Q: Is Deus Ex the greatest RPG ever made

Q: Is Deus Ex the greatest RPG ever made
A: oh yes

I take it the poll was agreeable?

nothing to dispute here

What about later titles?
Personally, I hated Human Revolution, but Mankind Divided was almost perfect, like some kind of a mix of original Deus Ex and VtM:B.


im playing it right now, im ashamed i never tried it before.
its fucking epic
just finished uploading the ROM files on the versalife computer and im getting reading to re-infiltrate again.

more of an rpg than most high fantasy action rpgs.

what about Invisible War?

Post your JC user.
Are you a sneaky chad or a murderous fag?

>not playing a sneakymurderbro

Easily top 5 for me.
Different user. I started Invisible War right after I finished Deus Ex and hated it. I returned to it a year later and had fun with it, but it was such a shame they took out all the beautiful things that made the original so fun.

I tried to play it and played up to the part where you go in jail and have to find your shit again.

Does it get better? I just don't care for the story, the exploration is not rewarding as half the time it's just to get more pickups that I already have enough of or don't use since the pistol with a laser pointer one shots everything human.

Why did you play so far into if you didn't like the main aspects of the game?

You turn

I'm so willing to replay it every year it's almost pathetic.

Tried to scratch the itch with The Nameless Mod recently but the constant in-jokes and forum-speak kills any immersion/stakes. Also one of the early missions bugged out in the WorldCorp carpark, setting me back hours so I gave up. What a shame.

I wanted to give it a chance when everyone and their mother thinks it's a classic 10/10 game

At the time it came out I would probably have creamed myself on the game but I just don't find it fun enough to keep going (and I just finished the witcher 1 which is essentially that but with a great story to carry it)


I haven't played it, and I don't want to. It looks like another XXBOXX and PSPSPS2 shooter.

Where is JC during HR and MD?

Should add to JC
>engages with actual, genuine issues and conspiracies rather than stupid futurism red herrings

He was born in 2029, so he had just been born during MD and was probably already undergoing Illuminati conditioning/training.

Probably in a test tube.

I keep vowing to give it a chance - same writer, it can't be that bad, do it for the story etc - but those fucking graphics are so painful and the world has no charm.

not yet a twinkle in Bob Page's eye

Why contain it?

sneaky ;)
also cba to go on right now.

augments tho are:
fast running
emp drone (used it only once rofl, waste of canister)
health regen
bullet absorb
cloak for humanz
nightvision (was gonna go with targetting but i said to RPG it up a bit)

It's ok, but a terrible sequel.

>same writer, it can't be that bad
I don't know, I felt like Sheldon wasn't trying nearly as hard with IW.

>he doesn't train pistols

>Stops a nuke

When was this?

Late in the game there's a missile pointed towards Vandenburg. JC infiltrates the silo, cancels the launch, and redirects it towards Area 51.

I quite enjoy it


It's pretty good and has the best story, also it has nice black market ability

>best story
>invisible war

Do you have a single fact to back that up?


It didn't really have a choice. When we decided to only put one option the masses were so willing it was almost pathetic.

It's all in the numbers:
Number 1: That's terror
Number 2: That's terror

I takesty it he was snackreeable?

It's not even an RPG you fucking retard, inventory management doesn't make an RPG, is Zelda an RPG?
Also it's shit

It's more of an RPG than Witcher 1 is

Chew you havisfaction a singleicious satisfact to snack that up?

Rhetoric! And you believe it!

More quotes please

>inventory management
>dialogue system
>choices that affect the game
>quests(both mandatory main quests and optional side quests)
>experience points that you use to permanently upgrade those skills
>gear that temporarily upgrades those skills
how is it not an RPG?

I spill my drink/10

>greatest game ever made

fixed that for you.

What a shame

How can you say that when Grand Theft Auto IV exists?


it's true

IV isn't even the best grand theft auto, let alone anywhere near close to the best game. They're all generic 3rd person shooters with a lot of travel space anyway.

>IV isn't even the best grand theft auto
Yes it is.
IV > SA > VC > III = V

Liked HR, MD was perfect, i dont get why people didnt liked it

t. babby whose first gta was iv

This guy gets it.
>go on forgettable mission
>shoot guy you've never met
>get reward
>go on mission
>plant bomb in car of guy you've never met
>get reward
>go on mission
>escort guy you've been doing handful of missions for to airport
>never see them again


V is the best

My first GTA was III, and I thought each was better than the last until V came around.