Friendly reminder to take a break from your Saturday night fun and take 30 seconds out of your gaming to call up your...

Friendly reminder to take a break from your Saturday night fun and take 30 seconds out of your gaming to call up your mother and father and tell them you love them.

They love you user and they won’t be around forever.

I'm gonna talk to my mom tomorrow, I'm also flying out of state to visit her on the 19th.

My dad can die any time though.]

I'm waiting for them to die so I don't have to be alive anymore.


Thank you small penguin child.

Stop being a whiny edgy child and make up with your father, if you knew him he clearly cared about you.

>Dad left when I was 13
>Haven't heard from him in more than 15 years

Yeah user, I'll call him right up

He kicked me out of the house the day after I turned 18, this was after years of neglect and abuse, I have to go to therapy because of all the shit he did to me and hate being touched. He didn't even want me to live with him, but I was required to by law after a babysitter straight up murdered my 2 year old brother while I was visiting my dad for the summer. My mom was sent to jail for 7 years for something she didn't do and I got stuck with a parent who only wanted to parent part time.
Because of him, I was starving on the street, but still managed to get into college and make something of myself, but fuck if I didn't pull myself up from nothing to go back to him and """make up""", fuck that.

My mom's really nice though, I wish she'd stop smoking.

I love the sheltered retards on this site who seem to think that because they had perfect childhoods that everyone else's parents are also these amazing paragons of virtue, support and guidance.

At least he waited until the day after your birthday user. What a nice guy.

>Live with mother because I don't live in the USA
>Dad is dead
I could call grandma but she's an angry narcissistic bitch and the cause of many childhood traumas, so fuck her

It'll be seven years tomorrow since my father crippled me, and my mother never believed me when I said her oldest was abusing me whenever he came over.
So, nah, you're alright.

pussy cuck

Am I supposed to be upset that you're openly advertising that you're a dense retard?

very original user

No my dad's a scumbag. I worked for him for about a year landscaping, busting my balls and he barely paid me, just kept giving excuses. He reminds me of my spic childhood friend who just took advantage of me.
I'm done with people like that after living with this guy for a few months and he fucking didn't pay rent and stole my fucking debit card to buy some FUCKING SHIT CODXIVV part 2 w/e the fuck they're on.
The second you think someone might be a no good shitter, drop them Sup Forums, you're most likely right.

Yeah, it's a good thing my birthday's in the summer too so I wasn't out on the streets in the dead of winter.

Love my mum, but my dad has some serious anger management issues and I'm ready to move out, and I'm not even 19 yet.

>father gives you job and gives you skills you can put on a resume
>hate him because you are too blind to appreciate opportunities outside the present rewards

>Tfw I've never once told my parents I love them
I hope they know I do...

My dad is on the cusp of death and my mom moved in with him after 13 years of being divorced just to have to start taking care of him two months later.

I hate talking to my mom on the phone and my dad literally can't speak.

Stop talking out of your ass, faggot. My father was an irredeemable piece of shit from day one and he's only been getting worse. But of course, if I dont make up with him I'll be an edgy cuck and he only cares about me.

Not that user, BTW, but you need to stop spewing your ignorance.

t. user's dad

I tell my mother I love her everyday and I'm not on speaking terms with my dad.

Stop projecting your relationship with your father onto other peoples shit. Did your dad diddle you while you "sleep"? No? Then shut the fuck up.

My mom is upstairs I can tell her anytime I want

I live with my mom and haven't spoken with my dad in over half a decade because he used to physically and sexually abuse me. Also he hates me because I wasn't a Chad like him.

I call my mom every few days.

>live with mom
>she has to move out to take care of grandpa
>i'll pretty much live alone
I don't know what to think of it, really.

But user I just spent the whole evening with them, first making cakes with my mom while it was snowing outside then jamming on guitar along with my father. It was fun but I went back home and I think it's okay to play games now.

Care to explain

But I despise my parents.

Jesus, that's fucked up. My condolensces user. I was kicked out of my house too and I also hate being touched

I hope both my parents die a painful death.

But my parents are dead.

My dad got deported after living in the usa for 17 years with no problems. They should have waved the deportation charges it wasn’t like he arrived yesterday