>game lets you be an absolute dickhead with zero consequences
Game lets you be an absolute dickhead with zero consequences
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>game becomes significantly more difficult if you fuck around
I don't know why I can slam people's faces into car doors in Sleeping Dogs. I mean...I'm a cop...and a classy gangster. Neither one of those things sounds like a sociopath.
that's not being a dickhead thats just being a criminal
Give examples OP
Shit sucks.
i love it
paper mario ttyd
>classy gangster
gangsters are sociopaths
What is every WRPG with a choice or affinity system? And some JRPGs as well.
I don't play bethesda games because I don't like bad video games, but aren't they supposed to have reactive NPCs? Like when you talk like an asshole they start to dislike you?
I never do. I can happily murder hundreds of guards who are just doing their jobs and have lives and families and are probably terrified of me, but I can never bring myself to pick the mean dialog options and screw over friendly characters.
It's the same in Bioware RPGs. You talk like an asshole and everyone shuns you. But the main story events don't change. And when you have to do a main quest, party members just treat you the same way they would if you were going total lawful good. The only thing it changes is how you play the game. Being a dick to everyone means more NPCs attack you and you get different missions.
Not really. Bethesda games tend to have reputation systems. A good example is if you act like an asshole, EVERYONE will treat you like an asshole because "they've heard of your actions."
“Classy” mafia types are usually functioning psychopaths
>being good always gives better rewards
If only games knew I was choosing the good option purely for the better reward.
I want to have to be a dick to squeeze cashola out of chumps.
I remember when I was playing SMT4, I would try and be nice to demons to get them to join. At some point I said fuck it and started being an ass. Suddenly, I had about a 70% success rate at demon negotiations.
The good choice should rarely be the easy choice tbqh
Fucking oath.
The good choice, especially in games with morality systems that mean something, should, at least most of the time, involve some sort of sacrifice.
I've heard Postal (2) lets you play a normal day to day life or cause absolute chaos.
I believe the following games let you be an ass:
Mass Effect
Papers Please
State of Decay
Does mass effect really? I've never gotten past the first mission cause I'm autistic and cant commit to a build before playing.
I can confirm postal 2 allow you to do that, in fact the game become very easy if you don't murder everything.
>game makes you be a dickhead to progress
>berates you for it later
Evil acts should be selfish and about personal gain mostly, not just being a dick a lot, whereas a.gpod act should be selfless, you should be willing to give up personal gain to help others, not because you can get more out of being nice
This. I like your thinking, brother.
That's exactly what I was getting at, thanks for reiterating.
What do "good" and "evil" even mean in the context of video game worlds? Those concepts only make sense if you have a measure of objective morality, such as Christianity. But most games don't feature religion at all, and if they do, it's as an evil institution for you to defeat.
That's the reason why morality systems are always broken. The developers are a bunch of hedonistic atheists who have no real sense of morals, and simply follow what feels right at the moment. That makes all the moral choices completely arbitrary at best and asinine and contradictory at worst. Rename "evil" to "sin", and you'd actually have something there.
Sticker star
spec ops: the line
>via 9gag.com
Any point and click game.
I don't recall being berated in Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People
The best examples of evil actions I've seen is in pic related, with stuff like the Grimoire of Pestilential Thought. You always hear in fiction about these forbidden books and arts which require you to perform horrific acts in exchange for power, but they're never actually pulled off. This one actually made me feel like an evil piece of shit for selling my party members into slavery in exchanging for learning a few neat spells.
>using the bible as a measure of objective morality
considering you whined about contradictory morals, perhaps you should start by looking at your own post.
>give up everything you own, goy! there are poor people who need it! this totally isn't communism 0.5!
>except this expensive oil this woman shall rub on my face don't speak ill of her she's done me well even though we could have sold it and fed the whole town
Fallout NV
English isn't great
DnD was good for that, not for the strict adherence to alignment, but the ideas of selfishness and selflessness
I also think some good acts should be particularly rewarding, but not every time and not just picking the option to not be a dick in a single quest, but sometimes it should give something back
Good deeds should be payed in kind, just not the way selfish acts pay
Based golden dragons
I fucking loved the dialog choices in the game. I fucking loved this game.
Sounds like every game where you can freely rob every house (like witcher 3)
You know in America Christianity is dying because of this attitude. The way you preach needs to change. Which is a shame because i actually think Christianity was a generally good thing for Americas ethical structure.
Being hateful and commanding people to fear god simply does not work like it used to.
The moral choices seem arbitrary because morality is rarely black and white, bible basher
>9gag watermark
Try worldwide. Christianity is going out of style in Canada, Europe, Russia, and Australia, and it's never been more than a niche in Asia.
The only places where Christianity isn't experiencing major losses are South America and Africa.
Who cares? user probably just googled it and did not erase the water mark.
Ir's booming in South Korea actually. That country is so oddly fucked. They got feminism there but all it amount to is them harassing guys on the internet and fucking exclusively foreigner dudes. The women are outstanding too especially the rich ones in Seoul.
Either way what they are basically doing over there is going after students who do poorly on the college entrance exam. Kids like that are super depressed and look for anything to give them hope.
What game is this, user?
Xenoblade Chronicles X.
Man XCX was such a fun time, aside the whole main plot and themes of xenophobia the game was just a fun goofy sci-fi.
But on the other hand, while the dialogue options are funny there are heaps of times where if you chose the wrong one it will end up in a character dying.
>Zero Consequences
>Gets chased down by police and gunned down in the ending
>game doesn't let you be a dickhead
Assassins Creed is probably the worst offender. A sandbox game that doesn't let you explore, doesn't let you complete objectives the way you want, and doesn't let you dick around.
How this series has such a huge following is beyond me. I remember one time I got really bored in 4 and just started jumping around. I slapped a random dude with my big toe and the whole fucking mission reset.
the consequence is that the entire game is boring and monotonous.
I remember this weird fucking box art holy shit thanks for the throwback
Raw Danger?
oops, forgot to attach pic
That's boring though. That's like saint's row.
Slut talk for yourself trying to do a pacifist run is so hard when it gets past Wednesday holy fucking shit never again
Alpha Protocol actually does this well.
>in 4
It's not surprising. All that Black Flag memeing is just that, memes. The game is horrible the moment you step out of the boat.
>Can literally murder your bully in cold blood
Game was alright.