This triggers the reddit

This triggers the reddit.

it triggers me because i'm never getting my 90 dollars back

what a shit game

It's pretty fun. Everyone has developed rose-tinted goggles when looking back at the original Battlefront 2 and seeing incomplete footage of Battlefront 3 that was already confirmed to not run on consoles which lead to its cancellation so their expectations for a Battlefront game have become unrealistic.

>he spent 90 dollars on this game

I'm pretty sure your shit taste triggers just about everyone.
End your existence

I've noticed a distinct lack of these threads, shit was going pretty heavy for a few days. I guess the outrage of the month is over until people find their next freak out

>a moron wasting his money
>somehow triggering

>implying Bloodborne wasn't my GOTY 2015
>implying DOOM wasn't my GOTY 2016
>implying Automata isn't my GOTY 2017

End YOURself, faggot. I bet you only play Teamhatress 2.

You spent 90 dollars on a EA game?

what the fuck is wrong with you


What happens when Reddit becomes pro-white, anti-soy? You gonna become an even bigger faggot out of spite?

its your own fault dummkopf

how could you fall for it so easily after battlefront 1

whats wrong with TF2?

None of that excuses buying CashgrabFront 2
Eat shit faggot.

yep, i deserve it

fuck you, it's worse than the first one

>buying an EA game


Worse than 2004 BF? Yeah, that’s obvious since 2004 BF was the peak of the franchise, but it’s way better than EA’s last attempt. Even from the beta I knew that one was a disaster.

Its a shadow of its former self

Yeah you not only eat shit but paid $60-$80 for the privilege

>some vehicles are still on rails including the transport ship LAAT
>cross era heroes and weapons
>can not even play any of the battles from the films
>vehicles do not spawn on the map and your forced to kill yourself if you want to switch
this game fucking sucks

Stop trying to make this a thing. It's not a thing.


I think it's fun. Definitely better than Reddit said. I got Luke after two hours of fucking around in arcade and multiplayer.
>he spent 90 fucking dollars on a video game
>on an EA game no less
You should just kill yourself. You don't deserve to be happy with anything, let alone a video game.

It pisses reddit off, the privilege was all mine.
>some vehicles are still on rails including the transport ship LAAT
It’s the best way to balance out the AT-ATs since before you’d have retards just slam them into each other or crash an LAAT with all 6 passengers
>cross era heroes and weapons
More variety in gameplay is always a good thing. If you want an autism simulator set in a fictional universe, the X-Wing series has been on Steam for a couple years and is quite good.
>can not even play any of the battles from the films
>Starkiller Base
>vehicles do not spawn on the map and your forced to kill yourself if you want to switch
forcing a respawn to continue of the next objective doesn’t support vehicles is pretty dumb, I agree.


all these companies are moving to a pay to win microtransaction model.

expect to pay $60 for the full game, than another $60 for the season pass DLCs, then $$$ level money for microtransactions so your character can just be proficient in multiplayer.

dont support this greedy model, dont buy AAA multiplayer games.

>I gave $60-$90 to EA because it pisses off reddit!
I'm pretty sure reddit users breathe oxygen as well. you should start sucking off the exhaust pipe of your car so you're not caught breathing the same air as the hivemind you dumb faggot.

The only one who does that is ActiBlizz with COD and Destiny.

>dont support this greedy model, dont buy AAA multiplayer games.
but it pisses reddit off so I have to

>Automata goty 2017
>hating on tf2

Atleast play the game first before attempting to comment on it. Basically three quarters of the maps are ones directly based off the movies. The ones that aren't are based off the clone wars TV show.

Way to out yourself as an r/oxygen crossboarder. Now kindly fuck off and stop ruining this site.

>spending any amount of money on an EA game

laugh at this man

I mean what the fuck

Probably because this would be a more accurate picture

Which dude did you unlock with your 100 hours of playtime?

sorry but I think your retarded both of you, or at least should read what the game says before loading into a map.


>Stop trying to make this a thing. It's not a thing.

>85 dollars for 100 hours of gameplay

That’s a pretty good rate desu, better than most other games released this year like BotW or Cuphead which you can beat in a couple hours.

