Lawful alignments > Chaotic alignments > Neutral alignments
Prove me wrong.
Lawful alignments > Chaotic alignments > Neutral alignments
No alignment>>
As an autist who loves lawful, I guess it makes lawful autistic, therefore, bad, what would make chaotic and neutral above lawful.
Psychology is weird.
Lawful is mainly good if they show the great lengths 'x' character does to stay lawful.
What's her alignment Sup Forums?
The secret 10th alignment, 'Worst Girl'.
maniac alignment
The best worst girl
Prove it, you youkai apologist
Reimu can you relax a little
She has her own game
>I'm special
>not just basing your alignment on how you felt when you woke up that morning
that's chaotic neutral
Life itself is inherently chaotic since it's the only thing in the universe to act apon other things in an unplanned way.
Without chaos, you wouldn't be able to masturbate to your waifus.
Neutral Evil.
Neutral has an decent representative
Shikieiki, Mima, and Byakuren all literally did nothing wrong.
Law is always the correct path to take, son of man.
>neutral representative
you sick fuck
I lost the others edits
then why does the leader of the law faction always act like a chaos demon going full "might makes right, imma be king of everything"?
there only two alignments in these games, chaos and neutral
Junko did nothing wrong.
>Literal race traitor
>Did nothing wrong
one of Byakuren's spellcards is literally called Superhuman "Byakuren Hijiri"
keyword human. How does it feel to get BTFO'd?