Talent > skill

talent > skill


whats the point of practicing so much when your skill could never beat someone who is just naturally talented?

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i may be unskilled but at least i dont actually believe talent is real

after watching this video im fully convinced talent/genetics are everything

This video doesn't delve into it, but you also need to factor in psychology. You can psych out the best opponent, and that makes all the difference.

Honestly when you realize how much genetics plays a role in everything that makes people who they are it gets pretty depressing. Not just looks, but strength, endurance, and most depressingly, intelligence. Nature plays much more of a role than people like to think about.

This subject gets hijacked and turned into a racial thing all the time, but even that's true it's really only scratching the surface of the implications. For example even if whites are smarter than blacks if youre a white person born with shit genes, doomed to be dumb and ugly, what's the fucking point? I think the main reason its so depressing is that there's really just nothing you can do about it, you have to learn to deal with it. If you're born into a poor family you can always get more money. It might be hard and the opportunities may be slim, but you can do it. But no matter how hard you try you can't get better genes.

Maybe this won't be such a problem in the future when we're engineering babies before they're born.

>natural talent


Nobody is naturally talented at anything you cuck

prove it

talent != starting off with skill in something
talent = being able to learn something faster than others

The NBA doesn't need basketball players, they need 7 foot guys who can jump. They can teach them basketball.

The only ones who deny talents exists are either in denial faggots or idiots who hasn't encountered with real talent.

Once you have something you are good at, that you are recognized youre good at, you are bounded to encounter with talent. I'm not saying that you don't need to work out with talent, talent demands hard work.

>implying you need talent to succeed

>High Responders CHADS
>Play RTS, Fighters and strive for competition
>Low Responders Peaseants
>Play games with "I Win" buttons, don't like competition and avoid confrontation

Feels good to be a chad.

/thread, really.
The media and the people in general makes you think talent is something that a person is born within but in the end it only makes a difference in how fast you learn things.


>ywn be high responder

To be fair. Mozart was forced to train like crazy since his early days.

>but in the end it only makes a difference in how fast you learn things.
Which is incredibly important. A high IQ high responder can train and study less and still outperform you.

Ya gotta have gumption. And heart.

>I think the main reason its so depressing is that there's really just nothing you can do about it, you have to learn to deal with it.

Not for long, m8. Practical applications for CRISPR are moving along at an absolutely amazing pace.

Find me a babby fresh out of the womb that's naturally talented at anything

Oh wait you can't

>people believe stuff like this is possible without innate talent

This. Beat the crap of my entire family (brother, cousins, dad uncle) at bomberman. Pwned noobs at CS and Dota for years. Find SCII and realize I can play without having whining as background noise. Never looked back.

>have asthma
>tfw a literal fetus is more talented at breathing than me

>can barely do 10 pushups

>good cammy player
>gets his ass handed to him by a kid half his age

Babbies can be naturally talented at learning and recognition, which are incredibly important. Consider the differences between someone born with Down's Syndrome and a normal baby. Do you seriously believe that the normal baby does not possess more talent?

Keep doing it, my dude.
After you feel good about doing 10, do 15.
Then start benching or something

Really, I've been a lazy piece of shit most of my life but when I landed a good job where I had to do move a lot of heavy shit I barely had to struggle while my co-workers whined all day long.

It's all about luck, if you're good at something you should just stick to it.

That's because the downie is literally retarded you fuck

>be me
>high school football player in a good school
>constantly in contention for state championship
>southern state so football is everything
>also a short, stalky Hispanic
>bust my ass like nobody's business
>manage to start junior and senior year
>over the tall, athletic black kids the coaches were desperate to put over me
>but I outplayed it all
>deep in play-off run
>cornerstone of defense
>go up against the inevitable ghetto school that "slave eugenic"s their way through the season
>every time I encounter one of their ball carriers, the completely outmaneuver me
>in open field, they've juked three times before I've even had the chance to react
>on the line, they manage to vanish right in front of me an appear in a gap on the other side of the line in less than a second
>I'm completely powerless to keep up with their speed and reaction time
>all my preparation: year-long training, five days a week, studying film every night, busting my ass harder than anyone in practice
>all of it utterly failed in the presence of raw talent, of skills I could never learn or acquire
Talent is real. The genetic lottery exists. Some people know because of science and logic. Others learn by having the culmination of their hard work flounder in the presence of those with natural gifts.

What's the point? I'm a

no sweetie :)

It also can be depressing when you realize how much you waste your genetic superiority.
I am over 6' tall who knows 4 languages and earns 9k a month, who was quite muscular without training and gets muscle mass easily when training... I could become anyone I wanted, yet I am simply too depressed to do my best because my parents caused childhood obesity. I lost a lot of weight as an adult, but trauma from treating a fat kid like a fat kid stayed.

let met guess fucking leftists say talent isn't a thing like nonbinary shit

And to a brain chad you're retarded as fuck.

Of course it is, all you are doing is affirming my claim that talent exists. If it didn't, then retardation necessarily COULD NOT EXIST. And likewise, we would find that babbies raised in the exact same circumstances would respond to mental tests in the exact same way. This is obviously false; talent is a real thing.