Video games are art

>video games are art
Please don't tell me people on this board unironically have this opinion.

>Graphic design is art
>Music composition is art
>Writing is art
>The addition of coding and interaction makes it not art

>please dont have this opinion or it'll trigger me like the little autistic tumblrina i am

t. Kojima

define art

>No matter how soulless and cynical a movie is, like the Emoji movie, it's art
So video games aren't because......?

>video games are art

I dont see why they can't be considered art, like have you seen what constitutes "modern art" these days?
Vidya games fit right in with the rest of the trash they put in exhibits.

>game has art
>Game has music
>game has narrative

videogames are art, yeah.

This. Maybe the problem is actually your perception of what art is supposed to be.

Explain why they aren't.

Mass producing something for the sake of greeds cannot be considered art

>video games are
You goofs probably have strong opinions on this statement.


>Vidya games fit right in with the rest of the trash they put in exhibits.

It's at least better than piss bowls and shit canvas.

It's a game. There is always a clear win and fail condition and this is always the core aspect of a game

and that can be art

So movies and most of animation isn't art?


Schools have taught you well.

Wrong. If you argue like that then you could consider sports like football art too

so you're saying that if one thing is art then everything has to be considered art that even vaguely resembles the first thing

that's kind of silly

cave story was released for free

does that mean it can be art

If you consider the win/fail of a game art, then yes such comparisons can be made. They're no different from the ones in sport or board games or whatever. Your words

>bedeo gam not art

They technically are. For the worlds and characters to be created, they have to be drawn first. It would be easier to explain why they aren't.

A ton of church paintings done by ye old legendary artists were commissioned by the church for money, do they not count either?

No. It’s not coveying anything important (and I’m not saying it should have secret and deep and meanings). That’s another aspect of art. Art has many layers

>character design
>world design
>game art: 2d sprites, pseudo-3d, 3d modeling
>sound design and music
>even programming

>a bunch of people specializing in different kinds of art come together, combine their skills, and the end result is not art
a game isn't automatically art in the same way that not every movie is art, but if you don't think games can be art then you're a special kind of retard

Literally everything Michelangelo sculpted after his apprenticeship was because he wanted money and yet he's one of the greatest sculptors of all time

This is the worst argument to get into, it simply relies on general concensus and even then who gives a shit? the public were told over and over that fucing spashes of paint on a canvas is art, is that what you want to emulate? berating those that don't consider a 'thing' to be art that it is infact art? just let it be and let people make up their own mind, it's lterally waste of time to do otherwise.