What do you think of Reinhardt?

What do you think of Reinhardt?

>anyone over the age of 13 years old still wearing briefs

fandoms are cancer

you're right, real men wears jockstraps


I want to see him choke on my dick.

I don't like sexualizing him because he's got dementia and that is probably rape.

>lethal injection

Pick two.

He couldnt beat my husbando

Looks like that war criminal who drank poison last week.

Pick one


>daddy issue fags think that's what a 60y/o man looks like

Briefs are pretty hot on guys just not the classic tighty whiteys though

t. jelly bad of lard balding at 20

who care about real living 60yo men
i like reinhardt

Oh no

>miss charge
>"I'm going to feel sad in the morning"
Why does he say this?

>two designated gay threads on
>faggot makes a third one

Good job """""""""janitors"""

Exercize a lot, and most importantly make testosteron reposition treatment, and you can look like that at 60yo.

I know many 60yo guys who look like that, but mostly were gay, because hetero man usually just let go and wait for death at that age, since their wifes succeed on sucking their souls 20 years in the past.

litterally where

Straight male detected

>most importantly make testosteron reposition treatment
lol idiot

this shit taste
tighty whiteys look hot on men, specially if they are mature or build

>mommyfags think that's what "mommy" looks and acts like

>I'm so retarded I think idealized art of a fictional character hand tailored to meet imagined preferences is a reflection of what people think reality is

Do you also think all the Japanese men who draw 11 year old anime girls with fully developed breasts actually think real 11 year old girls look like that?

At least baras are real, cake boy. Oppai loli is literally just fantasy

I'm sick of playing him.
In fact, I'm sick of playing tanks in general.
It's always
>3-4 dps
>maybe a healer if you're lucky
80% of the time if theres another "tank", its a fuckhead roadhog.
Oh, and lets be honest: roadhog doesn't aborb/deflect damage meant for other players. He's a fat DPS.
I fucking hate this game's player-base

Yeah, because aging like a hag is amazing. What is wrong with you? You can keep your performance and sexual drive for decades more with only some pills and apointments at an endocrinologist.

Or, you will tell me you're one of those imbeciles who believes going against nature is a crime because "muh moral rules taken directly from my rectum that aplies to everybody"?

most mommmy posting consists of slightly older women, 30-45 with huge breasts, which is not that far fetched. Fucking NO one posts GILFs and writes "mommy, i want milkies"

Reinhardt is for ___________

Rough buttsex.


Good husbando to have

>Boxer wearing faggot detected
Jockstraps and briefs are the best. Boxer briefs are a close third.


non-gay here, what if you're wearing a jockstrap and you get swamp ass, wouldn't that just go directly in the pants and make a big dark spot on your butt? At least boxers could absorb some of the sweat

that's why you need your own fuckboy to clean the sweat from your crack

>anyone over the age of 13 or under the age of 50 years old still playing overwatch

Hes ok.

taking males virginity

>/soc/ trash
post vidya men you digusting sluts

They should delete on principle of it being an Overwatch thread.

Tighty whiteys are literally the best choice of underwear.


Are briefs only supposed to be worn by kids?
I'm over 20 and have been wearing them my entire life....

No homo. That said i'm trying to build a body like him. Wheras grills decry the ideal as "oh my god, what a whore" men look upon Adonis and say "fuck that guy, i'm going to show him who is demi-god material".

Briefs are the man confident about his sexuality. Boxers are for "men" who feel the need to hang to prove their manliness. See also: real men where pink without shame, "nu-men" only wear pink when being ironic.

tl;dr Be a man, where your tighy-whiteys and ask all the betas "what of it?". All the alpha power lifters wear briefs.

I don't care about any of that personally, I just don't feel comfortable in briefs.

>wearing pink
>being a man

Pick fucking one

Pink is too good a color to just up and delete from your palette choices

Once men keep up their testosterone supplements into their 40's+ women will basically be invalidated. It will become clear that men will maintain the body of a demi-god (note: effort required) they will seek to whore themselves out.

Ask any women what they think and 90% of the time they will tell you usually they like boxer briefs or briefs the most because they accentuate your dick and look good.

Most gay guys like tighter underwear for that reason, and most guys I've talked to about it have admitted that they feel sexier wearing tighter stuff.

tl;dr: wear what you want, but tight shit looks nicer.


>he thinks a real man can't pull of a pink shirt

How's the black w/ flames short-sleeved shirt going?

My God, it's just a fucking underwear, a thing made for your penis not to be bouncing.

Pink shirt and a jet black suit is fucking top tier you faggot. Stepping down from that a pink polo and white slacks is top-tier casual. Just because you can't fit into the neo-80's man or new age suave-slick-suit machismo doen't mean it doesn't look good.

A deep, rich pink or purple is top tier manly. Always bet-on black is the domain of heavy metal experts and beta orbiters.

I like greens, what does that say about me?

Green is a calming colour - best suited with neutral (but no dark) forms of trousers/slacks. Someone who knows how to dress to the occasion but isn't going to make waves (damnit Rimnah). You are the guy that fucks the girl from reprographics on the christmas party but never speaks to her again and spends a year being judged by your co-workers as a weirdo.

What a grasp on color theory

He's senile.

What if I want to fuck a dude instead?

>there are never video game characters in jockstraps

Unless you want to fuck a screaming faggot, then gay men are attracted to manliness, so the same rules apply.

There's nothing to "pull off" you faggot. You wear pink a colour that's synonymous with femininity since at least the late 18th century if not the dawn of time. Just because you don't get beat up in the streets these days doesn't mean it makes you less of an effeminate metrosexual

Where did I said ANYTHING about purple or wearing only black/gray/dark colours you implying cunt? Pink in its definable range is a feminine colour, it literally makes you look more feminine, you can wear it along make-up and skin tight jeans like women do but just because its socially acceptable doesn't mean you don't look like a faggot who just came from a Christopher Street Day parade. It's a modern thing and a statement to traditional masculinity which pink wearing faggots flip the middle finger to nothing more, so spare your shitty fashion advice.

>getting this salty because real men aren't as offended by a colour as you are

Neckbeard with wallet chain and flames shirt detected.

> Pink in its definable range is a feminine colour,

Retard detected. It is well known than salm and deep shades (along with purple) are manly as fuck if you can pull it off. If you can't it enters "is he gay or not? Dunno" territory.

Wasn't pink a boy's color in the past?

I don't wear em myself, but dang if they don't show off the assets, white ones in particular are pretty inviting because you just wanna make the wearer stain em.

That's obviously Boxer Briefs though user.

Honestly it is about personal need, some guys can't stand the tightness and perspire to the point shit gets unbearable, ass sweat ain't comfy, others need the support and help with keeping their balls in check. Different people have different bodies and honestly as long as you use what works for you you are making the right choice. i personally go commando or Long Johns because that suits my needs better. I also sleep in pajama.