Steam friend/thinly veiled ERP thread
Steam friend/thinly veiled ERP thread
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haha its ironically unironic! funny!
So you're a trap?
What if I don't want erp and just want friends?
Only add me for Melty or if you're a really raunchy degenerate Radiohead tier
Just play ace attorney online.
I'll take that as a yes then. As another trap, I'm not interested. Where are the actual men?
>tfw no bf
>erping on steam
the fuck's wrong with ya'll
the only game I play these days is warframe and I fucking hate it but I cant stop playing it at this point.
Not on Sup Forums, only traps, soyboys and manchildren are here.
Hung swole BBC wielder here what's good
Where do I find the real men with fat, thick cocks full of cum and biceps that could crush my skull?
Niggers are disgusting.
I'm right here and I'm playing video games
avoiding you deranged anime pinheads
Post body.
>hey new steam friends to play with
>they rp
What kind? I can get behind some video games.
Maybe after I get to know you some.
Radiohead is good shit.
Hey you're the r9k guy!
seek sunlight
What kind of games do you like? I'll bully you in some.
I got one of those two and it’s not part of my arm.
>What kind? I can get behind some video games.
Fun ones
Add me. Or don't, I don't care. Geez.
I want a super gay boyfriend
I like a lot of games. I'm serious though, if you name some before the thread dies and I play them too, I'll add you to play some if you don't mind a degenerate crossdressing sissy boy being your friend strictly for video game related purposes.
I just dont wanna be alone anymore
add me for sex, im a girl
how to erp
If you live in yurop i will fuck your ass like a bull.
Clearly too obvious bro. No one is falling for that!
Where at?
>lo-fi hip hop
Nice touch
no thanks
OP here, glad the thread is kicking off but i just want someone to be really submissive to..
someone get me off this island
I mostly play MMOs, mobas (not LoL or DotA though), and fighting games. And your friendship better come with more than just playing games with.
Add me for consensual ERP and video games
>name is literally "notices bulge"
I genuinely admire your forwardness.
I'd add you to talk about vidya and what ERP is like (I don't do it myself but always find the people who to be interesting people) but that appears to be an ERP specific account so never mind.
>that must shit
Add me for Dark Souls 3, Destiny 2, and videogames.
>TFW can't copy URL from name because phoneposter
What kinda fighting games and MMOs? I like Tekken and Blazblue, but not a while lot else. It cos go from video games to gay shit if we both liked each other, but video games would be primary.
Add me if you want to play games I guess. I'm a poorfag so they'd probably be f2p games.
I wish I knew how to make friends.
We have or had friends in common, I'm still not going to add you guys though.
There's literally nothing wrong with ahegao and lofi-hip hop taking out all the nigger chimping.
But hang anyone that watches e-celebs, umaru, and that school idol project. Rest are forgivable even if mediocre. Also, worst sin of all is shit-taste faggots that exclusively watch anime, they universally have irredeemable taste.
Can't comment on p5, but my philipino friend enjoys it and he hates weeb games like senran.
>cerbuz is STILL alive
what a shame, I thought he killed himself.
>that artwork
Why do you make so many threads on r9k?
Tekken is my favorite fighting game and what I'm best at. BB I'm mediocre at because the online dies so fast on PC. MMOs I rotate between FFXIV and BDO for the most part with some other random ones occasionally mixed in.
>using steam when discord exists