How is Xenonauts? Anyone play this? Got any tips for a new player?

How is Xenonauts? Anyone play this? Got any tips for a new player?

Read the words it shows you.

Wow I just downloaded it too. I'd recommend getting the magnum-nauts mod. Build up your main base fast and spend money

besides this

get shield guys with high brave and a pistol to go first in everything so they can soak reaction fire or bypass it and give you vision

use smoke grenades when your guys run out of TU to run away or get behind cover and create cover for them

the stun baton is almost like a 99999 damage weapon and you should give it to almost all ur doods if you have the space. doesn't work on robots and it takes a few hits on those regen reptiles in the early game

also yea read. Understand that pistols and shotguns have a bonus chance to do reaction fire and not trigger enemy reaction fire. Understand what the attributes do like bravery. Also understand that when you recruit new soldiers their stats pretty much insta locks their class. Lik someone with low TU but high brave and HP would be a bretty gud front line guy with shield or shotgunner. Someone with high TU and strength would be good with rocket launchers and lmgs or they can also be someone with a pistol and the other hand for grenades and wear the heaviest armor that is basically a scout assasin tank lul

ALSO always autoresolve don't fall for the manual resolve meme

Autoresolve every jet fight, don't be afraid to expand, and invest heavily in tanks and explosives

I will keep some of this in mind.

How early should you expand?

Funny enough I kept trying to play on ironman, the hardest difficulty. I kept failing. Finally out of rage, I put it on "normal ironman" and just played through the game not giving a fuck.
About 15 hours later I checked the save file and found out I had accidentally selected the hardest difficulty anyway.

So, I can't give you too many tips. The main tip I have is to always bring 2 shield men and have them carry shotguns on their backs. After the shields break turn them into you assault class. There is no reason to have extra assault characters.

I'd say as early as possible. You want to maximize your coverage so countries don't pull funding. Just set up FOBs with nothing but radar and you should be able to send in troops from your main base to deal with grounded ufos. Anything in flight will probably be out of range for your jets though

it's a meme game that was taylor-made for reddit

>how many buzzwords can I fit into one sentence

One more HUGE tip. Set up your base in the middle east!

don't post in my thread ever again


I do this so it encompasses Europe, a part of north Africa, the mid-east and some of indochina and Russia. It's a good spot.


soz, I was a different poster :-DD

Just bought it, it's 75% off on steam. I've played some XCOM, and Jagged Alliance, but never didd anything like an impossible ironman run. ShouldI start with normal, or higher difficulties?

>always autoresolve don't fall for the manual resolve meme
Spot the scrub.

I beat the game in ironman hardest difficulty a while back. All I can say is: SHIELDS.


I recommend middle east like said. Lots of coverage with least amount of overhead/costs. They also give you good amount of cash for the amount of space you have to cover (smaller than US, but roughly same $).
Expand ASAP. Try to build 3 radar bases asap.
Build cheap bases over expensive bases.
You don't need vehicles. Waste of money, experience, and space. I will always rather want to roll out of more troops than 1 car that can die in 3 hits, can't carry a shield, can't use stun baton.



Long time ago you used to be able to put 1 shield in each hand (2 shields total), and carry another shield in your backpack. This essentially gives you troop like an additional 150HP. I don't know how it is anymore, but I don't think you can do that anymore.

Early phase troops only need shields, stunbaton.
then shield, stun baton, stun grenade (occasional frag grenade).

Why shields? Keeps your troops alive. Later on your experienced troops will be very costly to produce and become very necessary to deploy. You'll also notice that troops costs very little money. DO NOT BE FOOLED. I probably spent 2nd most on troops, next to base and research.

The reason why shields? To use stun batons. They are the ONLY weapon that guarantees hits. RNG in xcom is tough. When you play the hardest difficulty RNG gets even worse. You cannot leave the safety of your troops in RNG alone. Must use guaranteed items like shields and stun batons. Even grenades will miss, so I usually avoid them if I can.

NEVER autoresolve. Watch some videos on how to dogfight. There's a couple of good ones on youtube.

1. lowest fuel possible
2. find who pulled aggro (ufo will follow it)
3. put the 2nd fighter on highest gas and go to the back of the ufo. If alone try to use max gas to go around. If you can't, just run away.
4. win.


Meant to say xenonaught. You know what I mean.

Keep making money. Money is the most important resource to you. Always kill ufos asap or you will raise fear (or whatever it was called), which leads to loss of money. Always clear ufos crash sites, they give money exp, and research. If all of your troops are busy and you cannot get to a crash site, nuke it from orbit. That is the last resort.

Always research. This is the 2nd reason why stun batons are the best items in the game (next to shields). They leave fresh bodies of xeno = more cash + research + loot.


Always prioritize vision. If you miss something coming, you are fucked in 2 ways. 1. shields cannot be used. 2. you don't know what you're dealing with = more danger.

Cover is secondary thanks to shields. But they will eventually run out. Have to hide in cover and concealment.

Try to get high. Yes drugs. Also altitude. Higher vision = more vision. I try to leave at least 1 guy in higher vantage point to see.

Also carry medkits on everyone if you can.

Stay in groups. try to have your initation to the fullest potential. Don't waste your turn moving. That's why staying in groups will help.

Try to flank. It is best to have some group draw fire, while another group flanks at their blind side.

Always clear the whole map, before you approach UFO. Nasty surprises outside will really fuck you. Small ufos are easy. Try not to damage ufo (including letting the dumb aliens hit their cover). Go in fast and hard. Try to setup your team so that you can end the fight in 1 turn.
Bigger ufos will take practice, and patience.

Always upgrade armor. Armor is life saver.
This is the biggest advantage of shields+stun you can prioritize important things first before you get marginal increases from stupid alien weapon upgrade.

Don't waste your research on unnecessary items. Plan your research ahead. Always stun > med> eletric stun > armor> everything else.


Mid and late game is when you start using guns. Not as good as stun, but stun cannot be upgraded (sad). Skip the shitty 2nd lvl guns. Use free guns until lv3 or lv4 guns. Marginal increase, not worth the money and research. Also upgrade your fighters and transports. Always send like 2 fighters per dogfight. Missile research is very very important. If big ufos comes and you don't have it, it's gg.

Combat with guns
Hide a fuck ton. Always hide behind something. Never let anything get the first shot on you. Use chemlights always if you can't see shit. You'd be surprised how far you can throw them. And how much they help.

Plan your move. Always have cover and concealment on your troops or they will die. Reactions are the worst. That's why I always have like 3 or 4 shield guys until I have endgame armor. They can eat the reactions first, then you can move in to shoot them.
Machine gun is pretty good. Covering fire = duck = wasting AP by aliens (and yourself). Make aliens waste ap by covering fire over them or just kill them. I do not recommend RPG or shotguns. I mainly used M16 and machinegun until I had lategame guns. I think I used free human machine guns until I had the juggernaut armor (or whatever it is that gives you 100str). I think aim is determined by str or something like that so it's useful on strong guys.

Name your troops. I always felt bad when I lost someone I named. Especially when they have been alive since the very beginning.

Have fun.

I think dull is the best word to describe it.

If you want to play some fucking xcom, them play some fucking xcom, there are engine clones that run on modern systems and fix a shittone of bugs.

I disagree. Different game. Different experience. Worth the time and fun for me.