WEBM thread


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>another Patreon never ever scam

Sad, it does look nice.


the horse riding looks pretty fun in this silly patreon game

it better not be shit


too ahead of its time

tits too big
thighs too small
arms too skinny
sword too generic
hair too grey
feet too exposed

i like these posts its a meme i like


doh my god

What was this hgame called again





thanks m8



gibbe da game pls

This tickles my fancy.

my dick needs more

This is ridiculous and I love it.

I always love the dissapointment which comes after.

is that the new bannerlord trailer?

newfags raus


I can't make out what's happening here
is he actually fucking that doll or what

>M-multi bank drifting?!

Just answer the question you ball blisters

Nah, it was an alright game, especially since I got it for free


good file name



I think its just them showing off the tech, It would still work the same weather or not you have a fleshlight attached to it.

Its just ridiculous because he's doing it in a room full of people watching him.


How well or shit is this game optimized on PC? I'm thinking of getting it but my processor is kind of ass

looks like bill from l4d


so that's what happened to Manly Tears

haha what a silly walk look at him go

first time encoding webm, hope i haven't fucked up too much.
also shoutout to the polyball dev who gave away a shitton of keys in a thread yesterday


>horse riding
I didn't see this, got a video? I just saw the wings.

never noticed there was infighting
was that always there or patched in later


you can use ragdolls now?

My i7 4770 and 780ti run it without trouble.

Why did the ghost of sonic the hedgehog possess him at the end there?


Now THAT would be an impressive toss if it weren't AI bullshit.

Was watching my friend play it, looks like complete fucking ass and worse than DaS3's gray filter bullshit. Kept crashing every 10 minutes.

I think it's always been there, but it's pretty rare outside of scripted encounters. I tried to get a Baron and a Mancubus to fight, but even though they hit each other, they wouldn't target each other. I think it's also rarer than in the previous games because of smaller hitboxes and faster enemies.

the human model was free, so i tried it out. turns out it's a ragdoll that can jump midair if it collides with itself.
at least that's what it seems like

Fuuuucking what game this is sexy

Didnt you see that one with the goat?

>It literally says "Uncharted 4 multiplayer demo" in the bottom right

No spoonfeeding today

I don't even remember, I think so.
I just suddenly realized that this game has been around a lot longer than I thought it had been.

I will take the guy who sounds intelligent's word for it



Railguns don't have recoil

Holy shit, a realistic portrayal of a railgun

what game is this?

You can't be this retarded

>magnets don't obey conservation of momentum

Explain faggot

Is this not?

>PSO chair racing

>Portal mixed with Antichamber
Muh dick it isnt a real thing is it?


go back to Sup Forums retard

It's Unreal Chamber 2

100% cock sneeze

>log in/register to view this link
Ah, I don't want it that badly. I'll just buy it or whatever if it hits the english DLsite.

D44M is such a visually monotone game.

>Sliding uphill

CS nerds need to learn some physics

What is this? Never seen it before, but I like them tiddies.

requests belong in /r/.

Don't bother. The games only runs on a chinese OS and you need a special emulator to even run it (changing locale will not work). Plus that webm is basically the whole "game" anyway.

>tfw already jerked off to this

Looks like Shadow of War but you're playing a chick.

In the first game she's a playable character/skin

He's memeing because its start citizen which as of 3.0 is pretty loosely a game

Nope, it is
Portal 2 engine branch has a brush-based entity that makes a brush surface act as a portal, so you can conjoin completely separate rooms with portal brushes to create impossible spaces

Spoonfeeding retards is one of the many reasons there are so many retards on this site

Find it yourself or go without


Shadow of Mordor DLC.

Found the sauce using iqdb.


>metal ring bend and stretch when the body moves
I hate it already

You should know better than telling people thinking with their dicks not to bother. They only realize they're wasting time once they ejaculate.

motion control and HD rumble

Runs fine, no very little slowdown for me on 960 2gb

anyone saying it crashes constantly etc is lying

They should've had some kind of a character creator or character selector or something for the Shadow of X games. Talion is so bland and boring and generic, at least let me be my own bland and boring and generic OC, or a big fat black chick with a purple mohawk.

cashing out on got hype

Oh shit that sounds amazing, thanks anons


its time for you to go back


That's GTA, my dude. There is a actual tron game but it's bad.