone too far as we all know trying to discuss anything with a DF fan is pointless, DF is perfection to them and they refuse to believe it could be flawed or surpassed in any way.

Is it possible to generate maps that are entirely within caverns now? That would be cool.

who are you quoting

Wait reputation loss in recruiting is affected by how much the chief like them? Sweet

I hate dwarf fortress but you are dumb. Mice aren't faster. If a mouse is faster than using a keyboard you have a design failure which is that anons point and the one you cannot grasp.

I know there was a mod for A17 that could do such a thing but I'm not sure if vanilla A18 wise you can get a map that's all mountain and not just one side. I'd really like it if you could get that though, I'm sure now with real caves existing there has to or will soon be a mod for it.

you would have a point if Rimworld had hotkeys at all, but it's all mouse-driven, you don't have the option of doing both at the same time and having the benefits of both

Rimworld does have hotkeys though. I use them all the time for quick selecting buildings and orders. Especially doing plans and constantly overshooting by 1 tile.

I'm not sure what reality you live in, Mouse+Keyboard is infinitely faster than Keyboard alone. The simple act of targeting a specific object/tile with a keyboard only is a nightmare and will never be as clean or fast as a mouse. Imagine trying to control just 5 units in combat during a raid with only your keyboard, just think about what a nightmare it would be to try and move all your units and position them with just keyboard controls, hell you couldn't even hope to kite units through manual control without a mouse.

Just kind of a very straight up and simple fact of computers and gaming here.

such amazing hotkeys that are nowhere near your primary camera movement buttons

you need to learn the game without mods before deciding what you want changed

>game doesn't have hotkeys
>I use them all the time

kill yourself

I do wish the game had an options menu that included a button labeled KEYBOARD CONFIGURATION where it allowed you to change all your keybinds.

oh wait

seems that way. Either that or how skilled they are.
Is recruitment even in vanilla?

I don't think general visitors that aren't traders aren't vanilla

prepare carefully, psychology, and expanded incidents. rimfire if you want some extra guns. there are some really fun starwars mods too.
and fuck steam.

This would be the most amazing mod if it didn't make 90% of your colonists gay

this. otherwise you won't know how shit the base game is and realize you wasted 30 bucks on an unfinished game.

Get some potatoes or rice growing as soon as you can and have plenty of stock room. Food shortages can creep up on you and it's hard to react to them if it's the middle of winter with no animals to hunt. It becomes less of a concern when you have some indoor farms going.

you need to mod this game to really appreciate it. its a waste of money as is imo.

what the fuck is a "babby".


it's called lurk the fuck more
what they hell happened to learning by context anyways?

>playing dwarf fortress lite when you could be playing dwarf fortress

play the superior game brainlets.

you mean the wiki reader simulator? What a great way to spend your finite time alive.

how did you do in aptitude tests in school user? were you held back grades? there's no shame in admitting it.


What mods should i get to make this dwarffort lite fun?

>DF fan is pointless, DF is perfection to them and they refuse to believe it could be flawed or surpassed in any way.
rimworld fanboys are the same way too.

oh shit it worked


Anyone else find toxic fallout super fucking comfy in this game?

I guess I just like house arrest scenarios