What would make Overwatch actually playable for you Sup Forums?
Adding more characters seems pointless, why not a map editor?
WC3 and SC2 saw so much success from custom maps, literally every game does.
What would make Overwatch actually playable for you Sup Forums?
the gameplay is shit so i think it makes sense to start there
>no blue feet
>that pic
? What are you going on about? That pic isn't even MLP
why can't i ever load derp.ibooru anymore?
>trying to reason with barneyfag's maximum autism
>draw a chest
>call it a foot
They filtered it. You have to remove the first period.
A singleplayer campaign
Getting rid of Pharah's armor, to be desu.
How did Overwatch attract the audience it did? I don't want to risk getting arrested in case I misgender someone by accident so I dare not play it.
it attracted all the people that tried tf2 but were not good enough to enjoy it
A single-player campaign would be nice. Also, get rid of lootboxes.
I don't know. But I don't play online multiplayer games, as they bore me (sole exception is battlefield 2)
Maybe if the developers didn't nerf your damage output when your on a winstreak and they need to shut your fiesta down.
>barneyfag is still alive
When will the FBI take this fucker out.
Footfags are literally worse than scatfags.
This isn't even good foot fetish fap material, they had one job and fucked it up.
I don't usually hide threads, but for you user, I will make an exception.
Does that really happen?
A map editor definitely should have been available at launch. Private servers would also be really nice, but for some reason we live in an age where people would rather have casual matchmaking systems that take longer to find the same shitty matches.
Some other things:
>characters should have more than one weapon, or at the very least they shouldn't all have the same shitty melee attack: Roadhog's gun wouldn't have to have an effective range of two inches if he could deal big combo damage with his melee attack instead
>characters shouldn't be completely dependent on an ability with a cooldown for mobility
>a lot of the hitscan weapons should have less spread and more actual recoil, mainly Soldier 76s rifle
>Lewd outfits for everyone
All of these things would pretty much require the game to be rebuilt from the ground up though, so shit's fucked.
Stop posting bad feet
meant to say "most".
lmao just play paladins
That doesn't actually happen