I just hope Skyrim 2 can give me the sort of exploration experience Elex has.
I just hope Skyrim 2 can give me the sort of exploration experience Elex has
Is it any good what r flaws
it's your typical Piranha Bytes game, such as Gothic and Risen. so you can expect a pretty great world, decent graphics, decent to meh story and dialogue, great attention to details, and bugs. PB games are known for having a long hobo phase which turns some people off, but i love the feeling of finally gitting gud.
It's really fucking good. It's a Piranha Bytes game, the developers of Gothic.
The flaws are that the early game is hard and the combat is a bit janky which leads to the difficulty. Dialogue and questing is actually good unlike some of their other games like Risen.
It's one of those shitty eastern european open world RPGs people pretend are good because it's not made by bethesda.
I'll be honest thought risen kinda sucked should I get this
Kinda looked like fallout and sky rim combined which I think would be awesome but I know a lot of this board hates popular games
>decent to meh story and dialogue
The story and dialogue is actually pretty good in Elex though. It's not up there with the Infinity Engine games but nearly every quest has multiple choices and solutions. The best thing about it is how dynamic the story is, you get so many choices between who you kill and who you ally with and the story just continues on.
dont listen to the fanboy(s) in this thread, the game is shit compared to gothic 2
It's much better than Risen. Better story, much better quests and dialogue, bigger open world. I enjoyed Risen but I would rate it like 7 and Elex a 9. If you do play it just make sure you focus 100% on getting the best equipment you can afford at the start and pumping your stats into being able to use it. Combat is really hard at the beginning so every little bit helps.
i stand by what i said because the English translation isn't that great, and too many times the subtitles don't match the spoken dialogue.
this game is better than gothic 2 let alone risen
So everything is good
Yet it's not popular
Hmmmm something is fuckey
it's a low budget game with 0 marketing and Piranha Bytes are known for having a kind of cult following, especially in Europe (the devs are German).
its a game for WRPG fans. casuals get mad as fuck because they cant kill every enemy at level 1 then proclaim the game is shit
Yes, good, not great. And the combat isn't even really good, it gets the job done.
PB fanboys will glorify any PB game. maybe its because they're german
I'm not even close to a PB fanboy, Gothic 1/Gothic 2/Risen were all 7/10s for me. This is the first game from them I really like
It's pretty much agreed that Gothic 1, Gothic 2, Risen and Elex are their only good games.
elex is worse then the rest by a large margin
t. nostalgiafag
if calling me that makes you feel better about your precious game
Have you actually played Elex? Post a screenshot of your character.
to prove something to a random dick on the internet?
Your computer wasn't good enough to run Elex so you pretend it's bad just so you can join the conversation. Get out of my thread loser.
Pretty low bar to set user.
You problably played one of the bad ones like the 3d Divinity games, Risen 2/3, Gothic 3/4, those Drakensang games etc
There are a few gems and Elex is one of them.
I haven't played it yet but I'd probably buy it full price if it had a robust character creator.
I'll pick it up when its on sale sometime I'm sure.
>SKyrim 2
Uhhmmm it would be Oblivion 3, sweety
I heard you can fuck a bird in elex is this true
There are a lot of roleplaying moments in the game but I haven't come across anything like that.