Healing magic damages undead enemies

>Healing magic damages undead enemies

>use elixir on soulcage in the iifa tree
>it dies instantly

What is that face in the middle called?

>OHK no matter what with revival item

>healing misses

>healing reduced by magic defence

>poison heals undead

>ally heals enemy

>healing spells can miss

>Unholy damage heals undead

>healing reduced because the character has no faith in magic

>undead character in party
>can't heal them

>undeath is a status ailment that can be cured


>healing undead kills them

>Fire does increased damage to undead

>Fire also hurts you

>Enemy mage cast healing on undead

alwas got a good laught every time when this happen on D:OS

>fire damage heals fire enemies

Well, yeah. We already know that if you kill your enemies, they win, which means that if you heal them, they lose.

>damaged enemies heal all allies
I liked Chloromancer in rift because of this

Max DPS with life damage = maximize heals. It gave an incentive to try as hard as you could vs spam the best heal you could.

On the flip side, offensive magic doesn't work on you either.

>healing spells just drop skittles on the ground

>enemy's resistances completely negate your build
>area consists entirety of enemies with the same resistances
>no respec

>People praise my healing and send me friend invites after PvP

>enemiy can turn you undead
>they use healing magic to damage you when you're undead

>enemies can mind control the player


sauce me up. I know its kancolle, looks like shota though.

>ahegaoposting finally became a regular thing

artist is inariya

>you cure the status effect
>the enemy proceeds to fully heal you

It's like an anticipation ahegao
An ahegao that precedes the actual ahegao

Danke Dankei

appreciate it.

>the whole raid group compliments your healing skills after the raid

>there are healing spells for every element in the game

>You can pickpocket everyone, including party members

>Using healing magic on undead brings them back to life and gives them a new form

>offensive magic doesn't work because the character has no faith in magic

Never ever

>you fight former party member in the sequel

>Enemy hits your party with Slow

What games?

>having too much resistance against an element makes you get healed when attacked

>the raid group tracks you down and kills you for how bad you did

>you can use money as weapon

>If you're strong enough, you can win encounters that you were meant to lose and the game rewards you

>you can use weapons as money

name ONE game that does this

>damaging magic heals alive enemies

Dark Souls, with the Asylum Demon.

And Kingdom Hearts has at least two fights that you're allowed to lose but can win, but I don't think you're rewarded for it.

Breath of fire 3 has multiple.

ask yo momma

I got nothing, I just wanted to post this

>Make a deal with an NPC
>Can't go back on it


>Healing magic and potions damages evil enemies
>that includes biologically normal people that are just big assholes

>Now you have to suck their tits

>potions for mana and health arent fully consumed if the full effect isnt made useful
anything else is shitty game design

This made playing DDO as a cleric so satisfying.

>status effects don't work on boss fights.

>play as a semen demon
>raping men and monsters heals you

>reverse status effect can be casted on allies to change damage to healing

best part about FF12

Good game.

beyond annoying when it happens
>playing male PC
>female enemies can rape you, taking you as their struggle cuddle slave for life
pic related


>tanks bully you into submission after every dungeon

It's literally the only way to beat Weak Mode. Honestly, it felt kinda cheap relying on that to survive, but there really is no other choice, especially for the final boss.

New Vegas.
Also New Vegas.

>path divides in two


ys origin had a couple fights that would change some dialogue if you won fights you were supposed to lose

>win a fight you're meant to lose
>cutscene shows you losing regardless

>heal damages undead
>revive just revives the undead
>they're more powerful enemies when they're alive

So basically theres a correct and an incorrect path?

>boss is a tall, strong woman who acts seductively towards your party members