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Xenoblade 2 thread
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I hope mods don't randomly kill this thread, i need pics of kitsune nia.
I need this.
(reposting because the other thread was 100% shit posting)
There are two kinds of people on Sup Forums those that spent the last 24 hours play a great game, and those that spent the last 24 hours shit posting.
"This whole area was beautiful, full of life and every nook an cranny had something. I literally got lost in it. 10/10 wow."
Love the trumpets in the day theme.
Was she hiding those hips all this time?
I can't wait to fap to all the blade girls. It'll be glorious.
So do we use not care about spoilers anymore?
If you come into these threads, you should be wary of spoilers by default.
If you care about spoilers, you should have leave Sup Forums as soon the leaks started to appear.
Fuck you, all the xenos "threads" on Sup Forums right now are shitposting, this one is our "Elysium".
Is Opheon Pyra's pet snake?
Bought it against my better judgement and I’m only at the sunken ship but damn it’s fun so far. Digging the story progression. I mean, I’m only, what, an hour or two in and I already care about Rex. That scene in the crows nest on the boat... damn.
Did you fellas get the game?
Not me, i am a switchless poorfag, but i don't care by spoilers, in fact, i crave for them.
I did. I am loving it so far. Except the birds. Bad memories from XBC1. Otherwise its great.
Is this a part of some sort of character revelation twist or just a generic animu powerup. Former or latter?
So far, I'm enjoying myself.
I just forgot that Xenoblade's equipment and item management is fucking nuts and takes at least 3 playthroughs to optimize.
Anyone got Finch yet?
How is the bird?
>First rare Blade is Boreas
>Think it looks cool but it literally fucking blocks half the screen so I can't have it follow me
Is it a good game or were the critics right?
I got my brother the special edition and if it really does suck I'll return it and get him something else like Destiny 2 or something.
Is the first game on N3DS a good port?
Fucking this. This nigga is too fucking huge.
>the one consistant thing across the series are the incredibly unfunny and uncharming jar jar Bink's creatures
remember that hint early on? You can zoom your camera in and out and even adjust the height.
Yes it's a good game
It's a decent port but it's fucking 240p and the absolute worst way to play the game.
The critics gave it an 84. That's pretty good on all accounts outside of Sup Forums. Let your brother decide than a bunch of false flaggers on Sup Forums. I personally am enjoying it so far.
Well, good. At least I can be surprised to find out who she really is, even if the game was like "hurr that's sounds like the governors daughters name from long ago" or some shit.
It's a solid port in that it runs fine and plays well but if you're a grafixfag you will not like it, the textures and resolution are a big downgrade of the Wii version and that's saying something as they weren't that great on Wii to start off.
Anyone have a video with a good rundown of the combat system and how it works?
Also this. I kind kill for crap in terms of speed and as far as I know I am doing most of the things right.
How is this relative to XB1 and XBX?
Ah, I take it you don't mind spoilers?
I've been cautious but sadly some have slipped through the net. But as another user said before the falseflaggers got wind of a new game for the Switch, one other summed it up well.
The spoilers can be an issue but the execution is far more important than knowing what happens. That said it is nice to keep some mystery so still being careful.
So far, I'm really feeling it save for one shitty thing,
My pro controller's analog stick won't let me run full speed when pressing up on the stick. It's not the controller either since it's fine in all other games.
anyone else having this issue?
How the fuck do you get into the warehouse without paying 100,000?
>Game Voice 0
>Game SE 0
>Game Music 10
Melia reaction pics are old stuff, from now use her new version, now equipped with fox ears and dynamite hips, but still cucking as always.
If you tell him you won't pay 100 000g he makes you a friend price at 90 000g. Still don't know how to get in for free though.
Shitposting is against the rules
You can't run in this game. Pressing the stick just toggles the map now.
Yeah, it sucks. I heard buying some shop raises your speed.
Post your combat guide then.
It takes a while to get going, so the critics who only played 30 minutes before writing a review based off the trailers and the box art were never going to like it.
It also has a tone that's basically straight out of anime complete with a lot of fan service so it was always going to get points docked out of a review for that.
The environments feel like a love letter to the late 90s PS1 RPGs, they look like something you would have gotten in a pre-rendered background, or in a manual back then.
Its not as good as the original, and is a lot less focused with silly stuff like Astroboy, and the combat feels like they messed something up, but I've been playing it practically non stop since I picked it up so they obviously did something right.
You mean you can't marathon run, basic run is still there
Finally figured out the combat system, seems pretty intuitive with the chaining system. I'm really disliking how you have to stay stationary to perform auto attacks though, it makes the combat feel significantly less fluid. Only 3 arts per blade seems really limiting too, but I've only gotten one decent Rare Blade so I need to experiment around more.
