What is Sup Forums's favourite FF? Currently playing FFVII and XIV.
Final Fantasy thread
Tell her to sell all her clothes instead. Fuck her.
On topic, I like five a lot.
I want to play FFVII Remake so fucking badly. Every waking second I am not playing this game is pure agony. I need this game in my life RIGHT FUCKING NOW
Fuck, hope he made some made real money off that whole set.
It's gamestop, so $50 at best
let him give them to their kid wtf
Top five goes something like this.
I haven't finished XII but I love what I've seen so far in Zodiac Age. I didn't expect to like it as much as I do.
they prob need money to raise it
that guy is getting a divorce in a few years lol what a cucklord
ok this is an acceptable reason
I have all those games
>they probably need 50 dollars before the child is born immediately from FUCKING GAMESTOP
Shoudln't have made a kid then
>selling an MMO
This is fake.
FFX is my fav. The last truly incredibly FF game. They never really managed to recapture that magic afterwards.
We'll give you 12.50, best we can do.
The case is still pretty cool for a collector.
>they need money before the child is even born
>they need money so desperately they resort to selling their possessions....but only the man's
yeah that fourty dollars he made probably funded a whole day or so of baby supplies, nice work
I don't remember this happening.
>kid on the way
>need to sell games
Why? No wonder no one likes women.
The ending of XII suffered from the game development struggles but it's still alright. The game as a whole is pretty good though, the gambit system doesn't deserve all the shit it gets and the world is amazing.
Top three are VIII, X, and IX. The only one I disliked was 2 though.
Tactics series, tho I haven't had the chance to play 12 so it could be that. I really like the Ivalice setting
>Selling your shit because a woman told you too
>Selling it at fucking GAMESTOP and losing 90% of your profits
God damn never marry a woman that cannot respect your hobbies. I do not know what planet 50$ is enough to raise a child on but it's definitely not this one.
he got 100$ at best, and that's store credit
12 wastes it almost completely sadly. Almost the entire cast is human which is quite a shame.
if you are relying on 50-100$ to raise a second kid
it's between Tactics, V and IX
>Selling super famicom games to fucking gamestop
putting aside how doing this is a retarded idea would they even take them
Bad wife, here's what a good one would do