lets have a thread for the best gen ever.
7th gen appreciation thread
>all those people in 2007 unironically singing the praises of motion control
Kill zone 2 deserved more recognition. Such a great online fps for the PS3 at a time where the console truly needed it.
>best gen ever
Spotted the toddler who grew up with 7th gen
>the gen that ruined video games
>best gen ever
>the best gen ever
For handhelds, maybe.
so many great fucking games, this image just barely scratches the surface of the amount of great games we got.
Wow. It's fucking nothing.
Ever heard of the PlayStation 2?
no one cares.
Found the literal fucking child.
no seriously, you come to a 7th gen thread talking about the ps2? just go make a ps2 thread.
>lets have a thread for the best gen ever.
>best gen ever.
Kill yourself. If you want someone to jerk you off, try .
Wow. It's fucking nothing.
Ever heard of the Super.NES, reddit spacer?
>3D westrash AAA kiddie calling another 3D westrash AAA kiddie child
>If you want someone to jerk you off, try .
>says this right after a reddit spacing
>wah wah wah your toy sucks as i dont have a jostalgia for it!
Fucking old cunt
Have you ever heard of the Magnavox Oddysey?
8th gen was awesome for handhelds.
Now that the dust settled, the Wii is underrated, and has many exclusives, gems.
Keep crying, children.
Id have to go with the PS1/64/Saturn Era.
as my number one but I can respect yours.
Playing Gears of War 1 Online with all that lag and host advantages. Soul Caliber 4 and Big Little Planet on PS3. Smash Brawl on Wii. How easy PSP was easy to hack. Pokemon D/P/P and HG/SS. It was quite a ride.
Only a big boy knows about the ps2. You are so wise. What wisdom do you have to pass to us oh old one?
Stay triggered.
psp is probably the single best handheld in history. the only one that has a bunch of aaa console type releases
>soul calibur
>metal gear
>5 ffantasy games (most suck but meh)
>fucking niche shit like armored core
I honestly played the psp more than ps3 or ps4. the only games on either I played are all metal gear or fightan
Can you show mart how you suck cock, little man?
there is literally nothing wrong with motion control
that gen just didn't try to take advantage of it to any real extent
the kinect was actually amazing on a hardware level, there just weren't any games.
Give me another (You).
>no batman arkham games
>no lollipop chainsaw
>no remember me
>no kameo elements of power
>no infinite undiscovery
>no sleeping dogs
>no God of war 3
>no Bourne conspiracy
>no sin and sin and punishment
user you do a lot better than this.
>7th Gen Pros
Dark/Demons Souls
Best gen for handhelds
First gen to fully introduce online multiplayer across all systems
Graphics finally reached their level of diminishing returns
Narrative-driven games with deeper storylines finally become a Western thing instead of just Japan only.
PSP hacking teaching preteens across the world how badass the 3rd and 4th gen was.
Superhero games were actually pretty damn good in this gen. Infamous rules.
Wireless controllers
Netflix machines for EVERYBODY!
>7th gen cons:
The birth of 360 noscope Dorito Mtn. Dew culture thanks to the 360.
Motion Controls
Nintendo ignoring their entire system in the last two years of its life.
Death of platformers
Shotty hardware that overheated all the goddamn time.
The absolute state of Final Fantasy, although this has sucked since X so that's a no brainer.
There's no reason to play a 7th gen game over a 6th gen game.
It feels like 7th gen did more wrong than right.