The lack of a tutorial menu is fucking retarded too, especially when they nag you with pop-ups early on and then proceed to have no resources for reviewing them.
how likely is it that they patch fucking handheld mode's visuals and performance, a game this long doesn't feel right on a TV. or maybe it does.
but comfy tabletop play though
Don't reply with Gamexplain again.
Question: have you beat the game.
Is there any way to view old tutorials? Game throws so many at you so rapidly for the first few hours I've already forgotten what half the UI elements in a battle mean
Basic "run" is still slow as fuck though. At least you can ride on Dromarch as Nia and even use him to climb vines which is cute as fuck
Mind explaining man? I can't kill creatures for god knows. I wait to activate my arts till auto attack 3, hit the appropriate angle and spam my ulty. But nada.
nah man, i can run in other directions just fine, i'm running at an angle just to hit full speed.
Why do I feel like I'm doing cancelling wrong? How do I know when I get it right
Use an art before the auto attack connects.
That's a good deal friend should take it.
Jumping fucking SUCKS ASS too.
The jump was fucking epic in Xenoblade X. You could jump like 20 feet. I hopped around everyone in 1 and X. The jump in this game actually stops your momentum so it's fucking useless for hopping around.
Literally everything about this game is wrong.
The handheld complaints are justified, but blown out of proportion. You honesty can't stand how it looks on a 6 inch display a foot and a half away from your face? Really?
I wonder who's behind this post.
A blue circle will appear when you time it right
I'm there right now, just taking a break to post here. Part of me wants to go there already to check it out but the other part of me is calling to explore instead, admittedly I didn't really enjoy the head and Garfont village of Uraya but everything after that was great. Here's a screenshot I took too.
I personally do it when I see the slightly bigger white damage number indicating my autoattack just registered and it works fine. A blue circle pops up to show you've successfully canceled.
Is this the first threesome ending in a JRPG?
X felt like a game that put gamefeel above everything else. It was fun to run, move, jump, etc, but my god did it expose the engine for what it was. A lot of the vagrant pop in problems are masked by the lower run speed and jumping in XB2, but it's just not as fun to move.
What does it do anyway
That's what makes the blue circle visual cue, right?
Isn't it technically a foursome?
Not yet, I only just started it this morning.
Raises your art damage and increase the special meter faster
i don't have the game lol
Raises your arts' damage/healing and double the special meter gains
Rolled my first rare-blade. Got Azami, what am I in for?
Are you one of those guys that looked at a native 720p screenshot on your computer and didn't realise the Switch screen is tiny? can't say anything about the GTFO before we spiler your ass...
>visible vaginal bones
tell me Sup Forums, why is she going out flaunting those?
Bonus shot.
A neet time. Get the Ether Cannon range core, it makes her much more useable.
Is it better than 1?
You can buy an item that boosts the cannon weapons damage. Check the stores
No. But then again, what is?
>Have to break immersion by fast travelling from the belly of a beast to Toras house to upgrade poppi
Rustled my jimmies.
no, but i am an autist who went to the eshop and saw screenshots of the game on the switch screen, but that's not representative of what the game actually looks like
Which story has more twist, this or XC1. Anything in this game beat the Zanza reveal in the original?
But I didn't say anything about the plot.
I'm at the chapter 3 and I can say that the pacing is much better and the plot intriguing as fuck. It's a "xeno" game for sure
I didn't get the appeal with 1. This is right up my alley though. More likeable characters, a less rigid battle system, side quests that don't require a wiki, and a more even pace overall
I haven't beat the game yet, didn't even finish chapter 3, but I've been spoiled of an end-game twist that should give the Zanza origins reveal a run for its money
The Zanza reveal in this game
I can confidently say there are more and better twists in the first 4 chapters than anything in 1.
Combat is way better, characters are likeable too but I won't call the story better or worse until I finish it, great so far though.
You said "is not good as the original" and you can't say that until you beat it.
The whole combat system is built around chaining together Blade Combos using sequential Special Arts (the ones you press A for).
You build Special Arts by using normal Arts, which you can build faster/make more powerful by cancelling auto-attacks into.
First someone has to use a Level 1 (or above?) Special Art. It can either be started by you or a Party Member.
When a Party Member has a Special Art you'll be notified and prompted if you want to deploy it (that's what the ZL/ZR Character icon means).
Once a Special Art it used, gives a timed Status Effect to the enemy and opens up a branching path. To proceed on that branching path, you or a Party Member must use a Special Art of higher level, of whatever required element, before that timed Status Effect runs out.
If you're able to finish a path, you perform a Sealing Attack on the enemy, which is ultra-powerful but gives an enemy a resistance to whatever element that Sealing Attack was.
I think toppling plays into this too somehow but I'm not sure yet.
It shits on XBC from a gameplay standpoint, that should be enough. The story has more intrigue.
Man the romance between Pyra/Mithra and Rex was so good.
I never believe than I would be happy to see a polygamous relationship ending.