> (OP)
>85 fucking dollars plus whatever you pay for microtransactions

yeah no

A contrarian faggot and his money are easily parted so long as he thinks he's part of Sup Forums as though being a shitposting dipshit requires initiation

>t’s the best way to balance out the AT-ATs since before you’d have retards just slam them into each other or crash an LAAT with all 6 passengers
so you let trolls dictate how games should be made good to know you and dice are both retarded.

>More variety in gameplay is always a good thing. If you want an autism simulator set in a fictional universe, the X-Wing series has been on Steam for a couple years and is quite good.

yes I sure do love everyone going for the same op gun for every class because fuck canon I want to be the best, as for heroes seeing as how the response to cross era heroes have been extremely negative you would be a retard to defend it even Dice has responded to it saying they hear the feedback

>forcing a respawn to continue of the next objective doesn’t support vehicles is pretty dumb, I agree.
which can easily be solved by letting you fucking land the ship, but no you spent the battle points can't let someone else hop in it.

your defenses of this game are extremely shitty

Unlocked all of them around the 20 hour mark.
Kashyyyk, Hoth, Endor, and Starkiller only had one battle you dumbass.
>b-but it’s not 100% like the movies it’s ruined abloobloobloo
This is why everyone hates Star Wars autists.

Mmm... look at those sloppy pits

>20 hours to unlock all of them
Prove it

>Kashyyyk, Hoth, Endor, and Starkiller only had one battle you dumbass.
the game says and I quote for Kashyyyk this is after order 66, but keep being retarded okay.

Cuphead's a cheap indie game, and BotW is only short if you just charge into Ganon's castle with shit tier gear.

Also, a good portion of those 100 hours of gameplay probably looked like pic related.

jesus christ why are 4channers so autistic about reddit

nah mark my words. all AAA publishers are pushing hard to microtransactions. in years past MTs were just a background noise that no one paid attention to. in the years to come microtransactions will be nessicary to progress unless you no-life play the game to unlock pay-locked content.

hoth map intro literally says this is after the empire took over hoth you really can not read can you?

>>vehicles do not spawn on the map and your forced to kill yourself if you want to switch
Please someone tell me this is a lie

How retarded do you have to be to think that it only counts as authentic when it's a 1 to 1 perfect recreation of exactly how it happened in the films. No star wars game has ever got it 100% perfect you mouth breathing tard.

Sorry user, it's the truth. You have to rack up points in battle to spawn in as either a vehicle or hero. It's like Halo 5's REQ system

Ubisoft has been doing it too, just very subtly and slowly with For Honor and R6. Two examples of full priced games with F2P MOBA monetization schemes. Every major AAA publisher is moving more and more towards "games as a service"

Haven’t spend a penny on microtransactions since they aren’t even in the game :)
>waah I want to be an annoying shit and be detrimental to my team by turning the AT-AT completely around
>waaah what do you mean I need to play the game to unlock exploding shots or improved scopes
>waaaaaaah I hate the battlepoints system even though it’s better than letting some faggot spawncamp the vehicles

Just 100? fucking pleb.

I got a lot of problems with this game
Least of all is that every star card is a flat fucking upgrade and the basic weapons are also the absolute worst ones.

Vehicles, like hero's , are given to players who score enough points and perform well. They appear on the respawn menu when you die. Technically yes you could kill yourself but you will lose points. It's best to just continue and die naturally and then spawn in a vehicle.

It prevents retards camping vehicles spawns and taking them the entire game, and gives vehicles to those who deserve it.

I unlocked all at 30ish myself, I'm spending all credits I get on trooper/heroes crates now with about 1k parts to make my own cards if I want. My issues with the fucking loot boxes is the contents are fucking terrible for their description.
>1 Trooper crate
>Guaranteed 1 trooper item
>Also 2 items for other shit like starfighters or heroes and maybe an emote
>Get 1 card I already own and 2 hero cards/emotes
>1 hero crates
>1 guaranteed hero item and 2 for other trooper/aircraft
>Get 1 hero card / 1 trooper/ 2 starcraft ones

>dice stating these are not the battles from the films and are in fact different battles
>I am the retard.

looks like some people are more retarded then star wars autists