Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend

apparently i have to do everything myself

Other urls found in this thread:

WorldMister draw witching hour yuri


good luck to the bursts

I guess the results will be posted as I'm eating dinner.

post recently completed vermin


already did



My team and some other favorites of mine lost so I guess I'm rooting for them now.

u7y8k r 6r 66rrrr rrr

>no blonic scorpion Sup Forumsermin

*destroys the solar system in a single attack*


i saw on the booru that an lovv christmas carol comic is being made
did you guys figure out all the characters

>tfw you start two threads in a row because everyone else is too lazy

>inb4 host/mod bursts "get" in

Give him 14 and 22 stats to make it balanced.

Pure saw, no qualms about it.

nobody wants to be the guy cause if everyones the guy we get muliple

>2 dbz shitpost vermin in a row


I usually make the threads but I am unable to for now.

Technically mooks, but I didn't get any responses last thread. Also I'll get back to the main planets eventually.

not at fucking all
these are all thats been confirmed pretty much
>Hatefowl is Scrooge
>Fred is Vejigante
if anyone has ideas for the rest of the cast, let's hear em


>Want to draw fanart of my team before the match
>Got too much shit to do to in good conscience waste time doodlin when work is to be done.

Best of luck to us then will-wisp user and hopefully sunday I'll have time, and something to draw about.

>no combination of all the mainline runner ups into one god-tier vermin

i love him


>No mlp vermin

give em little hats and I'll love them forever

Huh I'm not a host, nor a mod, nor I do even have a booru account.
I'm just an annoying waifufaggot.

redid my first vermin ever, mostly just a new final form though

Not a problem at all my dude. Just happy to see my teammate still here. That's all I could ask for really.

It wouldnt be allowed to be posted here

so i'm thinking of making a rc cola vermin called "farsi cola," but i can't think of names for the evolutions. any ideas?

bretty gud

>when you accidentally understat a Sup Forumsermin due to fucked up averaging

Remember Scorpenger? It was very impractical.

why is hatefowl scrooge tho
all they share is the fact that they're both unhappy all the time
ghostler or slammem would be a better fit

no and it should stay like that
the moment horsefuckery touches this it dies.

post old shit from these threads

just a heads up, the second form is missing 2 points

Just draw in paper and scan it, that is what I will be doing from now on.

you gave me an idea

That's good enough of a reason. Not everything has to be 1:1 to Christmas Carol

So who else shouldn't get in?

Who will you be actually angry if they get in?

just make puns on other sodas, dr. pepper or some shit

where the FUCK is my ganondorf dad vermin

Ghostler isn't a fan of christmas, but he's not the grumpy man in general that scrooge is


wait no it's missing 1 my bad, didn't notice the extra point in muscle


anyone that isn't my vermin

0 gen vermin.

results where

Skeeto, mats, wargraav
all the finalist vermin

I want fucking new guys not the same old shit

>Swordoom FOS.png

Well to be fair she didn't get abilities like Genocydra, Synthia and Mobile Fighter that could have boosted her damage output to compensate

yeah, i get that, but i can't think up any puns


Slammem does like his money, but he'd just sue the ghosts for """""emotional damages""""" if they even tried to interrupt him.

My first vermin

wow, you're an oldfag boxy user

Well, with EVEN MORE ABILITIES this time it'd likely be even more impractical.

Mats will definitely be banned.

shitty bootleg

is it too late to be a huge faggot and post dumb lore?

if not

a countdown is what occurs when a child dies before their time. long ago the creator of the clock towers created the countdown to allow the children to remain on earth without fear of other less innocent ghost, until they can properly come to terms with their death.
if the child soul in the countdown unit decides it does not want to pass on for whatever reason, it will often turn into a death clock. this is not necessarily a bad thing, many death clock continue to live in the tower and use there superior strength to guard it, but if the soul becomes corrupted in this state it can trigger protocol doomsday.exe. the change in form that coincidences with this is only half the transformation; a cocoon that if not destroyed will birth a supernatural creature of unimaginable power. once the doomsday.exe protocol is run the unit will normally self destruct, unfortunately this will also obliterate the child's soul. however on some rare occasions it survives. that is a worst case scenario.

there a hundreds of Grand clock towers all over the world, each with it's own mid_night lying dormant underneath.

!ahahahahahaH DDDX ynnuf ti

Some really good teams this time around.


It's good to know my sense of humor has stayed pretty much the same.

That's fucking dark



Would Hank Hill be a good voice for ghostler? Asking for a friend.

Here are the results. The amount of issues I had with uploading a bloody video had better not be a sign of how this tourney will go... Sorry about the delay, folks!


Some of these abilities are going to be nerfed or need to be simplified. Anyway, this'll be an interesting tourney.

See you all next week!

dark vermin lore best lore

my eyes are gushing blood from reading this

don't act dumb

I was on vacation for about a month, now these threads are popping up, can anyone give me a quick rundown on what this is?


yup, fucking ruined.

Best pair.

>see a You pop up when this is posted
Aww yis



>mod/host vermin in

>Not in
ok bye

>mostly boring shit
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand dropped

>someone is on there twice


I am honestly totally fine with not making it in. I'm personally rooting for Shooty.

legitimately awful


># 8


Ratboy and Blojira are the only good ones

>some sort of rhombus
>Tree whore
>Shooty Spider
>Rat god

>the mountain

one of the worst lineups yet