Best star wars game on Steam?

Best star wars game on Steam?

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Lego Starwars TFA

KoTOR, obviously.

Classic Battlefront 2
Kotor 1 and 2
Empire at war

Batllefront 2 on Origin

jedi outcast, jedi academy, kotor2

Jedi Academy if you download the movie battles 2 mod

I was gonna say KOTOR but the steam version is buggy af


Jedi Outcast and Academy hands down.
Honorable mention to OG Battlefront 2


Jedi Outcast.

Batllefront 2 on Origin

Steam version if fine are you fucking disabled?


dark forces 2

Empire at War
Knights of the Old Republic
Galactic Battlegrounds
Jedi Outcast/Academy
Battlefront 2

Can you stop posting Kylo Renopause and post someone more Sith-like? Nihilus for example? Cheers.

Nigga what

KotOR 2 with restoration mod

LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga

Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy

I hope you're baiting.

Well Kotor has a shitty port so you are fucked



>shilling this much


1. Kotor
2. Jedi Outcast
3. Jedi Knight
4. X-Wing Alliance
5. Republic Commando

Little baby man has yet to even drop a ball nevermind taste the dark side.


Rogue Squadron

Jedi Academy with Movie Battles II mod

>another Vader ripoff

I want to rape it

TIE Fighter. Anyone who says otherwise is a faggot.

>let's move his scar lmao he isn't hot enough
fuck them for doing that

tfw you got over the dumb crossguard thing and actually kind of like the saber now
it looks cool

I feel the same. Who made that decision?

Agreed. I actually prefer it over most saber designs now.


Jedi Outcast

did vader take an architecture course

He's nothing like Vader. Fuck off and die for even trying to compare.


>he isn't hot enough
He looks like a fucking school shooter. Do women actually think he looks attractive in the first place?

>can build his castle on any kind of planet since the empire is fucking huge
>chooses some kind of volcano planet so everytime he looks out the window he can be reminded of how his best friend turned him into crispy bacon

IIRC it was given to him by Sidious as a reminder of his failure

Oh, that's very nice of him.

But also him dwelling on it forever is 100% believable too.

Pic related.
Also, LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga.

Dark Forces 1 and 2.

empire at war

The correct answer is playing the TIE Fighter remake on X-Wing Alliance engine.

>some kind of volcano planet
It's confirmed to be Mustafar actually.

>empire at war
fun, albeit easy time sink
>republic commando
short, but fun as hell
>battlefront 2 [2005]
best star wars shooter
if you like rpgs then its really good

TFA was bad.


Dark Forces, Force Unleashed, old Battlefronts

You shouldn't even be asking

marry me, fellow taste-kun

that's how the dark side works, the more negative emotions the better

Academy is better.


no its not

Not him but yeah, Kotor 1 on steam is pretty damn shitty. Kotor 2 is the one with a fantastic port.

JK2 has better maps, better story, better progression and better sabre combat.

Well I finally tried Kotor 2 for the first time, and now I understand why people bitch about Peragus. It took me fucking 5 hours, and it was basically a glorified tutorial.

I'm going dual pistol Jedi Gunman build because it's actually viable unlike in 1.

Fuck that peragus level, ruined my Christmas morning of 2004

Looks just like Vader without his helmet desu senpai-kun uwu

Thee best Star Wars game on steam is Star Wars: Dark Forces 4, Jedi Knight 2, Jedi Outcast 2, Jedi Academy.

not really

Yes really

I don't see it

He has money so yes

>jedi outcast
Academy was better, much better.


>low energy

I don't know why but they makes me lol so much

Dark forces 2 jedi knight

>start playing Kotor earlier this week
>pretty good
>look up if you can romance Mission
>you can't

The OG Battlefront 2, KOTOR 1 and 2, Jedi Academy

SWTOR took note of this and made sure not-Mission was romanceable.

Republic Comando as well

what do you mean by shitty port ?
mechanics or optimalisation ?

Optimization, bugfixes, NOT FUCKING CRASHING.

because she's 14 or something like that.
you know they didn't want to be called pedos

The height of comedy are the wookiepedia entries about how Sheev did everything in his power to shit on Vader.

>We made plans for a new awesome suit that actually fits and doesn't itch to hell and doesn't randomly start beeping and everything else you asked for Vader.
>Sadly it's been cancelled because of budget reasons.

I can still only see it as a cynical business decision to try and reinvent the Light Saber like Darth Maul did

fuck i knew i spelled it wrong

besides occasional objects clipping i didn't witness any big bugs.
i've got the steam version and it never crushed.
my pc is litteral potato and the only place where i had below 30fps is skyforge.

I encountered a game-breaking bug that would make the game always crash and thus I couldn't continue on that save.

that sucks
did you end it after all ?

mysteries of the sith

Kotor 2
Republic Commando
Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005)

Yeah, I had to restart my playthrough.

Sidious had him build his base there to empower Vader even further. Every time Vader wakes up, he gets to look out his window and get angrier that he couldn't take a higher ground against Obi Wan.

Or Sheev is actually a master real estate agent, aiming to get the best deals for his properties in the galaxy.

he does it on purpose ya know, the more hate he has for others (and mostly himself) the more powerful he is.

If he wanted to make Vader angry, shouldn't he have made the castle out of sand?

I thought Vader's lair was on Vjun, not Mustafar?

Not anymore.

>>Sadly it's been cancelled because of budget reasons.
That seems too petty for Vader to accept as an answer